Why did the Moscow Mayor’s wife give Hunter Biden $3.5 millon?

And still..no one cares. Hunter Biden still isn't running for President.
How many times you gonna post the same crap?
Your approval is neither sought nor required.

And??..nothing. Just "last wordism?".
Is Hunter running for President?
Nope. But Hunter's corruption is inextricably linked to his father, who IS running for President.

Do you want a President beholden to foreign interests? You've often claimed Trump is, despite the utter lack of evidence. Why is it okay when a Democrat does it?

Never mind. I just answered by own question.

No. You just answered your own bias. Want a small example? They..ain't running for President.

Again..no one cares. I just answered your question. Back to your alt-right wet dreams. :)
Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.
The 3.5 million was sent to Rosemont Seneca THORNTON,


Rosemont Seneca PARTNERS, founded by Hunter and Heinz

Different corporations.

There is nothing to see because Facebook doesn’t want you to see it and Twitter won’t let you share it. On Wednesday, Andy Stone, who runs ‘communications’ at Facebook, announced that the New York Post’s story was ‘eligible to be fact checked by Facebook’s third-party checking partners’. While Facebook’s faceless and unaccountable partners checked the facts, the site, Stone said, would be ‘reducing’ the story’s ‘distribution’. Stone used to work Democratic senator Barbara Boxer, Democratic congressman Jerry McNerney and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Twitter, meanwhile, stopped its users from forwarding or privately sharing the Post’s article for a couple of hours. Now when you click on the story, Twitter gives you a disclaimer, as if you are ‘proceeding to an unsafe site’. It was, however, still possible to read and circulate the Steele dossier on Twitter, and to read and circulate the racist drivel of the Iranian regime’ leaders.

Anyone with a brain can see what is going on in plain sight. The only reason Burisma would want to employ Hunter Biden is to buy influence with his father. So there are reasonable questions to be asked of Joe Biden, a presidential candidate. He is doing his utmost to avoid them. He is succeeding in this shameful evasion because the pro-Democratic media, which is most of the American media, are actively helping him. They refuse to ask him serious questions and promulgate his talking points as their editorial lines.
Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Maybe he was a great lay?
He also gotz a stripper pregnant in Little Rock.
That guy sure got around, reminds me of me...

'Maybe he was a great Kay's?

The guy had to pay for women....

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