Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

And still more information:

Open carry gun advocate who drew Kalamazoo police response won t face brandishing charge MLive.com

When police approached the man with their weapons drawn, he began shouting obscenities at them before he eventually agreed to set his weapon down. Officers seized his rifle and told the man he would have it returned if he submitted to a breathalyzer test, but he declined. Police took his gun, which was returned to him the following day.

Webster said there were several reasons the brandishing charge wasn't submitted to the prosecutor.

"After reviewing the report, the detectives felt the officer was right in taking the gun for safe keeping for that time because of the response they got back from the gentlemen who was walking down the street actually carrying the gun and moving it from shoulder to shoulder, but it wasn't enough to present to the prosecutor's office," Webster said.

The assistant chief said that while it can be difficult to determine when a person is brandishing a weapon, which is not defined by a state statute, officers typically look for signs that a firearm is being waved, pointed, or displayed in a threatening manner. He stressed that it is much easier to determine an open carry advocate isn't brandishing a weapon when it's holstered or on a sling.

Webster said that while police haven't had to deal with many open carry situations in Kalamazoo, officers are trained on how to respond peacefully to demonstrators. He said this particular situation could have gone more smoothly if the man hadn't displayed hostility towards officers.

"I think the reason why in the first place that the weapon was even removed from the man is because of the guy's behavior," he said.

Webster said officers were correct to first approach the man with their weapons drawn, since that is how they would approach "any potentially deadly situation."

"With all the information they were getting; the guy was possibly drunk, the behavior when the officer tried to make contact with the individual, the shoulder moving of the gun, not having it in a sling ... that person has the immediate opportunity to fire that weapon from that position when he has a gun in his hand," ...
Thanks for admitting I was correct in my earlier post when I took you to the woodshed for claiming brandishing. There was no brandishing. They explain why.
You are totally pathetic.
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
No evidence he was a member of the Tea Party. Open Carry activists are not necessarily Tea Party members. Looks like someone needs a lesson in logic, along with firearms, police tactics, self defense laws and a few other things.
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?

it hurts when people like you slander and push fake ass, racists, bullshit..you should hang your head in shame
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
No evidence he was a member of the Tea Party. Open Carry activists are not necessarily Tea Party members. Looks like someone needs a lesson in logic, along with firearms, police tactics, self defense laws and a few other things.
Liberals look for the emotional reaction no logic involved

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


I seriously doubt you're interested in an actual discussion. But I will give a try.

First of all the man wasn't jaywalking. He was clearly not in the road. He was in the median.

Second of all, through the ENTIRE video he had his weapon at "port arms" or over his shoulder. In this position the weapon is a danger to none, save I suppose a bird should one happen to fly overhead in the case of a discharge.

If at any point he pointed that weapon at police, they would have shot him, there is no question about that. Rethe Michael Brown situation, the kid allegedly presented a danger to the cop.

In other words , if a cop had shot this dude standing there with that gun, a plea of self defense would have been laughed out of any court room, none of the cops were in n , and none of the bystanders were in danger. This allowed the police to take their time to end the situation peacefully, which IS the ideal ending in ALL such situations.You can believe cops are running around looking to kill blacks if you want, doesn't make it true.

EVERY situation is different, I don't care what it looks to like you as you sit in your easy chair and watch a little snippet of video and read various opinions, EVERY situation is different, and things are dynamic and fluid. At tje 2:29 second mark if this guy had leveled his gun at that squad car, he'd have been dog meat. He didn't though.
Rabbi is incapable of sticking with the facts as presented in the video. A POLICE video.
Statisheilhitler doesnt know what he's talking about and has to deflect when shown he is full of shit.
You're just sorry they didnt shoot him.

No, I don't want the cops shooting anyone when it is not absolutely necessary.

I want to know why this crazy-assed, drunk white man got better treatment than most would ever get.
He didnt. What treatment did he get that was any better? They didnt shoot him? There wasnt a reason to. This is why you get pwned every time you post on stuff like this. You know nothing about it. You've probably never fired a gun in your life, much less taken a course that deals with the legalities of self defense.

Lots of other people don't get the luxury of cops trying to talk them out of a loaded weapon for 10 minutes long.

Apparently, if you are white and a fucked up Tea Party freak, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I bet had that dude been black, he would have been shot.
Are you people deliberately trying to start a race war?

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Had it been a black guy, he would be on a trip to 6 feet under....
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
No evidence he was a member of the Tea Party. Open Carry activists are not necessarily Tea Party members. Looks like someone needs a lesson in logic, along with firearms, police tactics, self defense laws and a few other things.

Oh, I'm quite sure that at the end of the day, it will be noted that he was a Tea Party member.

Looks like the man who could use a real lesson in electoral statistics and, well, pretty much any kind of math, day or night, shouldn't live in a glass house.

But at least you're not telling people to go kill themselves anymore, so I assume that's an improvement, however marginal.

Now, back to the OP with some more information for the Rabbi's of the world who need some education:

Joseph Houseman Open Carry Advocate Gets His Rifle Back After Tense Police Standoff

When police responded to the scene, they found Houseman wearing what appeared to be pajama pants and carrying a rifle. When they tried to talk to him, Houseman gave the middle finger to the officers, grabbed his crotch and shouted about revolution, according to video of the incident obtained by the Kalamazoo Gazette and placed online at MLive.com.

A police officer repeatedly asked Houseman to put down his gun so they could talk, but he refused and accused the cop of "acting like a prick" and being in a gang.

At one point, when asked his name, Houseman identified himself as "Joe Schmoe."

After 40 minutes, Houseman put down his rifle, which was then confiscated by police. He also offered his real name and said he was sorry.

"I apologize. I have a bad attitude because we're losing our rights," he said.

When Houseman refused a breathalyzer test, officers decided not to give him his gun back. Instead, he was told to come to the police station and claim it the next day. He did, and his gun was returned.

Although the incident occurred in May, the video of the standoff was just obtained by the newspaper under the state's Freedom of Information Act.

Now, where have I heard this shtick about "we are losing our rights" before.

Hmmmm. Hmmmm.

Oh, here:

Ellis County Tea Party - Tea Party 101

Then the liberals went too far: They started taking away our rights and freedoms so quickly, that we woke up and realized that we HAD to get involved, or we would not be free enough to do anything about it in the future.

Or here:

Our government is taking up arms against its own citizens - Tea Party News

This is the stuff of dictatorships not a Constitutional Republic. I wrote a couple of articles last month that address the problem of politicians and their handlers who deny the rights of We the People.

Or here:

Personal Freedom Tea Party Patriots

We recognize the government is slowly taking away basic freedoms we each deserve.

Hmmmm.... hmmmm....

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Had it been a black guy, he would be on a trip to 6 feet under....

If the big black man had aimed the weapon at anyone, probably so.

Look here, took me LESS than 2 minutes to find this

Gunman Surrenders After SWAT Standoff High-Speed Pursuit Manhunt NBC Southern California

Armed black man taken into custody ALIVE after a stand off

Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
No evidence he was a member of the Tea Party. Open Carry activists are not necessarily Tea Party members. Looks like someone needs a lesson in logic, along with firearms, police tactics, self defense laws and a few other things.

Oh, I'm quite sure that at the end of the day, it will be noted that he was a Tea Party member.

Looks like the man who could use a real lesson in electoral statistics and, well, pretty much any kind of math, day or night, shouldn't live in a glass house.

But at least you're not telling people to go kill themselves anymore, so I assume that's an improvement, however marginal.

Now, back to the OP with some more information for the Rabbi's of the world who need some education:

Joseph Houseman Open Carry Advocate Gets His Rifle Back After Tense Police Standoff

When police responded to the scene, they found Houseman wearing what appeared to be pajama pants and carrying a rifle. When they tried to talk to him, Houseman gave the middle finger to the officers, grabbed his crotch and shouted about revolution, according to video of the incident obtained by the Kalamazoo Gazette and placed online at MLive.com.

A police officer repeatedly asked Houseman to put down his gun so they could talk, but he refused and accused the cop of "acting like a prick" and being in a gang.

At one point, when asked his name, Houseman identified himself as "Joe Schmoe."

After 40 minutes, Houseman put down his rifle, which was then confiscated by police. He also offered his real name and said he was sorry.

"I apologize. I have a bad attitude because we're losing our rights," he said.

When Houseman refused a breathalyzer test, officers decided not to give him his gun back. Instead, he was told to come to the police station and claim it the next day. He did, and his gun was returned.

Although the incident occurred in May, the video of the standoff was just obtained by the newspaper under the state's Freedom of Information Act.

Now, where have I heard this shtick about "we are losing our rights" before.

Hmmmm. Hmmmm.

Oh, here:

Ellis County Tea Party - Tea Party 101

Then the liberals went too far: They started taking away our rights and freedoms so quickly, that we woke up and realized that we HAD to get involved, or we would not be free enough to do anything about it in the future.

Or here:

Our government is taking up arms against its own citizens - Tea Party News

This is the stuff of dictatorships not a Constitutional Republic. I wrote a couple of articles last month that address the problem of politicians and their handlers who deny the rights of We the People.

Or here:

Personal Freedom Tea Party Patriots

We recognize the government is slowly taking away basic freedoms we each deserve.

Hmmmm.... hmmmm....

First of all in your idiotic, stupidity, you assume the Tea party people are all racist. Second you push racial hatred in the mode of the scum Al Sharpton and are proud of yourself for it. Third no one is taking any or your rights away because you live in Germany.
Last edited:
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?

Surrender noted, FLAKE!
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Typical idiot argument. Pick one small detail and harp on that.
The guy never really presented a threat. He really wasnt doing anything illegal anyway. He hadnt strongarmed a store owner. He hadnt acted aggressively. The cops didnt need to shoot him and it would have been a bad shoot.
You're digging yourself deeper and deeper on this one.

LOL. Your ignorance is fun to watch.

One exposes you for a lie - or just plain old ignorance, and then you write shit like that.


Bullets being in the gun is a small detail?
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?
No evidence he was a member of the Tea Party. Open Carry activists are not necessarily Tea Party members. Looks like someone needs a lesson in logic, along with firearms, police tactics, self defense laws and a few other things.

Oh, I'm quite sure that at the end of the day, it will be noted that he was a Tea Party member.

Looks like the man who could use a real lesson in electoral statistics and, well, pretty much any kind of math, day or night, shouldn't live in a glass house.

But at least you're not telling people to go kill themselves anymore, so I assume that's an improvement, however marginal.

Now, back to the OP with some more information for the Rabbi's of the world who need some education:

Joseph Houseman Open Carry Advocate Gets His Rifle Back After Tense Police Standoff

When police responded to the scene, they found Houseman wearing what appeared to be pajama pants and carrying a rifle. When they tried to talk to him, Houseman gave the middle finger to the officers, grabbed his crotch and shouted about revolution, according to video of the incident obtained by the Kalamazoo Gazette and placed online at MLive.com.

A police officer repeatedly asked Houseman to put down his gun so they could talk, but he refused and accused the cop of "acting like a prick" and being in a gang.

At one point, when asked his name, Houseman identified himself as "Joe Schmoe."

After 40 minutes, Houseman put down his rifle, which was then confiscated by police. He also offered his real name and said he was sorry.

"I apologize. I have a bad attitude because we're losing our rights," he said.

When Houseman refused a breathalyzer test, officers decided not to give him his gun back. Instead, he was told to come to the police station and claim it the next day. He did, and his gun was returned.

Although the incident occurred in May, the video of the standoff was just obtained by the newspaper under the state's Freedom of Information Act.

Now, where have I heard this shtick about "we are losing our rights" before.

Hmmmm. Hmmmm.

Oh, here:

Ellis County Tea Party - Tea Party 101

Then the liberals went too far: They started taking away our rights and freedoms so quickly, that we woke up and realized that we HAD to get involved, or we would not be free enough to do anything about it in the future.

Or here:

Our government is taking up arms against its own citizens - Tea Party News

This is the stuff of dictatorships not a Constitutional Republic. I wrote a couple of articles last month that address the problem of politicians and their handlers who deny the rights of We the People.

Or here:

Personal Freedom Tea Party Patriots

We recognize the government is slowly taking away basic freedoms we each deserve.

Hmmmm.... hmmmm....

How about we all just plug the shit out of this thread with a ton of unrelated shit, stop trolling your own thread. You're arguments are more worthless than your strawmen.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Typical idiot argument. Pick one small detail and harp on that.
The guy never really presented a threat. He really wasnt doing anything illegal anyway. He hadnt strongarmed a store owner. He hadnt acted aggressively. The cops didnt need to shoot him and it would have been a bad shoot.
You're digging yourself deeper and deeper on this one.

LOL. Your ignorance is fun to watch.

One exposes you for a lie - or just plain old ignorance, and then you write shit like that.


Bullets being in the gun is a small detail?

As it ends up, the gun was not loaded, but that is also irrelevant in terms of how the police must respond. They are going to respond as if a gun is loaded, to be sure.
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

Nothing says he was drunk, or a Tea Party member either, care to apologize for that reckless speculation?

See the next posting from me. That is also covered. Thank you for playing.

Yep, it said possibly drunk, just more reckless speculation, and nothing about him being a Tea Party member. You don't play too well do ya, eat the shit sandwich you made for yourself and man up and admit that your wrong.

Nice try, no go. Thank you for playing.

Really hurts when one of your Tea Party brethren jumps the shark, what?!?!?

Surrender noted, FLAKE!

Righties always have to "win" something. Funny, that.

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Had it been a black guy, he would be on a trip to 6 feet under....

No doubt.

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