Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

If Carter was so bad you would think neoconservatives wouldn't have to lie about how bad Carter was and how good Reagan was...

I do have platitudes that I could afford Carter, but I'll choose to focus on the singular most destructive element of his Presidency.

He set a stage, no- he set the table... of policy and opinion both public and legislative that effects our country to this day.

He put in motion a public opinion that has echoed through the decades since. He groomed lawmakers who shaped policy that to this day adversely effects the health, wealth, and vitality of our nation's economy.

And his successor, the one without a birth certificate, has parlayed Carter's policies into a modern-day economic Armageddon.

Energy policy from the Carter era lives and thrives through the non-birthed semi-negro.

And through those policies, sem-neg is determined to defeat the very industry that has pulled this nation through its most recent of economic travails.

Percentage depletion and intangible drilling costs are in sem-neg's crosshairs.

Should he prevail, you can kiss this "economic recovery" goodbye.


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His human rights campaign got a lot of respect, and actually wanted to cut taxes but was blocked by Kennedy and Dems who wanted their projects done- at the wrong time. NOT LUCKY. better than Raygun , the chickenhawk who gave us this bad, unfair economy and ME hate...HORRIBLE POLICY.
Meanwhile, on planet Earth:
General findings[edit]
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt are consistently ranked at the top of the lists. Often ranked just below those Presidents are Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. The remaining places in the top ten are often rounded out by Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, James K. Polk, and Andrew Jackson. Presidents such as John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton tend to be rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but do not always rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. The bottom ten often includes James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, George W. Bush, Millard Fillmore, Herbert Hoover, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, and John Tyler. Because William Henry Harrison (32 days) and James A. Garfield (200 days, incapacitated after 119 days) both died shortly after taking office, they are sometimes omitted from presidential rankings. Zachary Taylor also died after serving as president for only 16 months, but is usually included. In the case of these three, it is not clear if they received low rankings due to their actions as president, or because each was president for such a limited time that it is not possible to rate them more highly. Presidents often placed in the middle include William McKinley, Rutherford B. Hayes, and Chester A. Arthur.'' - Wiki
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never bee enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.
And you have absolutely NONE. ZERO proof. If there was any way in hell the Democrats could prove something criminal like that against Reagan, you know damn good and well they would have done it by now, no matter HOW much they had to spend.

Reagan's attempt to place blame on others and absolve himself of responsibility is as transparent as "what the definition of is, is."

What more proof is necessary than Reagan's own confession - note that Reagan admits "arms for hostages" took place and-----and "I am still accountable for those activities". See what Reagan's saying, he's saying he's guilty of being a piss-poor manager or-----or he's guilty of breaking the law.

And-----and don't forget; Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails 'Cover-Up' effectively ending any opportunity to put any of the participants in jail including the neurologically challenged Ronald Reagan.

The below excerpt was snipped from:
On March 4, 1987, President Reagan delivered a speech from the Oval Office on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
"I've studied the Board's report. Its findings are honest, convincing, and highly critical; and I accept them. And tonight I want to share with you my thoughts on these findings and report to you on the actions I'm taking to implement the Board's recommendations.

First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior. And as personally distasteful as I find secret bank accounts and diverted funds - well, as the Navy would say, this happened on my watch.

Let's start with the part that is the most controversial. A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages. This runs counter to my own beliefs, to administration policy, and to the original strategy we had in mind. There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses. It was a mistake."
There will never bee enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.
And you have absolutely NONE. ZERO proof. If there was any way in hell the Democrats could prove something criminal like that against Reagan, you know damn good and well they would have done it by now, no matter HOW much they had to spend.

Reagan's attempt to place blame on others and absolve himself of responsibility is as transparent as "what the definition of is, is."

What more proof is necessary than Reagan's own confession - note that Reagan admits "arms for hostages" took place and-----and "I am still accountable for those activities". See what Reagan's saying, he's saying he's guilty of being a piss-poor manager or-----or he's guilty of breaking the law.

And-----and don't forget; Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails 'Cover-Up' effectively ending any opportunity to put any of the participants in jail including the neurologically challenged Ronald Reagan.

The below excerpt was snipped from:
On March 4, 1987, President Reagan delivered a speech from the Oval Office on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
"I've studied the Board's report. Its findings are honest, convincing, and highly critical; and I accept them. And tonight I want to share with you my thoughts on these findings and report to you on the actions I'm taking to implement the Board's recommendations.

First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior. And as personally distasteful as I find secret bank accounts and diverted funds - well, as the Navy would say, this happened on my watch.

Let's start with the part that is the most controversial. A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages. This runs counter to my own beliefs, to administration policy, and to the original strategy we had in mind. There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses. It was a mistake."
You moron, we're talking about the 52 American hostages that were taken while Carter was president, not the Iran/Contra scandal. Try to keep up, will ya?
Sooo, both Carter and Obama have a Nobel Peace Prize.

Which President earned it?


Funny you should ask that.

To answer you, neither of them did, which puts a powerful light on the validity of Nobel Prizes, especially those have to do with economy and politics.

The Egypt/Israel Peace Accord was a low bar accomplishment? Really.

The guy did something right.

The perfect loving and peaceful harmony in the Middle East is a testimony to Jimmy Carter's greatness.

Carter "earned" the Nobel Peace Prize about the same as Obama "earned" his.
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Carter might have been the first POTUS since Ike not to be a tool of the masters.

The MASS DEMS hated him, The REPS hated him, the FED hated him and between those power bases the POTUS really didn't have a chance in hell.

.The prime rate reached 21.5% in December 1980, the highest rate in U.S. history .
And you have absolutely NONE. ZERO proof. If there was any way in hell the Democrats could prove something criminal like that against Reagan, you know damn good and well they would have done it by now, no matter HOW much they had to spend.

Reagan's attempt to place blame on others and absolve himself of responsibility is as transparent as "what the definition of is, is."

What more proof is necessary than Reagan's own confession - note that Reagan admits "arms for hostages" took place and-----and "I am still accountable for those activities". See what Reagan's saying, he's saying he's guilty of being a piss-poor manager or-----or he's guilty of breaking the law.

And-----and don't forget; Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails 'Cover-Up' effectively ending any opportunity to put any of the participants in jail including the neurologically challenged Ronald Reagan.

The below excerpt was snipped from:
On March 4, 1987, President Reagan delivered a speech from the Oval Office on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
"I've studied the Board's report. Its findings are honest, convincing, and highly critical; and I accept them. And tonight I want to share with you my thoughts on these findings and report to you on the actions I'm taking to implement the Board's recommendations.

First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior. And as personally distasteful as I find secret bank accounts and diverted funds - well, as the Navy would say, this happened on my watch.

Let's start with the part that is the most controversial. A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages. This runs counter to my own beliefs, to administration policy, and to the original strategy we had in mind. There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses. It was a mistake."
You moron, we're talking about the 52 American hostages that were taken while Carter was president, not the Iran/Contra scandal. Try to keep up, will ya?

What hostages you think Reagan is talking about...? I know Republicans are covering their asses but no one has named these hostages or have tied Iran to them or have not gave a reason as to why we would want those hostages released so bad as to arm Iran with weapons.
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Carter might have been the first POTUS since Ike not to be a tool of the masters.

The MASS DEMS hated him, The REPS hated him, the FED hated him and between those power bases the POTUS really didn't have a chance in hell.

Yes indeed. The warmongering elite hated him. Same with nixon. Watergate was about punishing nixon for ending the vietnam war.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Bullshit ! he stood up to the Iranians(didn't give them weapons for hostages),stood up to the Soviets(didn't ignore their human right abuses), stood up to OPEC(preached Energy independence, not climbing in bed with the Saudis), he stood up to the Federal Reserve bankers( didn't let Federal bankers rob American taxpayers blind)

None of which can be said about Reagan or Bush.
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah

How, exactly?
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
You're one of the stupidest people on this forum, and that's saying a lot.

HAHAHA. The board notes that you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

There is no issue. The OP is moronic.
Bullshit ! he stood up to the Iranians(didn't give them weapons for hostages),stood up to the Soviets(didn't ignore their human right abuses), stood up to OPEC(preached Energy independence, not climbing in bed with the Saudis), he stood up to the Federal Reserve bankers( didn't let Federal bankers rob American taxpayers blind)

None of which can be said about Reagan or Bush.
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah

How, exactly?

How's 444 days of holding 52 American diplomats, and parading them around blindfolded and shackled for starters? Or how about his planned RESCUE MISSION that ended in disaster:

Hostage rescue mission ends in disaster ? History.com This Day in History ? 4/24/1980
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah

How, exactly?

How's 444 days of holding 52 American diplomats, and parading them around blindfolded and shackled for starters? Or how about his planned RESCUE MISSION that ended in disaster:

Carter knew the whole thing had been staged by the bankers and the media. They start all the wars and get rich off them. Carter stood up to them.
Jimmy Carter was well known as an intellectual egghead, I believe his I.Q was thru the roof. I just started a business during his first term, and it was very bad. Carter just couldn't move on any issue. 10 percent unemployment, 22 percent interest rates. Iran kicked him around for a year and a half, 50 hostages being held. He really was just a lousy President. The worst until now.

Carter didn't cause the mass inflation we were experiencing, and Volker's goal to get it under control stymied the economy. It was something that was going to take some time no matter who was in office. Had Carter been re-elected, the economy would have taken off much as it did under Reagan. All too often we actually believe that a president is the reason for a good or bad economy when in fact, most of the time it is just based on cycles. Government can have some affect on the economy, but more often than not, it just takes time for things to turn around.

Volcker raised interest rates sky high and introduced a deliberate recession to cool inflation (or stagflation).

It was a very bold move and not popular politically.

But it's why the economy took off shortly after Reagan took office.

However unemployment was high as a result. So what did Reagan do? Cut taxes.

That didn't work.

So Reagan raised taxes and started spending like crazy. The government started hiring. And lo and behold, unemployment went down.

It was a "miracle".


Yes, because we all know high taxes make the economy take off like a rocket!:lol:

More "facts" from a liberal...:cuckoo:
Why? Because he was a terrible manager and administrator. He didn't work well with Congress (including his own party), he had a horrible staff and Cabinet, and these things conspired against him as the Iran Hostage Crisis, the energy crisis, and other debacles unraveled during his term. Thank God the majority of voters wised up in 1980!


Conservatives started to put into to practice what we see now, obstructionism.

Left out of the lore is that Republicans closed down government during the Carter administration as well.

Carter really did stand up to oil companies and that cost him big.

That's right my friend, and trust me, Conservatives will continue to obstruct and prevent the liberal, bullshit agenda you and your little pals are pushing!;)

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