ELECTION SECURITY... Some basic points...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
ELECTION SECURITY... Some basic points...

OK here are some very basic points if your worried your vote will not be counted.

1. Do not let anyone take your ballot. Mail in and absentee ballots should already be in your possession by the 15th of October. If you have not received your ballot and you have requested one for absentee voting, call your counties election center (Usually your county auditors office). They can verify that your ballot was sent or if it has already been received back.

2. IF you have questions about the security of the mail in system you can take your ballot to your polling place or the county elections control center (usually your county auditors office) any time during the legal voting period. They will time and date stamp your ballot after checking that you are legally able to vote. This takes about 30 seconds and many states have set up drop off points specifically for your ballot.

3. IF you still have worries, GO VOTE IN PERSON. Polling places will be set up for social distancing and many will be open three days in advance to allow for voting in a safe manner, in most states.

4. IF you see something that doesn't look right, SAY SOMETHING to your county elections board or Auditors office immediately! IF someone comes to your door to collect your ballot, tell them no and call the police. The practice of ballot harvesting is ILLEGAL in most states and is ripe for abuse.

5. IF you receive multiple ballots, or ones that do not have your name on it, call the county auditors office or your states elections board and get instructions on how to handle this. This is a potential area of fraud and ballot harvesting. NY was just caught sending out over 100,000 ballots in DUPLICATE.

6. Check on loved ones in nursing homes and assisted living areas.. Make sure that their ballots remain secure. Assist them, if they request it, and in most states a designated family member can drop off the ballot to a secure location. Again, if you see irregularities or your loved ones ballot has gone missing REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY! Several states are now reporting that senior living centers are places of sever fraud and abuse of the voting system.

What it boils down to is WE THE PEOPLE protecting our votes and our election system.

Its up to US!
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I was just asked; why do you call the state elections board if you receive someone else's ballot?.

IF you receive some one else's ballot, something is wrong with voter rolls. Calling your states elections board or your county auditor allows them to remove the incorrect address, of this person, from the voter roll and stops potential voter fraud. It also invalidates that ballot so it can not be used. Basically it keeps it from happening again and it also allows them to fix those rolls, for people who are still alive, and get them their ballots so that they are not disenfranchised.

Its a two for one... And it keeps our elections fair...
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Proud boys watching over the vote!
Lets let the PEOPLE keep an eye on this in general. Partisains from either side need to be kept out of the voting area.. Authorized poll watchers are trained people who are from both parties. The state elections commisions have people who check on all polling places and many of them show up unannounced during voting and counting to see what is going on...
Tens of Thousands of ballots being hand delivered to county auditors across the country...

Seems that very few are trusting the postal service with their votes..

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