Why Are The Left Fine With The Vaccinated Spreading Covid To Others?

Of course I read it and it represent exactly what you asked about… vaccine efficacy. What’s wrong with you? it isn’t difficult to understand.
Actually we were talking about who is or isn't spreading it. Your claim was that the experimental treatment slows the spread, there is no way to prove that. None of those studies prove that. As to efficacy there is no comparison for vaxxed to asymptomatic with natural immunity. CDC has almost completely ignored natural immunity.
Actually we were talking about who is or isn't spreading it. Your claim was that the experimental treatment slows the spread, there is no way to prove that. None of those studies prove that. As to efficacy there is no comparison for vaxxed to asymptomatic with natural immunity. CDC has almost completely ignored natural immunity.
If a vaccine has a tested efficacy it means it is effective at preventing infections. That’s what efficacy is. Why do I need to explain that to you?!
If a vaccine has a tested efficacy it means it is effective at preventing infections. That’s what efficacy is. Why do I need to explain that to you?!
No it doesn't, it only means it's effective for the individual in possibly decreasing the effects of infection. Spreading it is a totally different thing. That is where the misinformation is leading folks astray. So-called vaccinated people are spreading the virus. I don't see how you folks still don't get that.
No it doesn't, it only means it's effective for the individual in possibly decreasing the effects of infection. Spreading it is a totally different thing. That is where the misinformation is leading folks astray. So-called vaccinated people are spreading the virus. I don't see how you folks still don't get that.
No not does not only mean it’s effective at possibly decreasing the effects!!!!! You just pulled the BS out of your ass. Read the shit I gave you. You are being ridiculous
No not does not only mean it’s effective at possibly decreasing the effects!!!!! You just pulled the BS out of your ass. Read the shit I gave you. You are being ridiculous
You are the one denying that vaccinated people spread the virus at the same rate as unvaccinated people. That is beyond ridiculous. I know what the experimental treatment claims to do, as it weakens and fades. It is not what you folks claim or think.
You are the one denying that vaccinated people spread the virus at the same rate as unvaccinated people. That is beyond ridiculous. I know what the experimental treatment claims to do, as it weakens and fades. It is not what you folks claim or think.
Yes I’m denying that and showing Scientific studies that show why. You’re not showing anything except for stupidity and And inability to understand basic English.
Yes I’m denying that and showing Scientific studies that show why. You’re not showing anything except for stupidity and And inability to understand basic English.

Wow. That's not what those studies show, believe what you want. Believe you vaccinated folks aren't the Plague spreaders. Fortunately there is a 99+% survivability, so your ignorance can't do too much harm.
I’m not fine with anybody spreading Covid but that’s going to happen. The vaccines slow the spread and keep people out of the hospital. So be a good citizen and get the jab if you haven’t already
You are fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus if you allow the vaccinated to congregate together. Look at hospitals. If you are unvaccinated and get tested regularly you are actually safer than a vaccinated person who doesn't get tested because they are "vaccinated". And yet you would rather fire someone from their job who would actually be a safer worker while letting the vaccinated hospital workers spread the virus. You are fine with all employers and businesses firing workers and not allowing people into buildings and yet you will let in an unlimited number of vaccinateds, spreading the virus. You would ban the unvaccinated from going to a stadium with 80,000 people but you would be just fine with 80,000 vaccinated people all spreading the virus together and being a superspreader event. So, don't tell me you aren't fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus because you are. The worst part is it all makes sense to you.
Wow. That's not what those studies show, believe what you want. Believe you vaccinated folks aren't the Plague spreaders. Fortunately there is a 99+% survivability, so your ignorance can't do too much harm.
Now you’re the one talking random nonesense. The studies show efficacy. They show the vaccines preventing symptomatic spread of the virus in a percentage of people. That is literally slowing the spread. How you don’t understand that is baffling. You’ve been provided with articles and publications and studies. If you don’t get it by now then you are retarded and I can’t help ya
You are fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus if you allow the vaccinated to congregate together. Look at hospitals. If you are unvaccinated and get tested regularly you are actually safer than a vaccinated person who doesn't get tested because they are "vaccinated". And yet you would rather fire someone from their job who would actually be a safer worker while letting the vaccinated hospital workers spread the virus. You are fine with all employers and businesses firing workers and not allowing people into buildings and yet you will let in an unlimited number of vaccinateds, spreading the virus. You would ban the unvaccinated from going to a stadium with 80,000 people but you would be just fine with 80,000 vaccinated people all spreading the virus together and being a superspreader event. So, don't tell me you aren't fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus because you are. The worst part is it all makes sense to you.
Hahahaha, I’m not going to response to such a ridiculous post that lists a bunch idiotic assumptions about what I support and what I want to see happen. That was by far the dumbest post I’ve read today. Do yourself a favor if you want to engage in a civilized conversation. Don’t tell other people why they think…. Especially if you’re going to be so off base with your assumptions
Now you’re the one talking random nonesense. The studies show efficacy. They show the vaccines preventing symptomatic spread of the virus in a percentage of people. That is literally slowing the spread. How you don’t understand that is baffling. You’ve been provided with articles and publications and studies. If you don’t get it by now then you are retarded and I can’t help ya
Sure thing Plague spreader. You are too much.
Hahahaha, I’m not going to response to such a ridiculous post that lists a bunch idiotic assumptions about what I support and what I want to see happen. That was by far the dumbest post I’ve read today. Do yourself a favor if you want to engage in a civilized conversation. Don’t tell other people why they think…. Especially if you’re going to be so off base with your assumptions
Are you in favor of vaccinateds congregating in numbers? Are you in favor of firing unvaccinated health care workers but allowing vaccinated health care workers to work without being tested, allowing them to spread the virus? Are you fine with a football stadium filled with 80,000 vaccinated fans, many of whom will be spreading the virus? Unless you are against these things then you are for the vaccinated spreading the virus.
Are you in favor of vaccinateds congregating in numbers? Are you in favor of firing unvaccinated health care workers but allowing vaccinated health care workers to work without being tested, allowing them to spread the virus? Are you fine with a football stadium filled with 80,000 vaccinated fans, many of whom will be spreading the virus? Unless you are against these things then you are for the vaccinated spreading the virus.
He doesn't believe vaccinated people can spread the virus.
I don't get it. Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread Covid to others. I mean there is scientific proof of this. Don't the left accept the science and listen to the experts? Why do they say that the unvaccinated are responsible for Covid surging when the vaccinated are also spreading the virus? When the most vaccinated countries on the planet are experiencing surges then why do the left think if we get to the same vaccination percentage as those countries, our cases will no longer be surging? Where is the science that shows if we hit the same vaccination rate as the highest vaccinated countries in the world and their cases are surging, our cases will decline instead? Why are left fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus but they want to stop the unvaccinated from spreading the virus? It seems to me like the left are so damned obsessed with blaming the unvaccinated and their quest to stick it to the unvaccinated that they completely ignore the fact that vaccinated people are spreading the virus, even in the most highly vaccinated countries on the planet.
If the vaccinated still spread Covid and/or die, at least they did all they could do.

The unvaccinated are viewed as not doing all they can do to reduce their viral load.

Like the difference between blaming people for spreading HIV or dying from AIDS because they didn't use condoms, even though they argue the pores in the latex condoms are large enough for the virus to go through and aren't enough to prevent infection that can happen anyway even with condoms.

When people are assumed to show reckless disregard for precautions, they get blamed more than people at least agreeing to take precautions that reduce the degree of spread, infection, reaction, or hospitalization, compared with the other approach that appears to deny the difference it makes to take greater precautions, because the virus is dose dependent. Even if nothing works 100%, the reduction of viral load is proportional and the risks are reduced relatively to the degree that you decrease the amount of viral load exposure.
Sure thing Plague spreader. You are too much.
Did you even read the studies? Why would you say the efficacy is just a measure of possibly reducing the symptoms of the virus? That’s just plain wrong. Look up what vaccine efficacy is.
Are you in favor of vaccinateds congregating in numbers? Are you in favor of firing unvaccinated health care workers but allowing vaccinated health care workers to work without being tested, allowing them to spread the virus? Are you fine with a football stadium filled with 80,000 vaccinated fans, many of whom will be spreading the virus? Unless you are against these things then you are for the vaccinated spreading the virus.
There we go! Asking questions instead of making assumptions… good for you!

Im fine with vaccinated people getting together.

Im not in favor of firing people because of vaccination status and I think testing depends on the work environment.

I’m fine with people going out to a football game.

I am not for people spreading the virus but I understand that at this point the virus is out there and will spread. It’s up to all of us to take some personal responsibility and look out for eachother best we can while also living our lives
If the vaccinated still spread Covid and/or die, at least they did all they could do.
No they didn't. They could quit spreading the virus. They could quit going places and spreading it. They could limit what they do and where they go. Otherwise, they are willingly spreading the virus. And, as far as health care workers go, it is actually safer for everyone for them to be unvaccinated and tested regularly than it is to let vaccinateds continue working and not getting tested, which spreads the virus.
There we go! Asking questions instead of making assumptions… good for you!

Im fine with vaccinated people getting together.

Im not in favor of firing people because of vaccination status and I think testing depends on the work environment.

I’m fine with people going out to a football game.

I am not for people spreading the virus but I understand that at this point the virus is out there and will spread. It’s up to all of us to take some personal responsibility and look out for eachother best we can while also living our lives
If you are fine with vaccinated people getting together then you are for vaccinated people spreading the virus.

You didn't really specify vaccinated for unvaccinated regarding football games but it really doesn't matter. If you are fine with stadiums filled with tens of thousands of people then you are fine with the vaccinated spreading the virus.

If we want to stop the spread of the virus we have to stop the spread of people because both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread the virus.

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