Why Did Trump Help Pelosi Become Speaker?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Why did Trump choose to become so unpopular and allow Democrats to take control of the House?

Because he chose to favor the richest Americans with his $1.6 billion in tax cuts instead of the typical middle class household.

Why Did Trump Choose to Be Such an Unpopular President? | naked capitalism

"Consider how easy it would have been for Trump’s Treasury Department to design the tax cut to expand his base and deepen his popularity with his base.

"The average annual tax savings of the quintessential middle-class household with an income of $50,000 – $75,000 is a paltry $870.

"Worse, the Trump corporate tax cuts are permanent, but the tax cuts for the middle class largely end in 2027."

Suppose Trump had given those middle-class consumers a $5000 tax cut instead; how would that have stimulated GDP

Who would have paid for the difference between a tax savings of $870 and $5000 for middle class Americans?

Middle Class Loses, Plutocrats Win With Trump's Tax Cuts

"The actual tax cut of the bill–he gave away about a...a trillion six.

"A trillion of it went to corporations.

"$200 billion of it went to the estate tax, which should be called the billionaires tax, right?

"To the absolute wealthiest people.

"And then another $150-200 billion went to the absolute wealthiest one tenth of one percent, in the way of taxpayers.

"And then about $100 billion goes to everybody else."

Is it reasonable to assume there would have been a much different outcome last November if Trump had followed through on his promise of middle class tax cuts?
I am pocketing an extra grand a year.
Why wouldnt the rich save more? They pay most of it. I mean... duh
I am pocketing an extra grand a year.
Why wouldnt the rich save more? They pay most of it. I mean... duh
I am pocketing an extra grand a year.
Why wouldnt the rich save more? They pay most of it. I mean... duh

Would you rather have an extra five grand a year, or do you suppose a handful of billionaires needed the $200 billion estate tax cut more than you did?

Why Did Trump Choose to Be Such an Unpopular President? | naked capitalism

"Trump could have created a real middle-class tax cut. He could have used round numbers – every household with combined taxable income below $75,000 gets a Trump refund of $5,000.

"If Trump wanted the refund more quickly, he could have given every household with taxable income below $75,000 the prior tax year an anticipatory refund of $5,000.

FEBRUARY 28, 2019
Survival of the Richest: All Are Equal, Except Those Who Aren’t

"As the animals of Orwell’s farm grew ever less equal, so in the present moment in a country that still claims equal opportunity for its citizens, one in which three Americans now have as much wealth as the bottom half of society (160 million people), you could certainly say that we live in an increasingly Orwellian society. Or perhaps an increasingly Twainian one."

Is this MAGA?
I am pocketing an extra grand a year.
Why wouldnt the rich save more? They pay most of it. I mean... duh
I am pocketing an extra grand a year.
Why wouldnt the rich save more? They pay most of it. I mean... duh

Would you rather have an extra five grand a year, or do you suppose a handful of billionaires needed the $200 billion estate tax cut more than you did?

Why Did Trump Choose to Be Such an Unpopular President? | naked capitalism

"Trump could have created a real middle-class tax cut. He could have used round numbers – every household with combined taxable income below $75,000 gets a Trump refund of $5,000.

"If Trump wanted the refund more quickly, he could have given every household with taxable income below $75,000 the prior tax year an anticipatory refund of $5,000.
I dont believe people should be robbed more because they are more successful

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