Why aren't children taught the basics of computer programming in 2013?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
For the rest of mankind's future, we will be living in a digital computer age. Computers are necessary for modern economies, societies and most importantly, self-defense.

I consider basic knowledge of computers as important as basic knowledge of firearms. There are over one billion users of iphones and other handheld computational devices, yet you can rarely find one person on the street that even understands how they operate.

I want to explain how I got started with computer programming, and ways your kids might also become familiar with.

Around the year 2003, when I was 13, a video game titled "Warcraft III, Reign of Chaos" was released, with a "Map Editor" which included a "Trigger Editor" which basically allowed you to program your own virtual realities and ideas into you own custom map. The proper term for this is called "scripting."

The GUI (graphic user interface) of the Warcraft Map Editor taught me the very basics of programming: You need an EVENT, a set of CONDITIONS (to limit the event) and an ACTION. In the most simple terms, cause and effect.

By the year 2007 I was full computer guru, self-taught in mathematics, linear algebra (necessary for computers), intro-calculus, programming and also physics, which was necessary to understand the actual physical processes of computers.

Yes, by the time I was 17, I had all this knowledge, none of it taught in school, nor was any of it that complicated. I remember a kid a few years ago at my job who was amazed I was tutoring intro calc, under the assumption I was a "genius." Then he took a calc course last spring and got a B+ without doing half his homework.

Really, learning isn't hard, if you apply yourself.

Back to the main topic:
Everyone needs to learn how to program computers in at least one standard scripting language before graduating high school.

It is vital to the self defense of both the individual and the nation, as it allows you to identify and prevent cyber attacks by criminals and governments and foreign enemies, and if the Militia were ever to be activated to defend us against invasion, computer programming skills go a long way in guided weaponry and other weapons and defense systems. You won't always be able to rely on satellites and mega-power grids (thus you can't always expect the internet to be accessible) if there' ever a large conflict between modern nations.
To answer your question: They are, at least at some schools.

I took 2 years of computer programming in high school, as well as AB and BC calculus. My uncle is currently a high-school math and computer science teacher at the school I went to.

I have some doubts about your claim to have taught yourself linear algebra, also. At most colleges, Calculus 3 (multi-variable) is a pre-req for linear algebra.
At the current moment, I am familiar with (though I am no expert) Java, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP. I can function in all those languages.

However, I disagree with the notion that those levels of mathematics are required. I have taken classes in math up to the Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics using this book. ISBN: 9780201726343
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, 5e

I sucked at it and only managed to get a B- from the class...It was a prerequisite for the rest of My classes for web development. I don't think that the math is all that much a factor....Thought I will say that the Boolean algebra did help a lot.
At the current moment, I am familiar with (though I am no expert) Java, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP. I can function in all those languages.

However, I disagree with the notion that those levels of mathematics are required. I have taken classes in math up to the Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics using this book. ISBN: 9780201726343
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, 5e

I sucked at it and only managed to get a B- from the class...It was a prerequisite for the rest of My classes for web development. I don't think that the math is all that much a factor....Thought I will say that the Boolean algebra did help a lot.

Boolean algebra and formal logic are both pretty handy when you're talking about computer programming. I don't think the high-level math stuff is as important, unless we're talking about crypo and stuff like that.
Because they don't need or want to know as long as their iPad keeps on working.
At the current moment, I am familiar with (though I am no expert) Java, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP. I can function in all those languages.

However, I disagree with the notion that those levels of mathematics are required. I have taken classes in math up to the Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics using this book. ISBN: 9780201726343
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, 5e

I sucked at it and only managed to get a B- from the class...It was a prerequisite for the rest of My classes for web development. I don't think that the math is all that much a factor....Thought I will say that the Boolean algebra did help a lot.

Boolean algebra and formal logic are both pretty handy when you're talking about computer programming. I don't think the high-level math stuff is as important, unless we're talking about crypo and stuff like that.
I agree. I've never had an interest in crypto, but the formal logic aids in the decision tree structure of any program.
At most colleges, Calculus 3 (multi-variable) is a pre-req for linear algebra.

Linear Algebra is a 212 course at Stony Brook University (where I attended) that required no pre-reqs other than Calc 1.

You can look it up if you wish.

One can learn Linear Algebra without knowing any calc. I personally think Linear Algebra should be taught before calc, and taught alongside pre-calc (derivatives, Riemann sums and geometric sequences).

You could probably teach multi-variable calc even sooner if LA was taught in 11th,12th grade.


Multivariable calculus is helpful because it gives many applications of linear algebra, but it's certainly not necessary. In fact, you probably need linear algebra to really start to understand multivariable calculus.

To wit, one of the central objects in multivariable calculus is the differential of a function. In single-variable calculus, you are taught that the differential of a function f:R→R is a new map f′:R→R which provides the slope of the tangent line to f at each point in R. This is strictly correct, but it is not the best way to understand single-variable calculus if you want to easily generalize.

The better way to see single-variable calculus is to recall that the tangent line to f at x is the best affine-linear approximation to f at x, i.e., f is approximated by f(y)≈f′(x)(y−x)+f(x).

This generalizes quite well! If f:Rn→Rm, the differential to f at x, dfx, is the best linear approximation to f at x: f(y)≈dfx(y−x)+f(x). Now, we think of x and y as vectors in Rn and the differential dfx is an n×m matrix.

Even more generally, we think of df as a map from Rn into Hom(Rn,Rm) which measures the best linear approximation of f at each point x∈Rn.

Generalizing further requires the notion, from differential geometry, of a smooth manifold. Such manifolds carry objects called tangent bundles, which assign to each point of the manifold an abstract vector space.

You can see how linear algebra is a little more helpful for multivariable calculus than the other way around.

Now your knowledge of LA is in doubt.
As for your doubts about teaching myself, I taught it to myself without even knowing what the subject was called. In Warcraft 3 you get to work with arrays and matrices, and you often need to transform them in order to make certain parts of the environment change in an orderly fashion. I learned how to maniuplate these n-dimensional arrays (matrixes) through trial and error, and often you have to solve the "solution" to the system, or normalize motions to a certain plane.

You'd be surprised what you can teach yourself. It's this creativity that Communists suppress. Every human is unique, and talented (save those born mentally disabled). The problem in America and education today is the lack of interest and hope, which is the result of this Communist brainwashing system, that teaches you WHAT to think, not HOW to think.

Computer programming teachers you HOW to think. Hence why it isn't taught.
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At most colleges, Calculus 3 (multi-variable) is a pre-req for linear algebra.

Linear Algebra is a 212 course at Stony Brook University (where I attended) that required no pre-reqs other than Calc 1.

You can look it up if you wish.

One can learn Linear Algebra without knowing any calc. I personally think Linear Algebra should be taught before calc, and taught alongside pre-calc (derivatives, Riemann sums and geometric sequences).

You could probably teach multi-variable calc even sooner if LA was taught in 11th,12th grade.

Do I need to understand Multi-Variable Calculus to study Linear Algebra? - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Multivariable calculus is helpful because it gives many applications of linear algebra, but it's certainly not necessary. In fact, you probably need linear algebra to really start to understand multivariable calculus.

To wit, one of the central objects in multivariable calculus is the differential of a function. In single-variable calculus, you are taught that the differential of a function f:R→R is a new map f′:R→R which provides the slope of the tangent line to f at each point in R. This is strictly correct, but it is not the best way to understand single-variable calculus if you want to easily generalize.

The better way to see single-variable calculus is to recall that the tangent line to f at x is the best affine-linear approximation to f at x, i.e., f is approximated by f(y)≈f′(x)(y−x)+f(x).

This generalizes quite well! If f:Rn→Rm, the differential to f at x, dfx, is the best linear approximation to f at x: f(y)≈dfx(y−x)+f(x). Now, we think of x and y as vectors in Rn and the differential dfx is an n×m matrix.

Even more generally, we think of df as a map from Rn into Hom(Rn,Rm) which measures the best linear approximation of f at each point x∈Rn.

Generalizing further requires the notion, from differential geometry, of a smooth manifold. Such manifolds carry objects called tangent bundles, which assign to each point of the manifold an abstract vector space.

You can see how linear algebra is a little more helpful for multivariable calculus than the other way around.

Now your knowledge of LA is in doubt.

I never claimed any knowledge of linear algebra, other than it's pre-reqs in the UC system, and what friends have told me.
At most colleges, Calculus 3 (multi-variable) is a pre-req for linear algebra.

Linear Algebra is a 212 course at Stony Brook University (where I attended) that required no pre-reqs other than Calc 1.

You can look it up if you wish.

One can learn Linear Algebra without knowing any calc. I personally think Linear Algebra should be taught before calc, and taught alongside pre-calc (derivatives, Riemann sums and geometric sequences).

You could probably teach multi-variable calc even sooner if LA was taught in 11th,12th grade.

Do I need to understand Multi-Variable Calculus to study Linear Algebra? - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Multivariable calculus is helpful because it gives many applications of linear algebra, but it's certainly not necessary. In fact, you probably need linear algebra to really start to understand multivariable calculus.

To wit, one of the central objects in multivariable calculus is the differential of a function. In single-variable calculus, you are taught that the differential of a function f:R→R is a new map f′:R→R which provides the slope of the tangent line to f at each point in R. This is strictly correct, but it is not the best way to understand single-variable calculus if you want to easily generalize.

The better way to see single-variable calculus is to recall that the tangent line to f at x is the best affine-linear approximation to f at x, i.e., f is approximated by f(y)≈f′(x)(y−x)+f(x).

This generalizes quite well! If f:Rn→Rm, the differential to f at x, dfx, is the best linear approximation to f at x: f(y)≈dfx(y−x)+f(x). Now, we think of x and y as vectors in Rn and the differential dfx is an n×m matrix.

Even more generally, we think of df as a map from Rn into Hom(Rn,Rm) which measures the best linear approximation of f at each point x∈Rn.

Generalizing further requires the notion, from differential geometry, of a smooth manifold. Such manifolds carry objects called tangent bundles, which assign to each point of the manifold an abstract vector space.

You can see how linear algebra is a little more helpful for multivariable calculus than the other way around.

Now your knowledge of LA is in doubt.
As for your doubts about teaching myself, I taught it to myself without even knowing what the subject was called. In Warcraft 3 you get to work with arrays and matrices, and you often need to transform them in order to make certain parts of the environment change in an orderly fashion. I learned how to maniuplate these n-dimensional arrays (matrixes) through trial and error, and often you have to solve the "solution" to the system, or normalize motions to a certain plane.

You'd be surprised what you can teach yourself. It's this creativity that Communists suppress. Every human is unique, and talented (save those born mentally disabled). The problem in America and education today is the lack of interest and hope, which is the result of this Communist brainwashing system, that teaches you WHAT to think, not HOW to think.

Computer programming teachers you HOW to think. Hence why it isn't taught.

For the sake of argument (since I have no way of knowing whether you're talking out of your ass or not), I'll accept that you've taught yourself LA.

But to bring it back to the main topic:

Computer Programming is taught in schools all over the country. Your claim that "it isn't taught" is nonsense.
Computer Programming is taught in schools all over the country. Your claim that "it isn't taught" is nonsense.

Perhaps as an elective, I have yet to see any public school mandate it.

This is about as close as it gets:


Even these two major Communists agree:

President Bill Clinton
“At a time when people are saying "I want a good job - I got out of college and I couldnt find one," every single year in America there is a standing demand for 120,000 people who are training in computer science.“

Mike Bloomberg
Mayor, New York City
“We salute the coders, designers, and programmers already hard at work at their desks, and we encourage every student who can't decide whether to take that computer science class to give it a try. New York City’s economic future depends on it, and while we're already giving thousands of our students the opportunity to learn how to code, much more can and should be done.“
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Computer Programming is taught in schools all over the country. Your claim that "it isn't taught" is nonsense.

Perhaps as an elective, I have yet to see any public school mandate it.

This is about as close as it gets:
Debate: why every school should teach computer programming | lernful

Code.org | Anybody can learn

Even these two major Communists agree:

President Bill Clinton
“At a time when people are saying "I want a good job - I got out of college and I couldnt find one," every single year in America there is a standing demand for 120,000 people who are training in computer science.“

Mike Bloomberg
Mayor, New York City
“We salute the coders, designers, and programmers already hard at work at their desks, and we encourage every student who can't decide whether to take that computer science class to give it a try. New York City’s economic future depends on it, and while we're already giving thousands of our students the opportunity to learn how to code, much more can and should be done.“

:lol: :lol:

You're going to have to make up your mind. Is the lack of Computer Programming classes due to an evil "communist" plot, or are the "communists" in favor of it?
You're going to have to make up your mind. Is the lack of Computer Programming classes due to an evil "communist" plot, or are the "communists" in favor of it?

These particular Communists didn't get the memo. Since it's not being tuaght in schools as it is, it's not really the concern of the Shadow Government that owns them (Federal Reserve and other international banks).

Granted, if children started to be taught these things in public school, all these far right Fascists and far left Commies would flip-flop in broad daylight - Romney style.

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I got basic programming in HS.

If you want to really teach your kids, get them to want to and then teach them yourself.

public schools will always be behind the times

Easiest way to teach your kids is to do it in a fun environment.

I taught myself programming from Warcraft III map editor which used JASS script. Learning how to script in video games (custom map making) eventually led me into the entire realm of programming.
By the time the school gets done with sex ed, diversity, multiculturalism, sensitivity training, conflict resolution and anger management, there's no time for subjects.
When 80%+ of HS graduates can neither read, write, or perform math, how do you expect them to learn computer programming?

The vast majority want nothing more than to use their iPads or cell phones or whatever.

And, if you see some of what they post on Twitter, there's no doubt but to their lack of education.
When 80%+ of HS graduates can neither read, write, or perform math, how do you expect them to learn computer programming?

The vast majority want nothing more than to use their iPads or cell phones or whatever.

And, if you see some of what they post on Twitter, there's no doubt but to their lack of education.

Except that your statistic is nonsense.

There's nothing more amazing to me how willing people are to believe bullshit when it supports their personal prejudices.
When 80%+ of HS graduates can neither read, write, or perform math, how do you expect them to learn computer programming?

The vast majority want nothing more than to use their iPads or cell phones or whatever.

And, if you see some of what they post on Twitter, there's no doubt but to their lack of education.

Except that your statistic is nonsense.

There's nothing more amazing to me how willing people are to believe bullshit when it supports their personal prejudices.

Choke on this:

Fast Facts

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