Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Intelligent people should not be prompted to take the bait and call Johnson and Johnson's a "vaccine," because it begins its arrogance by using a different virus than SARS-CoV-2.
You cannot you use anti vaxxers and intelligent people in the same sentence. Its an oxymoron.
Where are the studies showing that natural infection produces longer last immunity? Show them to me.

The vaccines were not developed using fetal tissue, lol. This is dumb antivax propaganda. You can spread the virus even if vaccinated but it is 200x less likely between vaxxed individuals and 10x less likely from vaxxed to unvaxxed.
I have shown them over and over again on many threads. Geesh
Wrong, they were used for the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine

Fetal tissue cells from decades ago were used in research we benefit from today. No vaccine, J&J or otherwise used actual fetal tissues in their vaccine. You are intentionally or unintentionally conflating those meanings. Here's the lowdown, medical research has been researching fetal cell tissue for nearly one hundred years. The polio vaccine was the result of said research. Human fetal cells obtained from two abortions in the early 1960s are still growing in labs and used as incubators to replicate viruses for the production of vaccines against chickenpox, rubella, shingles, rabies and hepatitis A. Other medical advancements have been furthered by this research. I know many on the right wish we still lived in the dark ages, but that's never going to happen. We don't want your vision of this alternate reality.
Linkie, you shrill, whining moron?

Sorry, I don't have any memes for you to read. I know this is where you get all your info. I just have the facts, because i live in reality.

I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

As I have maintained, the pandemic never should have been contrived into a partisan, political issue. Respect public health officials whose expertise is based upon the latest empirical data in matters of public health, not ideological media entertainers and pandering pols.

Ignorance comes at a high price that is being inflicted upon those whose knowledge and dedication we rely:

Most of the patients infected with COVID at UW Health are unvaccinated, leaving Sue Wolfe [a nurse at UW Health in Madison, Wisconsin] frustrated and exhausted.

"We are burnt out, we are tired and we are disheartened. So much of what we see on a daily basis is preventable,"
"I find it frustrating. I get angry," Wolfe said. "I wonder why they did this, why they're doing this to me. Why are they doing this to all the people that need to be away from sick people in the waiting room? I'm frustrated because I can't get them out of the frickin' waiting room."
It was CREATED to be a partisan, political issue, a vehicle for corrupt politicians to exploit in order to seize and abuse powers over us far beyond any to which they had any legitimate claim.
Crackpot paranoid stuff is not helpful.

Evil masterminds are nor required to contrive the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.
Crackpot paranoid stuff is not helpful.

And yet you cannot seem to refrain from spewing it all over the place.

The idea that people might wish to be allowed to make important choices for themselves, based on what is in their interests, rather than having choices forced on them by corrupt politicians who are only acting in their own interests and very much against the interests of those on whom they are forcing these choices, terrifies ignorant sheep such as yourself.

And in your ignorant and cowardly compliance, you are complicit with these corrupt politicians, and an enemy of the people.
In antivaxx land, refusing to leave a propaganda echo chamber and parroting facebook memes is what they classify as "doing your own research".

So sad. So many antivaxxers have died and will die. They don't deserve it. They may be weak-minded and hysterical, but they don't deserve death for that.

I will say that it's hard to feel sympathy for them, given how so many of them have spent the past five years giggling about how they want to execute anyone like me.
In antivaxx land, refusing to leave a propaganda echo chamber and parroting facebook memes is what they classify as "doing your own research".

So sad. So many antivaxxers have died and will die. They don't deserve it. They may be weak-minded and hysterical, but they don't deserve death for that.

I will say that it's hard to feel sympathy for them, given how so many of them have spent the past five years giggling about how they want to execute anyone like me.

Not all conservatives are immune from the truth. Good to see you've found some independence.
Well, not all of the truth. Trump is pushing vaccines but he’s hardly a supporter of medical science in general. He’s just tired of seeing his base dying Off.
So sad. So many antivaxxers have died and will die. They don't deserve it. They may be weak-minded and hysterical, but they don't deserve death for that.
You’re right, no one deserves to die early of a horrible death that could have been prevented…..but it’s not unusual. We still have plenty of cigarette smokers left too.
Without tooting my own horn,the only post that matters on this thread is this post of mine,everything thst has been posted on this thread is irrelevent,mikegriffith1 is a fucking dumbass,thst cannot be debated,the best doctors in the world have talked about and proven that the vaccine is dangerous and it’s well known thousands of people around the world,probably millions even,have died from the vaccines.many who were in perfect health.

what’s also well,known is the majority in hospitals that have covid took the vaccine and any doctor that speaks out on the dangers of vaccines gets fired,not only thst if they don’t follow hospital protocols and try to treat them with hydroxchroquine and Ivermectim,they are dismissed as well.many doctors have come forward and said so.America’s front line doctors have said they have treated thousands of their patients across the country and have cured them all therefore Mike is a fucking liar and full of shit we need vaccines.

here is another fact that destroys his op,there is a coroner Englishman who has come out and said the year the virus came out,there was no more deaths that year than any other past year,the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu with the elderly being the exception,this past year though when they rolled out the vaccine,he has had 10 times more deaths from people that took the vaccine than any other time in his life as a coroner.

So again without tooting my horn,every other post on this thread is all irrelevent,without sounding arrogant,this is the only post that matters,I apologize to anybody here if i come across as arrogant and tooting my own horn but these are facts that cannot be refuted,they are NOT my facts.facts from the best doctors in the country and actual moments that have transpired from people taking the vaccine,not one of you can come up with a reason to take the vaccine over Ivermectim and hydroxychroline,you vaccine pushers are all going to hell if you ignore this post or post a laughing smiley and try to laugh off these facts.
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Well, not all of the truth. Trump is pushing vaccines but he’s hardly a supporter of medical science in general. He’s just tired of seeing his base dying Off.
Let me guess,your going to try and tell us biden is a supporter of medical science.lol,if so,you are as much a trollboy as him.lol

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