Why Did American Conservatism Give Up On Liberty? Because It's Why They Lose.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Progressives and conservatives fought in the marketplace of ideas thanks to the basic freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. After two centuries of cheating — barring the interregnum of a foolish, evil civil war they also lost — progressives beat them. The effort to form a more perfect union had at last entered a stage where all could participate with...well, fewer barriers than before, certainly. Conservatives tried to erect road blocks to voting and societal participation, to be sure, but for almost fifty years there was a steady march of increasing acceptance of people that were permitted at last to be themselves. So when they claim that “cultural hegemony” is as “coercive as any state,” what they really mean is that enough other people got wise to their BS that people who weren’t their fellow bigots didn’t like them any more. Oppression!

This is modern American conservatism in a nutshell. I mean, there are some weird conflations here — somehow, corporations exploiting workers and using slave labor overseas is the fault of liberalism (sure, neoliberalism bears some guilt here, but that comes from the brief era in the 90s when it looked like the two parties might start to merge in a neo-corporate middle) — but the argument here is that by allowing people to ignore churches, marry who they love, control their bodies, and breathe while Black, that takes away their “right to live in a culture that supports their way of life.” By which, of course, they mean White Christian Patriarchy that suppresses other ways of life. They’re not particularly subtle about that last part.

There’s an awful lot of awful revealed in this article, but for me, the most disturbing part is that these people are the right’s thinkers. Their philosophers. This is what passes for depth in American conservatism. It’s obscene in ways I’m still grappling with, but what really drives the moral bankruptcy of the far-right home is, they’re done with liberal democracy. Voting rights? Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press? They’re obstacles to “human virtue.” Which, again, clearly amounts to (say it with me) White Christian Patriarchy.

The rights thinkers? That's an oxymoron, and an insult. It actually doesn't occur to these people, that their way of "Thinking ", is exactly what the Constitution protects individual rights from. And why the Constitution was written and ratified.
The right's greatest thinkers have always been primarily occupied with thinking up excuses and scary stories to make the rabble voluntarily consent to plutocracy.
Progressives and conservatives fought in the marketplace of ideas thanks to the basic freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. After two centuries of cheating — barring the interregnum of a foolish, evil civil war they also lost — progressives beat them. The effort to form a more perfect union had at last entered a stage where all could participate with...well, fewer barriers than before, certainly. Conservatives tried to erect road blocks to voting and societal participation, to be sure, but for almost fifty years there was a steady march of increasing acceptance of people that were permitted at last to be themselves. So when they claim that “cultural hegemony” is as “coercive as any state,” what they really mean is that enough other people got wise to their BS that people who weren’t their fellow bigots didn’t like them any more. Oppression!

This is modern American conservatism in a nutshell. I mean, there are some weird conflations here — somehow, corporations exploiting workers and using slave labor overseas is the fault of liberalism (sure, neoliberalism bears some guilt here, but that comes from the brief era in the 90s when it looked like the two parties might start to merge in a neo-corporate middle) — but the argument here is that by allowing people to ignore churches, marry who they love, control their bodies, and breathe while Black, that takes away their “right to live in a culture that supports their way of life.” By which, of course, they mean White Christian Patriarchy that suppresses other ways of life. They’re not particularly subtle about that last part.

There’s an awful lot of awful revealed in this article, but for me, the most disturbing part is that these people are the right’s thinkers. Their philosophers. This is what passes for depth in American conservatism. It’s obscene in ways I’m still grappling with, but what really drives the moral bankruptcy of the far-right home is, they’re done with liberal democracy. Voting rights? Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press? They’re obstacles to “human virtue.” Which, again, clearly amounts to (say it with me) White Christian Patriarchy.

The rights thinkers? That's an oxymoron, and an insult. It actually doesn't occur to these people, that their way of "Thinking ", is exactly what the Constitution protects individual rights from. And why the Constitution was written and ratified.
The far left AND the far right have always opposed liberty in favor of totalitarianism. Centuries. It's really what defines the extremes on either side ---- that and the desired recourse to violent overthrow of whatever government is going.
Progressives and conservatives fought in the marketplace of ideas thanks to the basic freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. After two centuries of cheating — barring the interregnum of a foolish, evil civil war they also lost — progressives beat them. The effort to form a more perfect union had at last entered a stage where all could participate with...well, fewer barriers than before, certainly. Conservatives tried to erect road blocks to voting and societal participation, to be sure, but for almost fifty years there was a steady march of increasing acceptance of people that were permitted at last to be themselves. So when they claim that “cultural hegemony” is as “coercive as any state,” what they really mean is that enough other people got wise to their BS that people who weren’t their fellow bigots didn’t like them any more. Oppression!

This is modern American conservatism in a nutshell. I mean, there are some weird conflations here — somehow, corporations exploiting workers and using slave labor overseas is the fault of liberalism (sure, neoliberalism bears some guilt here, but that comes from the brief era in the 90s when it looked like the two parties might start to merge in a neo-corporate middle) — but the argument here is that by allowing people to ignore churches, marry who they love, control their bodies, and breathe while Black, that takes away their “right to live in a culture that supports their way of life.” By which, of course, they mean White Christian Patriarchy that suppresses other ways of life. They’re not particularly subtle about that last part.

There’s an awful lot of awful revealed in this article, but for me, the most disturbing part is that these people are the right’s thinkers. Their philosophers. This is what passes for depth in American conservatism. It’s obscene in ways I’m still grappling with, but what really drives the moral bankruptcy of the far-right home is, they’re done with liberal democracy. Voting rights? Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press? They’re obstacles to “human virtue.” Which, again, clearly amounts to (say it with me) White Christian Patriarchy.

The rights thinkers? That's an oxymoron, and an insult. It actually doesn't occur to these people, that their way of "Thinking ", is exactly what the Constitution protects individual rights from. And why the Constitution was written and ratified.

What are your core principles and how do you live by those principles?
Progressives and conservatives fought in the marketplace of ideas thanks to the basic freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. After two centuries of cheating — barring the interregnum of a foolish, evil civil war they also lost — progressives beat them. The effort to form a more perfect union had at last entered a stage where all could participate with...well, fewer barriers than before, certainly. Conservatives tried to erect road blocks to voting and societal participation, to be sure, but for almost fifty years there was a steady march of increasing acceptance of people that were permitted at last to be themselves. So when they claim that “cultural hegemony” is as “coercive as any state,” what they really mean is that enough other people got wise to their BS that people who weren’t their fellow bigots didn’t like them any more. Oppression!

This is modern American conservatism in a nutshell. I mean, there are some weird conflations here — somehow, corporations exploiting workers and using slave labor overseas is the fault of liberalism (sure, neoliberalism bears some guilt here, but that comes from the brief era in the 90s when it looked like the two parties might start to merge in a neo-corporate middle) — but the argument here is that by allowing people to ignore churches, marry who they love, control their bodies, and breathe while Black, that takes away their “right to live in a culture that supports their way of life.” By which, of course, they mean White Christian Patriarchy that suppresses other ways of life. They’re not particularly subtle about that last part.

There’s an awful lot of awful revealed in this article, but for me, the most disturbing part is that these people are the right’s thinkers. Their philosophers. This is what passes for depth in American conservatism. It’s obscene in ways I’m still grappling with, but what really drives the moral bankruptcy of the far-right home is, they’re done with liberal democracy. Voting rights? Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press? They’re obstacles to “human virtue.” Which, again, clearly amounts to (say it with me) White Christian Patriarchy.

The rights thinkers? That's an oxymoron, and an insult. It actually doesn't occur to these people, that their way of "Thinking ", is exactly what the Constitution protects individual rights from. And why the Constitution was written and ratified.
The last thing in the world you fascist "progressives" are about is liberty, so spare us your haughty disingenuous piety.
Progressives and conservatives fought in the marketplace of ideas thanks to the basic freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. After two centuries of cheating — barring the interregnum of a foolish, evil civil war they also lost — progressives beat them. The effort to form a more perfect union had at last entered a stage where all could participate with...well, fewer barriers than before, certainly. Conservatives tried to erect road blocks to voting and societal participation, to be sure, but for almost fifty years there was a steady march of increasing acceptance of people that were permitted at last to be themselves. So when they claim that “cultural hegemony” is as “coercive as any state,” what they really mean is that enough other people got wise to their BS that people who weren’t their fellow bigots didn’t like them any more. Oppression!

This is modern American conservatism in a nutshell. I mean, there are some weird conflations here — somehow, corporations exploiting workers and using slave labor overseas is the fault of liberalism (sure, neoliberalism bears some guilt here, but that comes from the brief era in the 90s when it looked like the two parties might start to merge in a neo-corporate middle) — but the argument here is that by allowing people to ignore churches, marry who they love, control their bodies, and breathe while Black, that takes away their “right to live in a culture that supports their way of life.” By which, of course, they mean White Christian Patriarchy that suppresses other ways of life. They’re not particularly subtle about that last part.

There’s an awful lot of awful revealed in this article, but for me, the most disturbing part is that these people are the right’s thinkers. Their philosophers. This is what passes for depth in American conservatism. It’s obscene in ways I’m still grappling with, but what really drives the moral bankruptcy of the far-right home is, they’re done with liberal democracy. Voting rights? Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press? They’re obstacles to “human virtue.” Which, again, clearly amounts to (say it with me) White Christian Patriarchy.

The rights thinkers? That's an oxymoron, and an insult. It actually doesn't occur to these people, that their way of "Thinking ", is exactly what the Constitution protects individual rights from. And why the Constitution was written and ratified.

^ Professor Backwards chimes in
The far left AND the far right have always opposed liberty in favor of totalitarianism. Centuries. It's really what defines the extremes on either side ---- that and the desired recourse to violent overthrow of whatever government is going.
The cancerous kind of liberty that allowed greedy people to freely exploit the masses and the authorities to get away with murder is not anything worth saving.
The cancerous kind of liberty that allowed greedy people to freely exploit the masses and the authorities to get away with murder is not anything worth saving.
I don't know what you are talking about ----- this does not seem to be a definition of "liberty" that I've ever heard of! Are you ---- you aren't a communist, are you? "Exploit the masses" has that sound.
Leftist have no honor.........they are the party of America sucks.........They burn loot and murder when they don't get their way. They ignore laws that don't suit their narrative like the border...........then cry Constitution when called on it. They use Federal Agencies as weapons..........In a crisis they show their true colors by locking people down and destroying businesses..........They tax anything that doesn't move..............cause prices to go through the roof and then tell the poor they are here for them.

Basically..............they are LUNATIC ASSHOLES.....who's religion is Gov't and power.........Anyway.........this is where we are.

I don't know what you are talking about ----- this does not seem to be a definition of "liberty" that I've ever heard of! Are you ---- you aren't a communist, are you? "Exploit the masses" has that sound.
I'm just a guy that's old enough to remember that the good old days were not all that good.
Intense ideology distorts, pollutes and perverts pretty much everything it touches.

So while, indeed, liberty is at the core of the American DNA, the misguided nutters on the Right have twisted its meaning to anarchy, nihilism, and "fuck you, I've got mine, you can die for all I care".
After decades of leftist whining their prissy asses off OVER ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.......we are just telling them to STFU..........Tired of them.......

Poor things.........don't get their way they burn the whole nation down..............shit on and burn the flag.............You know basically throw a tantrum from hell and get violent as fuck in the process.........murder police ........etc...

Guess you missed all that huh..................Oh it's the insurrection with fire extinguishers and signs...............OMFG ........are you alright.

After decades of leftist whining their prissy asses off OVER ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.......we are just telling them to STFU..........Tired of them.......

Poor things.........don't get their way they burn the whole nation down..............shit on and burn the flag.............You know basically throw a tantrum from hell and get violent as fuck in the process.........murder police ........etc...

Guess you missed all that huh..................Oh it's the insurrection with fire extinguishers and signs...............OMFG ........are you alright.


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