Why did Donald Trump lie to his supporters at the insurrection pep rally?

If Trump had done even 20% as much damage Biden has Dems would be demanding his resignation and the fake news would be ripping him 24/7.

20%? Maybe 2%, BL. No wait, they demanded blood and his head on a pole for doing NONE of it, being a GREAT president, one of our best, best economy, world peace, low crime, secure border, and no wars, a near miracle these days--- just because he mopped the floor with da beeech Sir Cruddy Hillary.

Oh yeah. His other unforgivable flaws:
  • Blonde hair
  • Stocky build
  • Likes women
  • Nice family
  • Hard worker
  • Self-sufficient
  • Straight talker
  • Passionate patriot
  • America First or Bust
It's a wonder we let him walk among us freely.
I didn’t miss that principle bucko. I’ve been saying that all along.
You still here? You cling like a fungus.

You said that the trillions supplanted trillions that were lost due to shut downs.
Trillions and trillions everywhere.

But the money wasn’t lost, just the flow of it.
Yep. It was lost missing, flowing right out of people's pockets day after day for a VERY long time, with nothing coming in. Were you on another planet all of 2020?

Both Trump and Biden were responsible for it
Trump was responsible for nothing, Ace. Quit your lying. He did what he HAD to do, the only things he could try, to get us through a pandemic. What Biden did he didn't have to do. We were fine, get it? What Joe did, he did for ego, bombasticity, and more votes for his party. Any third grader ought to be able to grasp that.
Trump hss been lying about a "stolen election" from the day he realized he got his ass beat.

He's a whiny lttle shitbag not man enough to admit he lost.
He was not like by a percentage of Republicans. They could have tried harder on election integrity. They did not. And the election was stolen. Only low IQ barely able to write and speak individuals would vote for what we see in the White House. They were given plenty of warning. And let others make the decision for them.
Yep. It was lost missing, flowing right out of people's pockets day after day for a VERY long time, with nothing coming in. Were you on another planet all of 2020?
What the hell are you talking about? Money wasn't lost and missing. Many businesses made record profits during the pandemic. The money did not disappear. The flow was cut off and it was supplemented with stimulus. In the end the money supply had increased by trillions and that's was a primary cause of inflation. You understand this don't you?

Trump and Biden both were responsible for approving the spending. Why can't you just be honest?
Trump was responsible for nothing, Ace. Quit your lying. He did what he HAD to do, the only things he could try, to get us through a pandemic. What Biden did he didn't have to do. We were fine, get it? What Joe did, he did for ego, bombasticity, and more votes for his party. Any third grader ought to be able to grasp that.
Biden ran on many of the things he did to address the pandemic and he was elected over Trump so one could make a very valid argument that he had a public mandate to do what he did. What a hack like yourself deems necessary or not doesn't really make a difference. Any it doesn't take away from the factual cause and effect that money printing from stimulus led to inflation. This applies to Trump and Biden. whether the spending was necessary to not make no difference to the inflationary impact.
Only if you stop lying.
you are acting very butthurt from when I caught you lying about my past statements. Is this how you react to getting owned? It’s extremely annoying… is that what you’re going for?
Riiight. My bad. It was right on topic. You go girl!! ;-)

The OP wasn't worth the time to respond. It's stupid.

Instead, I addressed the fact that, quite obviously, brain-dead libs have an almost clinical obsession with Donald Trump...
20%? Maybe 2%, BL. No wait, they demanded blood and his head on a pole for doing NONE of it, being a GREAT president, one of our best, best economy, world peace, low crime, secure border, and no wars, a near miracle these days--- just because he mopped the floor with da beeech Sir Cruddy Hillary.

Oh yeah. His other unforgivable flaws:
  • Blonde hair
  • Stocky build
  • Likes women
  • Nice family
  • Hard worker
  • Self-sufficient
  • Straight talker
  • Passionate patriot
  • America First or Bust
It's a wonder we let him walk among us freely.
Oh Trump severely bitch slapped Democrats. They hate his guts no matter how awesome of a president he was.

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