Why Conservatives can't Whitewater Obama


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.
Bull shit.

Here's the real reason:

These people that work for the obama regime know what they are supposed to do. That is why they are there. Everything that they do, legal or illegal, is what they know that obama wants them to do. It is what they are there for. They are doing these things in obama's name.

The reason it won't be tied to obama is because there is no paper trail because of my point above, and that NO issue will bring down a president unless the media wants it to. The liberal mainstream media does not want it to so nothing will happen to obama. It's that simple.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

I may agree with all except you maybe premature AND YOU also forgot the ONE element missing in your comment: this FACT proven by these numbers.

85% of MSM vote Democratic
That is what Evan Thomas says in his own words...
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -
- Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas — Newsweek's Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, May 12, 1996

"they have for a long time."
  • In 1964, 94% of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.
  • In 1968, 86% voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.
  • In 1972, 81% voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.
  • In 1976, 81% voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter over Republican Gerald Ford.
  • In 1980, twice as many cast their ballots for Carter rather than for Republican Ronald Reagan.
  • In 1984, 58% supported Democrat Walter Mondale, whom Reagan defeated in the biggest landslide in presidential election history.
  • In 1988, White House correspondents from various major newspapers, television networks, magazines, and news services supported Democrat Michael Dukakis over Republican George H.W. Bush by a ratio of 12-to-1.
  • In 1992, those same correspondents supported Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent Bush by a ratio of 9 to 2.
  • Among Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, the disparity was 89% vs. 7%, in Clinton’s favor.
  • In a 2004 poll of campaign journalists, those based outside of Washington, DC supported Democrat John Kerry over Republican George W. Bush by a ratio of 3-to-1. Those based inside the Beltway favored Kerry by a 12-to-1 ratio.
  • In a 2008 survey of 144 journalists nationwide, journalists were 8 times likelier to make campaign contributions to Democrats than to Republicans.
  • A 2008 Investors Business Daily study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. In terms of total dollars given, the ratio was 15-to-1.
Research on Media Bias - Discover the Networks

FACT supporting his opinion..

1) There were 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. an average contribution of $880. By contrast,
only 193 (15%) of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

2) Now these same donors/news people of the stories about Romney in the 2012 campaign, 71% were NEGATIVE!!!
7 out of 10 stories presented a negative image of Romney.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

Now I'm not saying your unsubstantiated based on nothing opinion is not RIGHT...BUT
I have sourced and provided hard DATA to support that with a biased MSM that even worships Obama I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

but more practically THEY GAVE MONEY to Obama why would they make ANY effort to bring the large number and massive impact scandals to the public's attention now embroiling Obama?
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So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

It would have been a salient article a week ago. Now, not so much.
Bull shit.

Here's the real reason:

These people that work for the obama regime know what they are supposed to do. That is why they are there. Everything that they do, legal or illegal, is what they know that obama wants them to do. It is what they are there for. They are doing these things in obama's name.

The reason it won't be tied to obama is because there is no paper trail because of my point above, and that NO issue will bring down a president unless the media wants it to. The liberal mainstream media does not want it to so nothing will happen to obama. It's that simple.

Give it a rest.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Here is the real reason.

If you saw how Obama....er.....um.....I mean his supporters influenced the election via the IRS, you will see how Executive power has corrupted the system. That is why pretty much every modern day President has won two terms, including "W". The IRS is but the tip of the ice burg in terms of how these people secure their power. Mark it down, whoever wins in 2016 will be there for two terms.

If Nixon were in office today, they would laugh at what he did, with some protesting off to the side, and continue on.
It is an interesting shift that whatever the administration does is perceived on the left as being either favorable politically or unfavorable politically. The reality of governing has nothing to do with it.
So the Obama Administration has shown itself to be the most corrupt and inept in history. But pointing that out is merely political. The reality of it doesn't matter. Libs will excuse any behavior by Obama simply to deny the conservatives a "victory."
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Part and parcel with that is:

-Conservatives complete refusal to cooperate with Obama on anything, including the fight against terrorism.
-Conservatives hyperbolic and often racist criticisms of Obama.
-Conservatives leveling charges against the administration then looking for evidence to back it up. (Sound familiar? Can you say "WMDs"?)
-Conservative Politicians parroting crazy made up stories (200 Million a day in India, Arms shipments through Turkey, ACORN prostitution scandal) without any vetting whatsoever.
-Conservatives stated goal of making Obama a one term President.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdJ2trGelbE]Eric Holder: Don't Ask, He Doesn't Know - YouTube[/ame]

The reason that nothing will stick is mainly because of this. Whether it is Holder, Obama, Carney or any other of his goon squad. They're all a bunch of thugs. And that is not to marginalize the thuggery coming from the republicans.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Here is the real reason.

If you saw how Obama....er.....um.....I mean his supporters influenced the election via the IRS, you will see how Executive power has corrupted the system. That is why pretty much every modern day President has won two terms, including "W". The IRS is but the tip of the ice burg in terms of how these people secure their power. Mark it down, whoever wins in 2016 will be there for two years.

If Nixon were in office today, they would laugh at what he did, with some protesting off to the side, and continue on.

Fill us all in on how that was done..
It is an interesting shift that whatever the administration does is perceived on the left as being either favorable politically or unfavorable politically. The reality of governing has nothing to do with it.
So the Obama Administration has shown itself to be the most corrupt and inept in history. But pointing that out is merely political. The reality of it doesn't matter. Libs will excuse any behavior by Obama simply to deny the conservatives a "victory."

Yep. And it was exactly the same when the Cons were defending Bush. It's a sad state of affairs when the truth, and independent thought, are swept aside by the power-mongers leading both parties.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Here is the real reason.

If you saw how Obama....er.....um.....I mean his supporters influenced the election via the IRS, you will see how Executive power has corrupted the system. That is why pretty much every modern day President has won two terms, including "W". The IRS is but the tip of the ice burg in terms of how these people secure their power. Mark it down, whoever wins in 2016 will be there for two years.

If Nixon were in office today, they would laugh at what he did, with some protesting off to the side, and continue on.

Fill us all in on how that was done..

Targeting non profits for delay. Intimidating their donors not to donate. Using confidential information to target voters. The list is long, for anyone paying attention.
It is an interesting shift that whatever the administration does is perceived on the left as being either favorable politically or unfavorable politically. The reality of governing has nothing to do with it.
So the Obama Administration has shown itself to be the most corrupt and inept in history. But pointing that out is merely political. The reality of it doesn't matter. Libs will excuse any behavior by Obama simply to deny the conservatives a "victory."

Yep. And it was exactly the same when the Cons were defending Bush. It's a sad state of affairs when the truth, and independent thought, are swept aside by the power-mongers leading both parties.

"Cons" did not defend Bush. Quit drinking the liberal kool aid piss.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Part and parcel with that is:

-Conservatives complete refusal to cooperate with Obama on anything, including the fight against terrorism.
-Conservatives hyperbolic and often racist criticisms of Obama.
-Conservatives leveling charges against the administration then looking for evidence to back it up. (Sound familiar? Can you say "WMDs"?)
-Conservative Politicians parroting crazy made up stories (200 Million a day in India, Arms shipments through Turkey, ACORN prostitution scandal) without any vetting whatsoever.
-Conservatives stated goal of making Obama a one term President.

Conservatives refusal to cooperate with Obama on anything, including the fight against terrorism?

I guess you don't view GOP members like Boehner and Graham as being conservatives, because they are saying that Snowden is a criminal, along with Obama. Of course, if you are saying that they are not conservatives, I would agree with you 100%.

What can I say, this conservative does not think that the American populace should be monitored 24/7 and have the 4rth Amendment defecated on.

Enjoy defending the establishment. It will just keep getting lonelier and lonelier.
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Part and parcel with that is:

-Conservatives complete refusal to cooperate with Obama on anything, including the fight against terrorism.
-Conservatives hyperbolic and often racist criticisms of Obama.
-Conservatives leveling charges against the administration then looking for evidence to back it up. (Sound familiar? Can you say "WMDs"?)
-Conservative Politicians parroting crazy made up stories (200 Million a day in India, Arms shipments through Turkey, ACORN prostitution scandal) without any vetting whatsoever.
-Conservatives stated goal of making Obama a one term President.

I think you have touched on the heart of the issue

Conservatives take almost a childlike strategy of something is either entirely good or entirely bad. From the day he was elected, conservatives have labeled Obama as entirely bad. Everything he suggests must be attacked, everything positive must be denied, compromise is unthinkable

The public has seen through it and is tired of it.

Now, it is the boy who cried wolf or as Reagan would say.....There you go again

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