Why are people still attacking Bruce Jenner?

I understand that, but it's still silly and hateful. His pretending to be a woman doesn't hurt anyone physically.

No, but it is creepier than shit.

I consider myself pretty liberal on gay rights and shit. But entertaining this delusion that you aren't the sex you were born with is pretty silly.

I also think that Jenner is a reality TV whore who is just doing this for attention.
Well then just dust off all your "he doesn't have any advertisers" bullshit so you can assure everyone he'll be off the air lickity split. In the old blind squirrel finding a nut sort of way, you might get lucky this go-round. Lord knows your reputation could use the boost.
No one would care about any cross-dressing, self-mutilating queer. But the media keeps throwing it in everyone's face and most people are disgusted by it.

Beyond that, we're being told that we must accept this madness as truth, or else we will be condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted” and “transphobic” and whatever wrong-wing insults they can find to throw at us. We're being told that we must accept that our wives, daughters, mothers and other female acquaintances will be forced to share locker rooms, dressing rooms, and similar facilities with creepy, perverted males who “identify” as female.

It's one think to let these sick freaks quietly practice their perversions in private. It's another thing entirely to shove this sickness in our faces, and tell us that if we don't go along with it, that we're the ones who have the problem.
In a way he kind of personifies what liberals are trying to do to this country. The wussification of America, especially its men, is part of the Agenda.

Think about how the wrong-wing has been striving, for years, to undermine marriage and family. This is part of that; going now, after the essential differences between male and female; trying to reduce these differences to meaninglessness, and with them, everything that is built on them.

Liberalism truly is madness. It's been so for a very long time, but in recent years, it's becoming much more obvious about it.
Well then just dust off all your "he doesn't have any advertisers" bullshit so you can assure everyone he'll be off the air lickity split. In the old blind squirrel finding a nut sort of way, you might get lucky this go-round. Lord knows your reputation could use the boost.

Dominican Rent Boy, are you still upset I mocked your hero?
I saw Bruce on TV and the only thing that made him appear was a pony tail (many men have pony tails) and painted finger nails. Otherwises he acted a normal man, much manlier than most.
I saw Bruce on TV and the only thing that made him appear was a pony tail (many men have pony tails) and painted finger nails. Otherwises he acted a normal man, much manlier than most.
That's because he is a man.
omg, now you can't talk about the idiot who is being SHOVED in our faces as if they are in some freak show or something or be accused of: attacking what was once a HULKING athletic MAN
OMG, you only have one template that you use for all your replies!

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