Why did the holocaust occur?

Actually Dive, we need to put all muslims on the camper list. If islam is allowed to fester in it's current state of stupidity, we'll end up with a lot more Sunnidiots.

And yeah......it was the Jews' fault. Just like it is the fault of the middle and lower class people "buying homes that they can't afford", and meanwhile ARM's and the greedy pricks on Wall St., as well as those in the banking and mortgage business are sitting at the top, begging for money, telling everyone that the economy is fucked up and they can fix it, but you gotta give them more money.

See how that self-replicating stupidity gets out of hand?
Actually Dive, we need to put all muslims on the camper list. If islam is allowed to fester in it's current state of stupidity, we'll end up with a lot more Sunnidiots.

And yeah......it was the Jews' fault. Just like it is the fault of the middle and lower class people "buying homes that they can't afford", and meanwhile ARM's and the greedy pricks on Wall St., as well as those in the banking and mortgage business are sitting at the top, begging for money, telling everyone that the economy is fucked up and they can fix it, but you gotta give them more money.

See how that self-replicating stupidity gets out of hand?
i've been against ALL the bailouts
but that is getting off topic
What I'm saying, is that the myopic views of the power elite in the US, they myopic views of the Christian Right, the islamic assholes, as well as the bankers are of the same stripe as the myopic views of the German Reich.

If it ain't like us, kill it......which means that everything is wiped out (eventually).

God said in Revelations that 1/3 of the world was going to be wiped out. There are 3 major religions, Christianity, Judaism and islam.

Based on their track record thus far over the past 30 years, I'd be willing to bet that when HaShem comes back, the third that's gonna be winked out of existence is those of the islamic persuasion.

How does this tie in to the Holocaust? You do realize that Hitler was close allies with those in the ME, right? And......the people of the ME hated the Jews, so, maybe Hitler was influenced by those of the islamic faith, which is why he then turned out against them, and started the Holocaust.
The invasion of Afghanistain was even dumber than the invasion of Iraq
ah, my mistake

so we shouldnt have responded to being attacked
Of course we should have responded to being attacked.

But invading a whole country to capture ONE person is idiotic.

All we needed to do was put troops on the ground in the area where Osama was known to be and find him.

Instead we wasted time invading and securing the entire country.

Also, the Taliban was NEVER a threat to the United States.

They had No control over Al Qaeda and basically said so from the start.

I am never going to respond to you ever again.As far as I am concerned your trolling days are over.
ah, my mistake

so we shouldnt have responded to being attacked
Of course we should have responded to being attacked.

But invading a whole country to capture ONE person is idiotic.

All we needed to do was put troops on the ground in the area where Osama was known to be and find him.

Instead we wasted time invading and securing the entire country.

Also, the Taliban was NEVER a threat to the United States.

They had No control over Al Qaeda and basically said so from the start.

I am never going to respond to you ever again.As far as I am concerned your trolling days are over.
All I do is post the truth.

If you can't be a man an hear the facts.

It's not my fault.
Of course we should have responded to being attacked.

But invading a whole country to capture ONE person is idiotic.

All we needed to do was put troops on the ground in the area where Osama was known to be and find him.

Instead we wasted time invading and securing the entire country.

Also, the Taliban was NEVER a threat to the United States.

They had No control over Al Qaeda and basically said so from the start.

I am never going to respond to you ever again.As far as I am concerned your trolling days are over.
All I do is post the truth.

If you can't be a man an hear the facts.

It's not my fault.
you are as big a liar as we have on this forum
Back to topic..........

So what do you guys think about my theory of the Holocaust?

It was because Hitler (who was friends with the Arabs and muslims because he was looking to acquire a whole bunch of artifacts), came back from his discussions in the Middle East (or was sent messages), and the muslims wanted Hitler to off the Jews in exchange for artifacts?
Back to topic..........

So what do you guys think about my theory of the Holocaust?

It was because Hitler (who was friends with the Arabs and muslims because he was looking to acquire a whole bunch of artifacts), came back from his discussions in the Middle East (or was sent messages), and the muslims wanted Hitler to off the Jews in exchange for artifacts?

interesting theory.....since hilter was basically a jew he was as crooked and money grubbing as the rest of them.......how does hilter helping jews relocate to the middle east with the help of the surrounding arabs states factor into this.....
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

The Holocaust, referring to Hitler's genocidal practices toward Jews and other minorities happened as a direct result of fascism. Fascism feeds on Nationalism, and requires an enemy.

Jews, as a religious/ethnic minority did not suffer as much financially following WWI as most other Europeans. They were and have been rather clannish in their spending habits, and quite frugal.

Hitler stirred the Nationalism and hatred of the have nots against the haves. He needed an enemy and Jews presented one that could not only be targetted, but disnfranchised of their wealth.

Once relieved of their property/posessions, what further use to the Third Reich? Jews that were useful were put to work. Those that were not deemed useful were exterminated.

As far as why they couldn't escape Germany, you need to ask which other nation freely accepted expatriate German Jews as immigrants. The fact that no one else would take Jews either IS a factor in the number that died at the hands of Hitler and his cronies.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

As far as why they couldn't escape Germany, you need to ask which other nation freely accepted expatriate German Jews as immigrants. The fact that no one else would take Jews either IS a factor in the number that died at the hands of Hitler and his cronies.
The fact that No other nation would take in the Jews says alot about them.
Back to topic..........

So what do you guys think about my theory of the Holocaust?

It was because Hitler (who was friends with the Arabs and muslims because he was looking to acquire a whole bunch of artifacts), came back from his discussions in the Middle East (or was sent messages), and the muslims wanted Hitler to off the Jews in exchange for artifacts?

interesting theory.....since hilter was basically a jew he was as crooked and money grubbing as the rest of them.......how does hilter helping jews relocate to the middle east with the help of the surrounding arabs states factor into this.....

No, not relocate, EXTERMINATE.
Back to topic..........

So what do you guys think about my theory of the Holocaust?

It was because Hitler (who was friends with the Arabs and muslims because he was looking to acquire a whole bunch of artifacts), came back from his discussions in the Middle East (or was sent messages), and the muslims wanted Hitler to off the Jews in exchange for artifacts?

interesting theory.....since hilter was basically a jew he was as crooked and money grubbing as the rest of them.......how does hilter helping jews relocate to the middle east with the help of the surrounding arabs states factor into this.....

No, not relocate, EXTERMINATE.

nah in the early days he helped ship tens of thousands to the middle east.....then according to suuni he opened spas for them......
interesting theory.....since hilter was basically a jew he was as crooked and money grubbing as the rest of them.......how does hilter helping jews relocate to the middle east with the help of the surrounding arabs states factor into this.....

No, not relocate, EXTERMINATE.

nah in the early days he helped ship tens of thousands to the middle east.....then according to suuni he opened spas for them......

Yeah.....spas that they later turned into stew with Jewish people.......
You sure are obsessed about the holocaust, Sunni.

Wishful thinking?
I love America.

But a foreign government and cabal has taken control of our society.

The bedrock of their ideology and control is indoctrinating people from a young age with the holocaust myth.

Once this myth is exposed as nothing but a huge fraud and lie.

People will hopefully wake up and start become aware of the how this group has manipulated and enslaved America.

The next step would be to rid our country of this disease and take back our nation.

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