Why are Libs so Happy that Trump is Being Replaced by Desantis?

It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.

Because their tiny little brains can not actually reason any farther than.........

When you only have two brain cells left after all the crank, it really can be a challenge to see past all the indoctrination and the promises of free everything.

It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.

I don't want either one of them. But if forced with a gun to my head, I would pick DeSantis because he doesn't seem to be the kind of dangerous lunatic Trump is. At least as far as we know.

But the joy is, a Trump-DeSantis fight will blow up the Republican party and guarantee a second term for Biden.
I don't want either one of them. But if forced with a gun to my head, I would pick DeSantis because he doesn't seem to be the kind of dangerous lunatic Trump is. At least as far as we know.

But the joy is, a Trump-DeSantis fight will blow up the Republican party and guarantee a second term for Biden.
DeSantis might be even more dangerous than Trump.
The Democrats will win against either one. By wide margins.

Trump is done. Not even a consideration, and more likely than not looking at prison time.

DeSantis ain't winning anything outside of that shithole he's governor of.

You just got an early taste of Generation Z in this election. Wait until 2024, when there are several million more of them eligible to vote.

And they despise magamite, evangelical, antiabortion, white supremecist, climate change denying, oil company apologist, gun fondlers.
Basically when you say this, you admit elections are rigged. Why vote?
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.
The corporate media only pushes DeSantis to divide Republicans. If he ever wins the nomination the media will spend all their time demonizing him.
DeSantis might be even more dangerous than Trump.

Or he might not be ready for the national stage. But as I said, the real advantage is the Republican Civil War that will happen if they face off. Someone is going to go home mad.

DeSantis is Trump without the mean tweets. The Moon Bats should be afraid, very afraid.

He also doesn't have the charisma or the people willing to fall on their swords for him.
The corporate media only pushes DeSantis to divide Republicans. If he ever wins the nomination the media will spend all their time demonizing him.
The media isn't taken serious anymore. Vote counters in urban areas are all that matter now.
The Democrats will win against either one. By wide margins.

Trump is done. Not even a consideration, and more likely than not looking at prison time.

DeSantis ain't winning anything outside of that shithole he's governor of.

You just got an early taste of Generation Z in this election. Wait until 2024, when there are several million more of them eligible to vote.

And they despise magamite, evangelical, antiabortion, white supremecist, climate change denying, oil company apologist, gun fondlers.
If Louis Farrakhan & the Squad ever attain power how long do you suppose an aging white male such as yourself will survive?
Or he might not be ready for the national stage. But as I said, the real advantage is the Republican Civil War that will happen if they face off. Someone is going to go home mad.

He also doesn't have the charisma or the people willing to fall on their swords for him.
Democrats are losing the Hispanic vote. If DeSantis runs for President, democrats are in trouble.
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.
Who is "Libs" and who is "they"? Can you give some examples?
Why should we be worried that you pussies can be pushed around until you abandon Trump? And if you're willing to abandon Trump who won't you pussies abandon? 😄
Until some of the Non-Progs start killing and burning and maiming you are correct. And none have tried it yet. There is great potential of warriors running rampant with military training, civilian weapons shooting and hunting all at the ready. But nothing. Of course, in their areas there are not a lot of overacting progs on the stage. But the Prog agendas are encroaching on them more and more. It took a long time to get where we are. So, winning small battles even in the political fields in any way can start to add up.
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.
Because they don't care who they hate, as long as they are hating.

I said years ago it won't matter if they get rid of Trump somehow. Whoever is next will be called "trump" because of the hate investment in the name.

They have their stereotype and they will not let it go.
Until some of the Non-Progs start killing and burning and maiming you are correct. And none have tried it yet. There is great potential of warriors running rampant with military training, civilian weapons shooting and hunting all at the ready. But nothing. Of course, in their areas there are not a lot of overacting progs on the stage. But the Prog agendas are encroaching on them more and more. It took a long time to get where we are. So, winning small battles even in the political fields in any way can start to add up.
Stop threatening a good time and do something then you pussies. Can't wait. 😄

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