Why are we so easily offended?

Kinda like how people are offended by “Black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”?

No one is trying to stop people from saying black lives matter, all the butt hurt happens when someone responds all lives matter, or blue lives matter.
I wouldn’t go that far.

Are people offended by “black lives matter”? Yes. Yes they are.

No, people are offended by the actions of Black Lives Matter. One is an organization, the other is a concept.
People are offended by the very phrase. We both know this is true. There’s no denying it.
Kinda like how people are offended by “Black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”?

No one is trying to stop people from saying black lives matter, all the butt hurt happens when someone responds all lives matter, or blue lives matter.
I wouldn’t go that far.

Are people offended by “black lives matter”? Yes. Yes they are.
No. They are offended because the message is not black lives matter but that black lives matter only if white people take them. I do not see the outrage from violence in LA or Chicago because its black on black crime. Plus BLM has become a political movement and a violent one.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

If they get pissy, walk away and be the better person. It still isn't your issue. You just get all bunched up about it because deep down, it offends you. I only see a few chowderheads talking about Washington and Jefferson. Most of the statue ire is directed against Confederate statues...which, I reiterate were always offensive..you know, the whole traitor thing. Drop the kneeling for the flag shit..it's a loser for right wingers. As far as police go, I have my own opinions that have nothing to do with the present discussion. Suffice to say, real police reform is long overdue. If you're worried about sound bites, it's time to strap on your big girl panties and grow up.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

The difference is the right doesn't call for people to be cancelled, unless it's holding the left to their own standard for their own people.
Should we ask Bill Maher about it?

How did he get "cancelled"? He's still on HBO, and from what I've seen he isn't left enough to suit some of you vanguard types.
He was on ABC some time ago. His show was cancelled by right wing cancel culture.
Nope. He was cancelled because he called the terrorists who flew into the buildings on 9/11 as "brave". Wasn't right wing cancel culture.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.
Kinda like how people are offended by “Black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”?

No one is trying to stop people from saying black lives matter, all the butt hurt happens when someone responds all lives matter, or blue lives matter.
I wouldn’t go that far.

Are people offended by “black lives matter”? Yes. Yes they are.

No, people are offended by the actions of Black Lives Matter. One is an organization, the other is a concept.
People are offended by the very phrase. We both know this is true. There’s no denying it.

Some people, but the left uses people's disgust with Black Lives Matter to assume they have an issue with people saying black lives matter.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

If they get pissy, walk away and be the better person. It still isn't your issue. You just get all bunched up about it because deep down, it offends you. I only see a few chowderheads talking about Washington and Jefferson. Most of the statue ire is directed against Confederate statues...which, I reiterate were always offensive..you know, the whole traitor thing. Drop the kneeling for the flag shit..it's a loser for right wingers. As far as police go, I have my own opinions that have nothing to do with the present discussion. Suffice to say, real police reform is long overdue. If you're worried about sound bites, it's time to strap on your big girl panties and grow up.
#1) It is my issue. I disagree with you.
#2) You're just brushing it off. Statues are a slippery slope. Teddy Roosevelt statue going down. He is not a confederate.
#3) Why did you say "right wingers"? I am not a "right winger". I just believe it is respectful to stand for the flag and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for America.
#4) "Real Police Reform" OK. But saying that 95% of police officers are great people should not offend Leftists like you but it does, why?
#5) You're the epitome of how we have become pussies. Have you ever even been in a real fight in your life?
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

#1) Why are they offended? If I see a man and call him a "he" why is that on me? Biology is what it is?

#2) Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington are traitors? To England not to the US? How is a statue offensive?

#3) The anthem says specifically to honor those who served. Nothing about treatment. Women have been mistreated for how long, regardless of color, why aren't we kneeling for that? Why can we not salute those who served? So you're saying its my fault we have racist people in the US and that kneeling for the flag will cure racism?

#4) Media only concentrates on bad policing. Sells eyes. What about the 95% who are great police officers that protect us? How quickly we forget 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings when the police were great.

#5) That is one video and one incident. So now I have to bash all cops because of the worst of the worst is captured on video? So now I cannot say, yes that was awful but that is an anomaly? OR not say anything? Why? Why cannot both statements be accurate? Antonio Brown is an awful human being but we don't judge all NFL players based on who Antonio Brown is. Or Darren Sharper? Or Rae Caruth? Why are we judging all cops based on Derek Chauvin vs. all those who gave their lives at 9/11? Or the Dallas shootings or the Boston Marathon tragedy?

1) Why do you care? It's not your life. If they get pissy, shrug and move on?
2) Again, the vast ire is directed at Confederate statues. Not the small outliers that want Wash and Jeff gone too.

The rest of your responses are just rationalizations, you're just missing the point on purpose. No amount of explaining will change your mind.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.


  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

If they get pissy, walk away and be the better person. It still isn't your issue. You just get all bunched up about it because deep down, it offends you. I only see a few chowderheads talking about Washington and Jefferson. Most of the statue ire is directed against Confederate statues...which, I reiterate were always offensive..you know, the whole traitor thing. Drop the kneeling for the flag shit..it's a loser for right wingers. As far as police go, I have my own opinions that have nothing to do with the present discussion. Suffice to say, real police reform is long overdue. If you're worried about sound bites, it's time to strap on your big girl panties and grow up.

When it becomes a requirement or you can lose your job, then it's my issue. and besides as an american I can insert myself into anyone's "issue" because that is my fucking right.

The whole "traitor" thing was resolved when the winners (the Union) let the losers become US citizens again, and then let them honor their dead and their failed leaders as they saw fit.

The rest of your response is typical mewling SJW soi boi rhetoric.

Make sure you don't stand outside during a 5 MPH wind or you will be blown over.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.
OK, so why are we all PC all of the sudden? It is crazy talk.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.
Because it is a political tool and weapon for Adolescent Socialist Malcontents. These are trained and organized organ grinding monkeys.

I'll mention Trump too, just to mention him.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

#1) Why are they offended? If I see a man and call him a "he" why is that on me? Biology is what it is?

#2) Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington are traitors? To England not to the US? How is a statue offensive?

#3) The anthem says specifically to honor those who served. Nothing about treatment. Women have been mistreated for how long, regardless of color, why aren't we kneeling for that? Why can we not salute those who served? So you're saying its my fault we have racist people in the US and that kneeling for the flag will cure racism?

#4) Media only concentrates on bad policing. Sells eyes. What about the 95% who are great police officers that protect us? How quickly we forget 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings when the police were great.

#5) That is one video and one incident. So now I have to bash all cops because of the worst of the worst is captured on video? So now I cannot say, yes that was awful but that is an anomaly? OR not say anything? Why? Why cannot both statements be accurate? Antonio Brown is an awful human being but we don't judge all NFL players based on who Antonio Brown is. Or Darren Sharper? Or Rae Caruth? Why are we judging all cops based on Derek Chauvin vs. all those who gave their lives at 9/11? Or the Dallas shootings or the Boston Marathon tragedy?

1) Why do you care? It's not your life. If they get pissy, shrug and move on?
2) Again, the vast ire is directed at Confederate statues. Not the small outliers that want Wash and Jeff gone too.

The rest of your responses are just rationalizations, you're just missing the point on purpose. No amount of explaining will change your mind.

Because you scum are burning down the nation. Oh, and spreading Covid-19 in the process.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.
Jacks off again.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

If they get pissy, walk away and be the better person. It still isn't your issue. You just get all bunched up about it because deep down, it offends you. I only see a few chowderheads talking about Washington and Jefferson. Most of the statue ire is directed against Confederate statues...which, I reiterate were always offensive..you know, the whole traitor thing. Drop the kneeling for the flag shit..it's a loser for right wingers. As far as police go, I have my own opinions that have nothing to do with the present discussion. Suffice to say, real police reform is long overdue. If you're worried about sound bites, it's time to strap on your big girl panties and grow up.
#1) It is my issue. I disagree with you.
#2) You're just brushing it off. Statues are a slippery slope. Teddy Roosevelt statue going down. He is not a confederate.
#3) Why did you say "right wingers"? I am not a "right winger". I just believe it is respectful to stand for the flag and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for America.
#4) "Real Police Reform" OK. But saying that 95% of police officers are great people should not offend Leftists like you but it does, why?
#5) You're the epitome of how we have become pussies. Have you ever even been in a real fight in your life?

Been in a few fights in my life. Always regretted it afterwards. Fighting is a really last resort. Only got my ass kicked once and I deserved it.

On the others, you need to develop a thicker skin. Kneeling for the anthem is not disrespect. It shouldn't bother you. All Confederate statues should come down. They were traitors.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

#1) Why are they offended? If I see a man and call him a "he" why is that on me? Biology is what it is?

#2) Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington are traitors? To England not to the US? How is a statue offensive?

#3) The anthem says specifically to honor those who served. Nothing about treatment. Women have been mistreated for how long, regardless of color, why aren't we kneeling for that? Why can we not salute those who served? So you're saying its my fault we have racist people in the US and that kneeling for the flag will cure racism?

#4) Media only concentrates on bad policing. Sells eyes. What about the 95% who are great police officers that protect us? How quickly we forget 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings when the police were great.

#5) That is one video and one incident. So now I have to bash all cops because of the worst of the worst is captured on video? So now I cannot say, yes that was awful but that is an anomaly? OR not say anything? Why? Why cannot both statements be accurate? Antonio Brown is an awful human being but we don't judge all NFL players based on who Antonio Brown is. Or Darren Sharper? Or Rae Caruth? Why are we judging all cops based on Derek Chauvin vs. all those who gave their lives at 9/11? Or the Dallas shootings or the Boston Marathon tragedy?
This is a war. Now. Sometimes fought with bottles, cans, rocks, bricks, sticks, fireworks. It's a battle in our streets fought by ordinary people.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.
Azog: biologically, organisms that survive change over millions of years (like the alligator), do so, because they WITHSTAND change and change themselves to cope with their environment.

Organisms that are so easily offended by every littlest thing such as worrying what gender you prefer to think you want to be called and expect the world to change to suit them, DO NOT.

MANKIND IS RIPE FOR FAILURE and self-destruction.
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  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.
Why are we so easily offended?
What did Tonto say to the Lone Ranger at the Battle of Bighorn? "what do you mean WE whiteman"? I take things with a grain of salt.. It is only when some shit for brains decides that what is mine is his. I dont get offended i just get mad...
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

The difference is the right doesn't call for people to be cancelled, unless it's holding the left to their own standard for their own people.
Should we ask Bill Maher about it?

How did he get "cancelled"? He's still on HBO, and from what I've seen he isn't left enough to suit some of you vanguard types.
He was on ABC some time ago. His show was cancelled by right wing cancel culture.


And now he is on HBO, which gives him probably just as large of an audience, as well as far less limits on his language and topics.
You never heard of “politically incorrect”? Maher was kicked off the air due to right wing outrage over a particular comment about US military.

And no way does HBO have as big of an audience as broadcast TV. Obviously.

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