Why can’t the Left Wingers think of something new and original?

Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

The Russia shit is losing steam, the Liberal whore porn star thing came and went, the tax return thing is dead, Melania’s choice of shoes never caught on, the two scoop shit was gay...we’re back to... “He’s a racist”
The whack-jobs are regurgitating shit now.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

Why do you constantly post, over-used and redundant Little Trumpster talking points. You Little Trumpsters all post the same shit over and over and over, it’s like an echo chamber.
Have you ever considered getting a real life?
No, that means you would have think out of the box. That is something you are completely incapable of doing. I apologize for interrupting your Little Trumpster rant.
Carry on, Gomer. :2up:
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
I'd be more worried if he was not a racist/someone who believes whites were superior. Racism is the truth. People who don't believe it are morons.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

This columnist had no problem with Trump’s so-called white supremacy when he was capturing NBC viewers, writing checks to Democrats including Hillary, or smearing Bush?
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
Thats just a crappy opinion piece that go no traction.
A much better one is this actual research showing how Trump won due to racial resentment.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
I'd be more worried if he was not a racist/someone who believes whites were superior. Racism is the truth. People who don't believe it are morons.
Sigh... pure crap. bg, are you a Russian zombie troll?
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
I'd be more worried if he was not a racist/someone who believes whites were superior. Racism is the truth. People who don't believe it are morons.
Sigh... pure crap. bg, are you a Russian zombie troll?
So explain how 13% commit 52% of the homicides.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
Thats just a crappy opinion piece that go no traction.
A much better one is this actual research showing how Trump won due to racial resentment.
How is it better, because it's even more fake?
The Regressive Left has long used this as a way to put their target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

The problem is that they have been doing it for so long, that they have essentially lost the capacity to communicate otherwise.

A similar problem exists with the other tribe. Like a withering muscle, our ability to engage in normal communication has atrophied from lack of use.
They are saturated in identity politics and they know no other way. The democrat/globalists have the gullible stooges slurping it all up.

Look at the millenials. They come across brainwashed. Even possessed by the world propaganda.

How many for instance know or care about the Trans Sahara Slave trade? Wonder why we don't learn about that during "black history month." Yeah, right. "Black history." More like keep the black man down by convincing them they are nothing but victims of white capitalist America. Make sure their minds are thoroughly enslaved.

How about the Barbary Coast Slave trade? Nope, won't be learning about that. Nearly 1.5 million Europeans enslaved by the Ottoman Empire. Uhhh huh.

How about how many black slave owners? Yeah right. How about how many black confederate soldiers there were? How about the Native American tribes who owned slaves and fought for the confedearcy? Nothing. Lets discuss why we don't EVER learn about that.

Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
The truth is, Republicans are racist.
The problem with this flavor of Republican is that they lie about everything all the time. The truth is a novelty to them.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

The Russia shit is losing steam, the Liberal whore porn star thing came and went, the tax return thing is dead, Melania’s choice of shoes never caught on, the two scoop shit was gay...we’re back to... “He’s a racist”
The whack-jobs are regurgitating shit now.
Treason never loses steam dum dum.

But now that Trump took a half billion from China and Ivanka got 7 trademarks in China worth millions and Trump is saving Chinese jobs at a company that has been charged with stealing American technology again and again.

There is a whole new pile of sh!t to talk about. Brand SPANKING new.

Let's add that to Trump's SPANK account.
Looking at your signature line there is a link to this:

The Horseshoe Theory Says Right And Left Wing Are More ...

I've heard this argument before and have written about what nonsense it is.

Looking at the legislation passed and the words said, Republicans are clearly racist. Right out of their own mouths. They still spout birther nonsense.
The GOP is 90% white.
Their policies give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.
There is nothing about this party that is similar to Democrats.

Democrats are everyone else the GOP hates.
They are pro education.
They want Americans to have healthcare.
Al Franken was kicked out of the party, Roy Moore was almost elected.
Trump was just given a half billion by the Chinese and Republicans are totally fine with that at the cost of American technology and jobs.

No conspiracies here. Why bother. Republicans are the Conspiracy party.

A conspiracy is Obama was born in Kenya or Obama had Trump's phone tapped.

Facts are Trump saying some Mexicans don't rape and a Mexican can't be a judge.

See? Any similarities are imaginary. Just some writer trying to be cool. Oh look at me, I don't take a side. Well, I'm not on the side of lies and conspiracies.

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