Why Did Pelosis slam Dr. Ben Carson? What is she so afraid of?

Did you hear what the Democrat Party’s leader in Congress just said about Dr. Ben Carson?

Nancy Pelosi slams Ben Carson. What is she so afraid of?

Like all Democrats, she fears his black skin. They can't have black men or women rising up to high positions in the government as Republicans. It completely debunks their entire narrative that Republicans are racist. Just look at the treatment Clarence Thomas got when nominated for SCOTUS, or Herman Cain. They have to do everything in their power to destroy the individuals.
Did you hear what the Democrat Party’s leader in Congress just said about Dr. Ben Carson?

Nancy Pelosi slams Ben Carson. What is she so afraid of?

And? You have an opinion piece by a "friend" of Carson. That said, Julian Castro did not have any special background when he was brought in. He was just appointed to a special place as grooming for a higher position later on.

If Carson can do something about forcing people to pay $50,000 for a house worth $20,000 then it will be a good thing. I highly doubt it. I suspect he will do what he is told. Same as the last guy.
Loons bitching about Carson and no experience but elected the Big Eared community organizer to the highest office in the land....oh wait we saw how that turned out, maybe Carson isn't a good choice
Did you hear what the Democrat Party’s leader in Congress just said about Dr. Ben Carson?

Nancy Pelosi slams Ben Carson. What is she so afraid of?
The woman is crazy. She needs to be drug tested...or put in an old folks home.

And he is not. Did you see how he introduce his running for Pres. Did you listen to him in the debates.
Are you aware of what he has accomplished in his life? You might want to research him before criticizing him.

Are you a racist ?
Did you hear what the Democrat Party’s leader in Congress just said about Dr. Ben Carson?

Nancy Pelosi slams Ben Carson. What is she so afraid of?
The woman is crazy. She needs to be drug tested...or put in an old folks home.

Democrats are the textbook illustration of the old adage, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

During her tenure as Speaker/Majority Leader/Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi managed to run the Democrat Party into oblivion.

If she had had any honor, she would have stepped aside and let someone more capable and more honest to do the job at which she failed so spectacularly.
It doesn't matter. She would have said the same thing about anyone. The person doesn't matter.
Like all Democrats, she fears his black skin. They can't have black men or women rising up to high positions in the government as Republicans. It completely debunks their entire narrative that Republicans are racist. Just look at the treatment Clarence Thomas got when nominated for SCOTUS, or Herman Cain. They have to do everything in their power to destroy the individuals.

Your argument is unspeakably stupid.
You knew that already.
First you say that democrats fear blacks, then that they hate black republicans, then that they hate individuals.
You moved the goalpost 3 times in one paragraph.


The woman is crazy. She needs to be drug tested...or put in an old folks home.

She's not the one on medication.
Carson is.

Loons bitching about Carson and no experience but elected the Big Eared community organizer to the highest office in the land....oh wait we saw how that turned out, maybe Carson isn't a good choice

You're fascinated by ears with no experience.

Yet you show no interest in orange skin, white raccoon eyes, and really bad haircuts with no experience.


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