Why Did Trump Win? Here's why.


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2016
Right here
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.

John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.

It's Putin's fault Democrats didn't go out and vote for Hillarious. The rest is just vast left wing conspiracy.
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.
I don't have any questions and wonder why his opinions should have any meaning to me. What am I missing?
Not a danm thing. LOL

Trump won because the Dems managed to nominate a candidate who couldn't turn out the vote, despite having an opponent who demonized every minority group except possibly gays. They saw it coming in the final days when they pulled out every stop to try and generate some enthusiasm, and Comey certainly didn't help, but every criticism of Hillary was well earned. Obama excelled at out maneuvering the GOP, but imo a question will linger as to why he didn't signal early on that he would welcome someone from the party's mainstream, other than just Biden challenging her. Loyalty is great, but he walked the plank for her. LOL
Obama's legacy:
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty

+ Destroyed healthcare

+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage

+ Turned race relations back 100 years

+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals

+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps

+ Restarted the Cold War

+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies

+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house

+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
Trump won because he got more labor vote in the so called rust belt than any GOP candidate before him.

You know, union people, the people establishment conservatives hate??? lol
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.
I don't have any questions and wonder why his opinions should have any meaning to me.
I'm not interested in cooking, myself. That's why I don't contribute to any of the 'FOOD' threads in the "HOBBY" Section. So I wonder why you are responding to a thread entitled "Why Did Trump Win? Here's why".

What am I missing?
The 'off switch' to your computer?
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.
I don't have any questions and wonder why his opinions should have any meaning to me. What am I missing?

Don't dismiss what he says so quickly. Did you watch it? There are many salient points and observations. I suspect the Dems will be more agitated than Reps by his comments and views.
Trump won because the LIBERAL NORTH wants their industries and jobs back.

Verily I say, thank you for helping to keep Killroy out of the White House, libs! Truly!:beer:
Trump won because he got more labor vote in the so called rust belt than any GOP candidate before him.

You know, union people, the people establishment conservatives hate??? lol

What's curious is how the left actually missed this (very good point) fact.

There are two important factions in the democratic world that are not in sync.

You will not get both to vote the same

1. Unions who want to protect wages

2. Illegal alien supporters that, by their support, drive wages down.
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.
I don't have any questions and wonder why his opinions should have any meaning to me.
I'm not interested in cooking, myself. That's why I don't contribute to any of the 'FOOD' threads in the "HOBBY" Section. So I wonder why you are responding to a thread entitled "Why Did Trump Win? Here's why".

What am I missing?
The 'off switch' to your computer?
Why? I would miss your idiotic posts. I noticed you couldn't answer my question which was why you think there are unanswered questions and why the guy's opinion should matter.
Why? I would miss your idiotic posts.
I had second thoughts about my response to you, thinking that I might have misunderstood you and that I was too harsh. But I see that my first instincts were correct.

I noticed you couldn't answer my question .......
"Couldn't"? But I could have. I still can. But seeing as my first instinct was correct ..... what would be the point in me wasting my earnest time?
Trump won because he got more labor vote in the so called rust belt than any GOP candidate before him.

You know, union people, the people establishment conservatives hate??? lol

What's curious is how the left actually missed this (very good point) fact.

There are two important factions in the democratic world that are not in sync.

You will not get both to vote the same

1. Unions who want to protect wages

2. Illegal alien supporters that, by their support, drive wages down.

To the extent that Democrats may have gotten away with that in the past is that the GOP never ran a candidate who went directly after union voters.

Trump's win ironically, as much as anything else, is a repudiation of the traditional, establishment anti-unionism.
Now we get to see if he meant it.
Why? I would miss your idiotic posts.
I had second thoughts about my response to you, thinking that I might have misunderstood you and that I was too harsh. But I see that my first instincts were correct.

I noticed you couldn't answer my question .......
"Couldn't"? But I could have. I still can. But seeing as my first instinct was correct ..... what would be the point in me wasting my earnest time?
Nah, you just went all smug again. You can't answer.
Trump won because the LIBERAL NORTH wants their industries and jobs back.

Verily I say, thank you for helping to keep Killroy out of the White House, libs! Truly!:beer:

And Trump moved to the LEFT of Hillary on those issues.

A Republican winning by moving to the LEFT?

lol, I thought that wasn't possible.
John Pilger is sometimes much too dour, as he is here. But .... here are the answers to all of your questions.
I don't have any questions and wonder why his opinions should have any meaning to me. What am I missing?

Don't dismiss what he says so quickly. Did you watch it? There are many salient points and observations. I suspect the Dems will be more agitated than Reps by his comments and views.
I'm pretty familiar with the election. What was his best point?
Trump's win ironically, as much as anything else, is a repudiation of the traditional, establishment anti-unionism.
Now we get to see if he meant it.

I think everyone is waiting to see.
Trump won because the LIBERAL NORTH wants their industries and jobs back.

Verily I say, thank you for helping to keep Killroy out of the White House, libs! Truly!:beer:

And Trump moved to the LEFT of Hillary on those issues.

A Republican winning by moving to the LEFT?

lol, I thought that wasn't possible.

I don't even know what you're ranting about, but I'm not one of the cool kids here. lol

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