Why can't Britain handle the truth about Winston Churchill?

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.

Gee, Tommy, it's almost as if cultural norms change over time or something. Never mind the fact he's one of the reasons you aren't speaking German now.
" Never mind the fact he's one of the reasons you aren't speaking German now. " sooner russian , G. had no chance in a long run
He was a product of his time. It both formed his biases, his drinking habits, and, his patriotism.
Yes. A drunk, racist, imperialist.
in 19c-20c everyone was A drunk, racist, imperialist.
but he was the best what 19c did produce
The invaders will never forgive the British or Americans for winning WWII. The muslims and Africans believe Hitler would have treated them much better.
Who is "the invaders"?

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.

Gee, Tommy, it's almost as if cultural norms change over time or something. Never mind the fact he's one of the reasons you aren't speaking German now.
" Never mind the fact he's one of the reasons you aren't speaking German now. " sooner russian , G. had no chance in a long run

Who ever in history was forced from Germans to speak Geman?

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.

Winston Churchill is one of the few great statesmen to come from a nation that has otherwise wronged almost every nation on the planet and owes the world quintillions in reparations.

Go peddle your race hustling ass to some naive college kids. I'm talking about ALL the American soldiers, Black, White native, Asian, etc. Racist piece of shit.
What about them? What's your point?

Only to make this clear: Not said I what you said to me. Your quotation here is totally wrong.
Are you drunk?
I never said "Go peddle your race hustling ass to some naive college kids. I'm talking about ALL the American soldiers, Black, White native, Asian, etc. Racist piece of shit." You said so to me.

Go peddle your race hustling ass to some naive college kids. I'm talking about ALL the American soldiers, Black, White native, Asian, etc. Racist piece of shit.
What about them? What's your point?

Only to make this clear: Not said I what you said to me. Your quotation here is totally wrong.
Are you drunk?
I never said "Go peddle your race hustling ass to some naive college kids. I'm talking about ALL the American soldiers, Black, White native, Asian, etc. Racist piece of shit." You said so to me.
Yep. So?

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.
Why do you guys insist on trashing people of the past??
You do realize Churchill was born in 1874? What the heck is wrong with you?
His view on race would have been pretty much like most people living in that era.
Or perhaps you are hoping to blame one single man for the sentiment of an entire nation.
The article is clearly written by some faculty lounge sitter who loves to do some virtue signaling by trashing a man who saved his own damn country!

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.

Gee, Tommy, it's almost as if cultural norms change over time or something. Never mind the fact he's one of the reasons you aren't speaking German now.
Norms havent changed that much. The British people booted him out the first chance they got. I would suggest that the efforts of my Grandparents did more to win the War than Churchill.

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.
Marxists hate him much like they hate the civilization, greatest man of 20c. who wanted to save my family from marxist permanent famine
Soviet famine of 1946–47 - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Soviet_famine_of_1946–47

Between 1946 and 1947, there were a minimum of 115,000 to over 300,000 recorded deaths linked to starvation. ... The famine in Moldova has also led to ..

Pity about the Bengalis.
Now of course they are mostly dead, but they were uniformly appreciative of the New Zealand soldiers who backed up the remnants of the Greek army in the Battle of Crete and the Cretian resistance.
As the NZ troops were appreciative of Cretan and Greek support.
But the majority of the 2NZDiv was not evacuated by submarine and the troops of the 2NZDiv were not specifically mountain trained. As for 'backing up' the Greek Army, remnants of the Greek Army were attached to CreForce as far as I am aware.
Go peddle your race hustling ass to some naive college kids. I'm talking about ALL the American soldiers, Black, White Native, Asian, etc. Racist piece of shit.
In the segregated US forces?
That was the policy at that time, but they all served in Europe. You can blame the Democrat Presidents FDR and Truman.

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.
What would your life be like if the Empire had been defeated 1,000 years ago?
There was no empire 1000 years ago you thick fucker.

Nor would there ever have been one if the majority of the population were like you.
Why can't Britain handle the truth about Winston Churchill?
Because the truth is that Churchill is the greatest UK leader since my great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather, The Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, and Britain is loaded with a bunch of communist filth twinkle-toed cocksuckers like you.


(And because I am a descendent
of The Lord Protector, I am
also a descendent of Uhtred the Bold, aka Uhtred of Bebbanburg.

Even his contemporaries found his views on race shocking. In the context of Churchill’s hard line against providing famine relief to Bengal, the colonial secretary, Leo Amery, remarked: “On the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane … I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s.”

Its because we are programmed to flap like seals when the "glory" of empire and our outdated societal norms are discussed.
Its good that someone has come out and said it. Interesting observations about right wing authoritarians marching against different ideas. Hypocritical bastards.
Marxists hate him much like they hate the civilization, greatest man of 20c. who wanted to save my family from marxist permanent famine
Soviet famine of 1946–47 - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Soviet_famine_of_1946–47

Between 1946 and 1947, there were a minimum of 115,000 to over 300,000 recorded deaths linked to starvation. ... The famine in Moldova has also led to ..

Pity about the Bengalis.

Bangladesh is terrible suffering from overpopulation today
That was the policy at that time, but they all served in Europe. You can blame the Democrat Presidents FDR and Truman.
Nah, we can blame the racist Krakkers from the slave states. You wouldn't believe it, but when they were over here they even tried to tell us Maori should be kept separate. Still, Krakkers will Krakker.
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But to highlight only his shortcomings through the lens of 21st Century Woke attitudes? Gimme a break. Grow the Fuck up.

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