Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
That's been tried and it hasn't worked in 35 years or 50 years or whatever you want to call it, due to GOP obstruction. Again they are not on welfare to any great extent and they don't want to be on welfare. There's a brain wash once again. people want to be on welfare? You are a brainwashed functional moron.

The laws aren't enforced to crack down on those hiring illegals, because we live in a Capitalist craptopia, they just care about the profits of the elite.

You should be appalled by this, actually.

Here are illegals getting scab wages, hardly able to make it, living often with many other illegals in apartments, and there goes the American wage down, and American workers cut out of jobs.

What kind of Democrat supports this crap, you people are such hypocrites, you care more about minorities, than your own country.

If you cared about the workers, you'd be against this debacle.

As for welfare question, people making scab wages, would like to often have welfare prop up their income.
I am telling you how to end this I want no more illegals I want no more illegals coming in you understand? You're so brainwashed and racist and misinformed my brain... They want to work and be Americans and they're here for years now you can't throw people out like that you invited them in - you and your greedy idiot brainwashing GOP... God you people are stupid... And so is the wall. The wall is stupid and will not work. Get it
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
They all want to be Americans why won't you let them? And stop anymore and end this GOP horseshit wedge issue? A wall will not work it's stupid. They come in on visas and stay 40 percent plus of them. Mexican fifth column my ass that's as stupid as Hillary is evil etc etc.

Why does Mexico crack down on it's illegals from Central America, and even make it hard for American legals to live down there with all rules, and regulations.

Yet, here we go propping up Mexico #2 AKA the U.S.A, just to benefit the Capitalists who want cheap labor, the Jews who want strength by numbers,, and the Democrats to gain more voters.

Pretty sick, you sickos are destroying the whole U.S.A, down in the dirt with you.

A lot of Mexicans see America as apart of Mexico, and don't respect us, or like us.

Why do you let in people, like this, especially considering that they have quite a bit of gang issues, especially in the next generation.

This is a complete outrage, leave your crocodile tears at the door, you clearly care more about Mexicans, than Americans.
Stupidity also have consequences it's a disgrace and stupid and useless , dupe and ignoramus.

The only thing "disgraceful" about it is the fact the fuckheads like you made it necessary. The wall is a Dimproof method of enforcing the border.
Brainwashed drivel for right-wing imbeciles. Legalize and tax it and treat it....

Go fuck yourself, open-borders scumbag. The Mexicans are staying in their side of the border.
Screw you fascist Berlin Wall bastard. It's u
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
According to the Pew research it is true or was in 2007 the last time they did it. Illegals don't go for welfare or vote especially. Not worth it they want to work you're a racist gratulations Dupe.

The illegals aren't supposed to get welfare, but if they have children, then they can get it, and their children get schooling, with the tab sent to us, furthermore
if we make them legal, more will be able to go on welfare.

How is this beneficial for our society, exactly?

I understand how it's beneficial to the Mexican society, indeed, not the U.S.A society, however.
They have been here for years they are working they are not lazy at all they are the immigrants that make our country great and you will never be allowed to just throw them out. It's stupid you are stupid it's racist you are racist. You allow the good ones to stay and make them legal and tax pain and stop any more from coming in with a SSID card like every other modern country and without a disgraceful Berlin Wall or a fascist right-wing Israeli wall. Goddamn Yahoo's...
n American and a disgrace and won't do any good do you understand? 40% overstay their visas the GOP just loves the cheap easily bullied illegal labor and so do you when it's not a GOP depression. The brainwash is deep with this one...

Hard working, doesn't mean they're not putting extra pressures on our system.

The illegals put pressures on schools, jails, police, fire dept, and many other outlets, considering they pay far less into the system, than they take out of it.

Actually they sometimes even put the bigger pressures on the system, yes they have more kids generally, thus more schooling, they put a lot of fire pressures as they overload houses with multiple illegals in a home.

All for what?
To benefit only the cheap labor profit margins of the elite corporations?
Bogus at best.

They undermine wages, they cut people out of jobs, and not to mention they Balkanize the U.S.A.

No, just no, there's far more reasons to be against them being here, than otherwise.
65% pay taxes and they don't get much for it, you idiot. Let's make 100% of them pay taxes. You GOP idiots keep this problem going. Get it?
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
They all want to be Americans why won't you let them? And stop anymore and end this GOP horseshit wedge issue? A wall will not work it's stupid. They come in on visas and stay 40 percent plus of them. Mexican fifth column my ass that's as stupid as Hillary is evil etc etc.

Because every one of the will take an America job, asshole. I realize you don't care about the people who already live here, but some of us do.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
That's been tried and it hasn't worked in 35 years or 50 years or whatever you want to call it, due to GOP obstruction. Again they are not on welfare to any great extent and they don't want to be on welfare. There's a brain wash once again. people want to be on welfare? You are a brainwashed functional moron.

The laws aren't enforced to crack down on those hiring illegals, because we live in a Capitalist craptopia, they just care about the profits of the elite.

You should be appalled by this, actually.

Here are illegals getting scab wages, hardly able to make it, living often with many other illegals in apartments, and there goes the American wage down, and American workers cut out of jobs.

What kind of Democrat supports this crap, you people are such hypocrites, you care more about minorities being here, than about your own country.

If you cared about the workers, you'd be against this debacle.

As for welfare question, people making scab wages, would like to often have welfare prop up their income.
I'm telling you you stupid ass all LOL give them cards the cat be faked ID cards so no more come in and then give them the rights of all Americans in a Democratic Society. Like health care and a living wage and a 5 week vacation after year... Super dupe read that again now Jesus
The only thing "disgraceful" about it is the fact the fuckheads like you made it necessary. The wall is a Dimproof method of enforcing the border.
Brainwashed drivel for right-wing imbeciles. Legalize and tax it and treat it....

Go fuck yourself, open-borders scumbag. The Mexicans are staying in their side of the border.
Screw you fascist Berlin Wall bastard. It's u
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
According to the Pew research it is true or was in 2007 the last time they did it. Illegals don't go for welfare or vote especially. Not worth it they want to work you're a racist gratulations Dupe.

The illegals aren't supposed to get welfare, but if they have children, then they can get it, and their children get schooling, with the tab sent to us, furthermore
if we make them legal, more will be able to go on welfare.

How is this beneficial for our society, exactly?

I understand how it's beneficial to the Mexican society, indeed, not the U.S.A society, however.
They have been here for years they are working they are not lazy at all they are the immigrants that make our country great and you will never be allowed to just throw them out. It's stupid you are stupid it's racist you are racist. You allow the good ones to stay and make them legal and tax pain and stop any more from coming in with a SSID card like every other modern country and without a disgraceful Berlin Wall or a fascist right-wing Israeli wall. Goddamn Yahoo's...
n American and a disgrace and won't do any good do you understand? 40% overstay their visas the GOP just loves the cheap easily bullied illegal labor and so do you when it's not a GOP depression. The brainwash is deep with this one...

Hard working, doesn't mean they're not putting extra pressures on our system.

The illegals put pressures on schools, jails, police, fire dept, and many other outlets, considering they pay far less into the system, than they take out of it.

Actually they sometimes even put the bigger pressures on the system, yes they have more kids generally, thus more schooling, they put a lot of fire pressures as they overload houses with multiple illegals in a home.

All for what?
To benefit only the cheap labor profit margins of the elite corporations?
Bogus at best.

They undermine wages, they cut people out of jobs, and not to mention they Balkanize the U.S.A.

No, just no, there's far more reasons to be against them being here, than otherwise.
65% pay taxes and they don't get much for it, you idiot. Let's make 100% of them pay taxes. You GOP idiots keep this problem going. Get it?

A lot of people in those tax brackets who are citizens don't pay much taxes, anyways, furthermore the amount of welfare abuse would climb, because most of them work scab wages, and we'd be forced to support them financially, how is this to our American benefit?
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b******
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
They all want to be Americans why won't you let them? And stop anymore and end this GOP horseshit wedge issue? A wall will not work it's stupid. They come in on visas and stay 40 percent plus of them. Mexican fifth column my ass that's as stupid as Hillary is evil etc etc.

Because every one of the will take an America job, asshole. I realize you don't care about the people who already live here, but some of us do.
You will never get to throw 11 million Mexican illegals out... It is inhumane and it won't happen. you are unbelievable. You throw out the Unworthy criminals and you give them a new us SSS ID card so no more come in. There is the ending of the problem, as opposed to a stupid wall and dreams of kicking 11 or 15 million worthy Mexican immigrants out. That will not happen ever, racist dupe
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
They all want to be Americans why won't you let them? And stop anymore and end this GOP horseshit wedge issue? A wall will not work it's stupid. They come in on visas and stay 40 percent plus of them. Mexican fifth column my ass that's as stupid as Hillary is evil etc etc.

Because every one of the will take an America job, asshole. I realize you don't care about the people who already live here, but some of us do.
You will never get to throw 11 million Mexican illegals out... It is inhumane and it won't happen. you are unbelievable. You throw out the Unworthy criminals and you give them a new us SSS ID card so no more come in. There is the ending of the problem, as opposed to a stupid wall and dreams of kicking 11 or 15 million worthy Mexican immigrants out. That will not happen ever, racist dupe

That's what you do. What I do is build the fucking wall and throw out all the illegals - every last one of them.
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
That's been tried and it hasn't worked in 35 years or 50 years or whatever you want to call it, due to GOP obstruction. Again they are not on welfare to any great extent and they don't want to be on welfare. There's a brain wash once again. people want to be on welfare? You are a brainwashed functional moron.

The laws aren't enforced to crack down on those hiring illegals, because we live in a Capitalist craptopia, they just care about the profits of the elite.

You should be appalled by this, actually.

Here are illegals getting scab wages, hardly able to make it, living often with many other illegals in apartments, and there goes the American wage down, and American workers cut out of jobs.

What kind of Democrat supports this crap, you people are such hypocrites, you care more about minorities being here, than about your own country.

If you cared about the workers, you'd be against this debacle.

As for welfare question, people making scab wages, would like to often have welfare prop up their income.
I'm telling you you stupid ass all LOL give them cards the cat be faked ID cards so no more come in and then give them the rights of all Americans in a Democratic Society. Like health care and a living wage and a 5 week vacation after year... Super dupe read that again now Jesus

As a Fascist, I support health-care, I'm socially far-right, but economically socialist.

As almost all Fascists I'm hyper-Nationalistic, and believe nations work best when homogeneous, the Balkanization truly causes tension, be it racism, turf-wars, or even pogroms, massacres, or genocide events.

Just look at the Balkans to see how this failed.

I don't get why you Western Europeans are so stupid, definitely not all there, you support garbage, in general.
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
Yeah, I pretty much wouldn't give a rat fuck if any of that were true (it's not).

I want them kicked out to improve the job market and wages for Americans.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
They all want to be Americans why won't you let them? And stop anymore and end this GOP horseshit wedge issue? A wall will not work it's stupid. They come in on visas and stay 40 percent plus of them. Mexican fifth column my ass that's as stupid as Hillary is evil etc etc.

Because every one of the will take an America job, asshole. I realize you don't care about the people who already live here, but some of us do.
You will never get to throw 11 million Mexican illegals out... It is inhumane and it won't happen. you are unbelievable. You throw out the Unworthy criminals and you give them a new us SSS ID card so no more come in. There is the ending of the problem, as opposed to a stupid wall and dreams of kicking 11 or 15 million worthy Mexican immigrants out. That will not happen ever, racist dupe

Deportations, and walls are bullshit, our Capitalist regime gives such solutions, because they want to keep the masses stupid, and in the dark, while they screw them left, and right.

The truth is you crack down on employers, after you do so many, most employers will get nervous, and they'd stop hiring illegals in most cases.

Without that income, they'd be forced to hire Americans, at higher wages, and in return the wages go up, more is spent back into the economy, and everything propels forward.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!
Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?
Because most are fed up with everyone else getting a free ride while citizens suffer their presence. No. No. No. No. Get OUT.
You can't kick out all those people that are working and are part of the economy plus it was the GOP and you idiot dupes who have been giving them an open invitation to come in forever... And I won't help 40% already come in with visas and just overstay them. We need an ID card like every other modern country stupid!

How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
That's been tried and it hasn't worked in 35 years or 50 years or whatever you want to call it, due to GOP obstruction. Again they are not on welfare to any great extent and they don't want to be on welfare. There's a brain wash once again. people want to be on welfare? You are a brainwashed functional moron.

The laws aren't enforced to crack down on those hiring illegals, because we live in a Capitalist craptopia, they just care about the profits of the elite.

You should be appalled by this, actually.

Here are illegals getting scab wages, hardly able to make it, living often with many other illegals in apartments, and there goes the American wage down, and American workers cut out of jobs.

What kind of Democrat supports this crap, you people are such hypocrites, you care more about minorities being here, than about your own country.

If you cared about the workers, you'd be against this debacle.

As for welfare question, people making scab wages, would like to often have welfare prop up their income.
I'm telling you you stupid ass all LOL give them cards the cat be faked ID cards so no more come in and then give them the rights of all Americans in a Democratic Society. Like health care and a living wage and a 5 week vacation after year... Super dupe read that again now Jesus

As a Fascist, I support health-care, I'm socially far-right, but economically socialist.

As almost all Fascists I'm hyper-Nationalistic, and believe nations work best when homogeneous, the Balkanization truly causes tension, be it racism, turf-wars, or even pogroms, massacres, or genocide events. The United States can handle 11 million Mexicans especially as you assholes in the GOP invited them.

Just look at the Balkans to see how this failed.

I don't get why you Western Europeans are so stupid, definitely not all there, you support garbage, in general.
I am an American who has visited Europe a lot as a young , visiting my cousin's the goodchilds and learning French and Spanish. The United States can handle 11 million hard-working Mexicans especially as the GOP invited them in the racist assholes
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!
Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?
Because most are fed up with everyone else getting a free ride while citizens suffer their presence. No. No. No. No. Get OUT.
Free ride my ass you brainwashed functional moron and no doubt racist...
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b*******.

You're getting the wall whether you want it or not. Elections have consequences.
Stupidity also have consequences it's a disgrace and stupid and useless , dupe and ignoramus.

The only thing "disgraceful" about it is the fact the fuckheads like you made it necessary. The wall is a Dimproof method of enforcing the border.
Brainwashed drivel for right-wing imbeciles. Legalize and tax it and treat it....

Go fuck yourself, open-borders scumbag. The Mexicans are staying on their side of the border.

Except for the 1.8 million Trump plans to give amnesty to.
According to the Pew research it is true or was in 2007 the last time they did it. Illegals don't go for welfare or vote especially. Not worth it they want to work you're a racist gratulations Dupe
What is racist about what I said? You had to assume a lot to reach that conclusion, which is fallacy.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

The thing of it is, the far left wants open boarders and chain migration and has taken a hard line stand on it.
That is exactly why they can't get it passed.

The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.
Why should you get a visa because your nephew got a green card through amnesty?

Not going to happen.

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.

No one is saying that.
You are the one that's getting that impression.

The point is they can sponsor their parents who broke the law. It also continues to give the incentive for others who want to come in illegally.
That doesn't sit well with a large majority of Americans.
The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.

The question should be - what's with the Dems not addressing immigration reform when they had the House and Senate in 2007 & 2008? President Bush would have signed it - he supported conditional 'amnesty'. What's with the Dems not passing immigration reform in 2009 or 2010 when they held the House, the Senate and the White House?

The simple answer - the folks who would benefit most from immigration reform are more valuable to the Left as political pawns rather than a problem solved...which is actually their attitude toward most of the people living in this country...especially young folk, as evidenced by the Left's hard-line stance against school choice and vouchers for inner city youth for one...heavily financed by teachers unions, of course.
The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.

The question should be - what's with the Dems not addressing immigration reform when they had the House and Senate in 2007 & 2008? President Bush would have signed it - he supported conditional 'amnesty'. What's with the Dems not passing immigration reform in 2009 or 2010 when they held the House, the Senate and the White House?

The simple answer - the folks who would benefit most from immigration reform are more valuable to the Left as political pawns rather than a problem solved...which is actually their attitude toward most of the people living in this country...especially young folk, as evidenced by the Left's hard-line stance against school choice and vouchers for inner city youth for one...heavily financed by teachers unions, of course.
I already answered the question. The Dems did attempt bipartisan immigration reform..the bill died in the House. That is why tbe President finally resorted to DACA.

Obama pushes immigration overhaul
How about we crack down on the employers who hire illegals, with laws existing, but not enforced?

Of course not, the Capitalist scums want them here for their cheap labor mania, and they want to pass the tab onto the tax paying masses, and to what benefit?
A Balkanized U.S.A, with a Mexican fifth column,which generally doesn't even like us?
That's been tried and it hasn't worked in 35 years or 50 years or whatever you want to call it, due to GOP obstruction. Again they are not on welfare to any great extent and they don't want to be on welfare. There's a brain wash once again. people want to be on welfare? You are a brainwashed functional moron.

The laws aren't enforced to crack down on those hiring illegals, because we live in a Capitalist craptopia, they just care about the profits of the elite.

You should be appalled by this, actually.

Here are illegals getting scab wages, hardly able to make it, living often with many other illegals in apartments, and there goes the American wage down, and American workers cut out of jobs.

What kind of Democrat supports this crap, you people are such hypocrites, you care more about minorities being here, than about your own country.

If you cared about the workers, you'd be against this debacle.

As for welfare question, people making scab wages, would like to often have welfare prop up their income.
I'm telling you you stupid ass all LOL give them cards the cat be faked ID cards so no more come in and then give them the rights of all Americans in a Democratic Society. Like health care and a living wage and a 5 week vacation after year... Super dupe read that again now Jesus

As a Fascist, I support health-care, I'm socially far-right, but economically socialist.

As almost all Fascists I'm hyper-Nationalistic, and believe nations work best when homogeneous, the Balkanization truly causes tension, be it racism, turf-wars, or even pogroms, massacres, or genocide events. The United States can handle 11 million Mexicans especially as you assholes in the GOP invited them.

Just look at the Balkans to see how this failed.

I don't get why you Western Europeans are so stupid, definitely not all there, you support garbage, in general.
I am an American who has visited Europe a lot as a young , visiting my cousin's the goodchilds and learning French and Spanish. The United States can handle 11 million hard-working Mexicans especially as the GOP invited them in the racist assholes

Did you develop that extremely scientific OPINION based on our $20 trillion in national debt?
The record number of Americans living at or below poverty?
The record number of Americans on welfare
The record number of homeless in America

I’m just curious as to how you come up with the ignorant bullshit you come up with.....Please pull you head from your ass...you’re losing credibility here FAST!

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