Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?



Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Unfortunately, your first post is in an Rdean Thread. Rdean is either mentally ill or is paid by the Koch Brothers to post to embarrass Democrats. If you burn your morning toast, Dean will say it was ..."because Republicans...."

Have fun and remember, Friends don't let friends Rdean
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Maybe you are correct that the President doesnt have direct personal responsibility for an economy.

However, being as how the POTUS is the Peoples Rep-resentative, they do get credit or blame.

To make the evalualtion of the past two Presidents easy (Bush and Obama) I suggest you look at your investment statements from the end of the Bush period and look at those investments today.

See if you can figure out under which President you did better.
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
With quite a few of them, I think they actually believe what they are being spoon-fed by wingnut radio and faux. Delusional is the word that comes to mind.
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Maybe you are correct that the President doesnt have direct personal responsibility for an economy.

However, being as how the POTUS is the Peoples Rep-resentative, they do get credit or blame.

To make the evalualtion of the past two Presidents easy (Bush and Obama) I suggest you look at your investment statements from the end of the Bush period and look at those investments today.

See if you can figure out under which President you did better.
Oops sorry for the empty post hit the wrong button/
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Maybe you are correct that the President doesnt have direct personal responsibility for an economy.

However, being as how the POTUS is the Peoples Rep-resentative, they do get credit or blame.

To make the evalualtion of the past two Presidents easy (Bush and Obama) I suggest you look at your investment statements from the end of the Bush period and look at those investments today.

See if you can figure out under which President you did better.

Oops sorry for the empty post, hit the wrong button.

Again I see no reason to give credit to Obama. This adm essentially did the same thing the bush adm was doing. Not surprisingly since his economic team was comprised of the same people.
Dems invented Gerrymandering but now that they're a permanent minority all of a sudden its a bad thing
And dems started the KKK when the Democratic Party was made up of white conservatives. Now it's the GOP that's 90% white. Things change.
Oops sorry for the empty post hit the wrong button/
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Maybe you are correct that the President doesnt have direct personal responsibility for an economy.

However, being as how the POTUS is the Peoples Rep-resentative, they do get credit or blame.

To make the evalualtion of the past two Presidents easy (Bush and Obama) I suggest you look at your investment statements from the end of the Bush period and look at those investments today.

See if you can figure out under which President you did better.

Oops sorry for the empty post, hit the wrong button.

Again I see no reason to give credit to Obama. This adm essentially did the same thing the bush adm was doing. Not surprisingly since his economic team was comprised of the same people.
You mean invading the wrong country?

Or you mean blackmail using Americans as hostages?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says
Repubs talk out both sides of their mouths .

First Obama isn't doing enough to stop ISIS , then it's an ilegal war ?!

Well which one is it!?
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.
Sorry, W Bush regulators let their pals run wild with toxic assets and wrecked the world. Obama at least keeps things honest, no typical Pub bubble/bust/scandal...
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’
We did- not his fault Booosh's boy Maliki was an idiot anti-Sunni bigot...
Oops sorry for the empty post hit the wrong button/
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.

Maybe you are correct that the President doesnt have direct personal responsibility for an economy.

However, being as how the POTUS is the Peoples Rep-resentative, they do get credit or blame.

To make the evalualtion of the past two Presidents easy (Bush and Obama) I suggest you look at your investment statements from the end of the Bush period and look at those investments today.

See if you can figure out under which President you did better.

Oops sorry for the empty post, hit the wrong button.

Again I see no reason to give credit to Obama. This adm essentially did the same thing the bush adm was doing. Not surprisingly since his economic team was comprised of the same people.
You mean invading the wrong country?

Or you mean blackmail using Americans as hostages?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says
No I meant,

Bush adm prescription for dealing with the economic blow up - pump large amts of money into the big banks
Obama adm prescription for dealing with the economic blow up - pump even larger amts of money into the big banks

Obama is dishonest to us, we aren't dishonest about Obama.


If you like your honesty, you can keep it!
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.
Sorry, W Bush regulators let their pals run wild with toxic assets and wrecked the world. Obama at least keeps things honest, no typical Pub bubble/bust/scandal...

And it was under the Clinton adm that the derivatives markets took off. It was under the Clinton adm that rubin and greenspan refused to regulate OTC derivatives. It was under the Clinton adm that Glass Steagal was repealed. It was Clinton through executive order that increased fannie mae and freddie mac exposure to subprime mortgages from something like 12% to in excess of 30%. Note that in the case of derivatives and glass steagal one of the chief architects was Robert Rubin, Obamas first chief economic adviser.

The first bank I can think of that blew up because of this nonsense was citicorp in 1994. Another was Long Term Capital Management in 1998.

As far as Obama keeping things honest, you've got to be kidding. What's changed? Dodd Frank forced minor changes to banks leverage positions but derivatives and OTC derivatives are pretty much the same.

People seem to think we've fixed the problems we haven't. I remember an interview with some one from SEC 2 years after Dodd Frank was passed. When asked if the legislation fixed the problems he laughed and said "put it this way if this financial crash was instead a plane crash, we'd still be looking for the plane".
Why are Republicans so dishonest about Obama?
And what is up with this alternate view of reality? The economy was already "saved" before he became president. We had won the war in Iraq and everything was going great. Health care was cheap and everyone had it.

If you can't be honest, will people, besides those in gerrymandered districts, vote for you?
I'm always amazed at how much blame and credit americans give to presidents. Bush didn't ruin the economy, the seeds for that debacle had been sown much earlier. Obama didn't save the economy. Heck look at the economic team he put in place, it was the same people that got us into the mess in the first place.

Simplistic sound bites on presidents seems to be the only things the electorate in this country can process.
Sorry, W Bush regulators let their pals run wild with toxic assets and wrecked the world. Obama at least keeps things honest, no typical Pub bubble/bust/scandal...

And it was under the Clinton adm that the derivatives markets took off. It was under the Clinton adm that rubin and greenspan refused to regulate OTC derivatives. It was under the Clinton adm that Glass Steagal was repealed. It was Clinton through executive order that increased fannie mae and freddie mac exposure to subprime mortgages from something like 12% to in excess of 30%. Note that in the case of derivatives and glass steagal one of the chief architects was Robert Rubin, Obamas first chief economic adviser.

The first bank I can think of that blew up because of this nonsense was citicorp in 1994. Another was Long Term Capital Management in 1998.

As far as Obama keeping things honest, you've got to be kidding. What's changed? Dodd Frank forced minor changes to banks leverage positions but derivatives and OTC derivatives are pretty much the same.

People seem to think we've fixed the problems we haven't. I remember an interview with some one from SEC 2 years after Dodd Frank was passed. When asked if the legislation fixed the problems he laughed and said "put it this way if this financial crash was instead a plane crash, we'd still be looking for the plane".
Irrelevant bs. Fannie and Freddies' share of the market fell from 75% to 25% in 2003, and the private lenders were scum who Boosh regulators let run wild. BOOM! Today F+F dominates again. Good.

You're clueless anyway. You seem to think Dodd Frank is a person. Typical dupe. See sig, last line.
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Dems invented Gerrymandering but now that they're a permanent minority all of a sudden its a bad thing
And dems started the KKK when the Democratic Party was made up of white conservatives. Now it's the GOP that's 90% white. Things change.
Looking at who you have running for prez I'm thinking this is bullshit.

Democrats are 100% white, and old, and out of touch.

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