Diamond Member
We see them, front and center, at all the demonstrations, whether it is anti-racism, tear down the monuments, fcuk the police, or whatever. They seem to be very upset about things that - truth be told - have nothing to do with them. And when I say "privileged," I don't mean the bullshit "white privilege," these people are actually privileged. They grew up in middle class or upper middle class homes, went to good schools, went on annual family vacations until they became so obnoxious their parents left them at home...seriously, privileged.
I'd like to take a guess at why they so pissed off: Because they have been lied to all their lives, and have finally come to realize it.
When they first went to school, they were told that their thoughts and feelings were IMPORTANT (even when they were stupid), they were given stars and hearts and pretty pictures on their homework even when it was crap. They got A's and B's on all their report cards even though they did basically nothing more than the bare minimum of work. They participated in sports and even when they sucked (which was basically always), they got a trophy. They had gobs and gobs of SELF ESTEEM, but no particular justification for having it.
They were told that EDUCATION was the greatest thing, and if they got lots of it that would make them happy and successful, but nobody told them that getting an education simply for the sake of getting an education was...hate to say...stupid, and NOBODY - least of all any employer - has any interest in their degree in Art Appreciation, or Geography, or Gender Studies. They foolishly borrowed many tens of thousands of dollars to get that vacuous degree and now they will have to pay back all that money with "after-tax" dollars, a concept that they never even imagined while they were accumulating the debt.
So they sit there, fully connected on social media with hundreds of thousands of other similarly situated losers, knowing that their future is, basically, shit. They have a crappy job - assuming they HAVE a job - making meagre wages and having so much student-loan debt that they will be on Medicare (and no, not the Medicare-for-All that the leftists are promising...REAL Medicare) before they will have it paid off and can start to, I don't know, look for a house?
And they are ANGRY, ANGRY, ANGRY, but unfortunately there is no person or even group of people at whom to direct their anger. The teachers who lied to them about how special they were? No, that would be unkind. The Coaches who gave them trophies? The parents who supported them? The college professors who enlightened them?
Of course they are angry at Donald Trump. That goes without saying. Everyone they KNOW is angry at Donald Trump. So what?
"I know...let's be angry at THE SYSTEM!" Because the System is racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic...blah, blah, blah. And they spend their time screaming and trying to make themselves seen and heard at the demonstrations against...who gives a shit who it's against...I'm just ANGRY!!!!! And they fuel and catalyze all these demonstrations, not because they give a shit about the actual "message" of the demonstrations - they care about nothing but themselves - but because they are angry at the world and have no other way to express it.
I'd like to take a guess at why they so pissed off: Because they have been lied to all their lives, and have finally come to realize it.
When they first went to school, they were told that their thoughts and feelings were IMPORTANT (even when they were stupid), they were given stars and hearts and pretty pictures on their homework even when it was crap. They got A's and B's on all their report cards even though they did basically nothing more than the bare minimum of work. They participated in sports and even when they sucked (which was basically always), they got a trophy. They had gobs and gobs of SELF ESTEEM, but no particular justification for having it.
They were told that EDUCATION was the greatest thing, and if they got lots of it that would make them happy and successful, but nobody told them that getting an education simply for the sake of getting an education was...hate to say...stupid, and NOBODY - least of all any employer - has any interest in their degree in Art Appreciation, or Geography, or Gender Studies. They foolishly borrowed many tens of thousands of dollars to get that vacuous degree and now they will have to pay back all that money with "after-tax" dollars, a concept that they never even imagined while they were accumulating the debt.
So they sit there, fully connected on social media with hundreds of thousands of other similarly situated losers, knowing that their future is, basically, shit. They have a crappy job - assuming they HAVE a job - making meagre wages and having so much student-loan debt that they will be on Medicare (and no, not the Medicare-for-All that the leftists are promising...REAL Medicare) before they will have it paid off and can start to, I don't know, look for a house?
And they are ANGRY, ANGRY, ANGRY, but unfortunately there is no person or even group of people at whom to direct their anger. The teachers who lied to them about how special they were? No, that would be unkind. The Coaches who gave them trophies? The parents who supported them? The college professors who enlightened them?
Of course they are angry at Donald Trump. That goes without saying. Everyone they KNOW is angry at Donald Trump. So what?
"I know...let's be angry at THE SYSTEM!" Because the System is racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic...blah, blah, blah. And they spend their time screaming and trying to make themselves seen and heard at the demonstrations against...who gives a shit who it's against...I'm just ANGRY!!!!! And they fuel and catalyze all these demonstrations, not because they give a shit about the actual "message" of the demonstrations - they care about nothing but themselves - but because they are angry at the world and have no other way to express it.