Why disband the police?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?
criminals need to realize the cops are who protects them from us not us from them,,,
Why disband the police?

Because police bands rarely play anything you can dance to.

Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?
When blacks are the only ones that commit crimes I will agree until then the blacks are not the only demographic that commits crimes.
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?

Let's start with sanctuary cities and see how it goes. Then move on to cities in blue states.
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?
They want to defund the police when a female cop with decades of service accidentally kills an unarmed resisting man with a warrant and a bad attitude (Daunte Wright).

They don't mention it when a Capitol police officer deliberately shoots an unarmed mostly-peaceful protester climbing through a window inside the US Capitol who has numerous law enforcement officers directly behind her (Ashli Babbitt).

The Biden Admin still has not released the identity of the Capitol police officer that purposefully shot Ashli, only claiming that it was justified.

The officer who shot Daunte, was immediately ID'd by the MSM and forced to resign before trial.

There is a double standard, and it appears to be based upon the political views held by the victim.
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?

Nobody wants this except the far left loons.

Because far left loons
If they disband police, private communities will arrange their own policing ... better pay and fewer rules (and a lot less paperwork).

I say it's an idea whose time has come.
So lets go back to the wild west and the era of might makes right? Detroit ends up like Mogadishu with drug addled gangs in Toyota Hi-lux pick ups with AA guns mounted in back roaming the streets? Summary executions? Wouldn't that be great?
Who in their right mind thinks that's reasonable? Lets focus on the real problem here: Poor blacks are 13% of the population but commit 37% of the crimes. Why cant we demand that we need MORE police? Most police/black interactions that go bad are NOT the police' fault. What say you?
Demilitarize them.
If they disband police, private communities will arrange their own policing ... better pay and fewer rules (and a lot less paperwork).

I say it's an idea whose time has come.
So lets go back to the wild west and the era of might makes right? Detroit ends up like Mogadishu with drug addled gangs in Toyota Hi-lux pick ups with AA guns mounted in back roaming the streets? Summary executions? Wouldn't that be great?

That pretty much describes Detroit today.
If they disband police, private communities will arrange their own policing ... better pay and fewer rules (and a lot less paperwork).

I say it's an idea whose time has come.
I already did that.
If anything happens here....call ME.
I may be servicing a fire engine or some of their stuff (for free) but I can be home in 5 minutes. Better if I take care of it.
Wont cost the taxpayer a nickel.
I have a backhoe too
If they disband police, private communities will arrange their own policing ... better pay and fewer rules (and a lot less paperwork).

I say it's an idea whose time has come.
So lets go back to the wild west and the era of might makes right? Detroit ends up like Mogadishu with drug addled gangs in Toyota Hi-lux pick ups with AA guns mounted in back roaming the streets? Summary executions? Wouldn't that be great?

That pretty much describes Detroit today.
Perhaps it does, and BLM and the democrats won't help you, either.
And judging by some of the comments , some of them think its a joke.
If they disband police, private communities will arrange their own policing ... better pay and fewer rules (and a lot less paperwork).

I say it's an idea whose time has come.
Imagine how this is going to go making guns illegal. That should be fun.

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