Why Are Liberals Such Cowards?

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
A liberal friend of mine (well, I guess "ex" friend now) posted something on my Facebook page that was very much a page from the idiot liberal playbook. He was certain that I would be the only person who disagreed with him. As it turned out, every single one of the people who responded told him he was wrong.

During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed, so his position was, at best, hypocritical

Now, despite there being disagreement, the exchange was respectful, right up until I pointed out his hypocrisy. Instead of being the intelligent guy I always thought he was; someone always willing to defend his positions, he did what so many idiot libs do. He turned into a complete pussy:

"Whatever dude, you wholeheartedly support whole ass genocide. Pardon me for reaching out. myopic bootlicker. I'll see myself off your friends list you dense cabbage."

I always thought the enlightened left believed they could defend their positions, yet this guy ended up being like pretty much every other idiot lib out there. He tucked his tail between his legs, filled his diaper and ran away.

I just thought it was funny...
During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed

Advocating that cops act responsibly in dealing with unarmed suspects is not killing cops.
A liberal friend of mine (well, I guess "ex" friend now) posted something on my Facebook page that was very much a page from the idiot liberal playbook. He was certain that I would be the only person who disagreed with him. As it turned out, every single one of the people who responded told him he was wrong.

During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed, so his position was, at best, hypocritical

Now, despite there being disagreement, the exchange was respectful, right up until I pointed out his hypocrisy. Instead of being the intelligent guy I always thought he was; someone always willing to defend his positions, he did what so many idiot libs do. He turned into a complete pussy:

"Whatever dude, you wholeheartedly support whole ass genocide. Pardon me for reaching out. myopic bootlicker. I'll see myself off your friends list you dense cabbage."

I always thought the enlightened left believed they could defend their positions, yet this guy ended up being like pretty much every other idiot lib out there. He tucked his tail between his legs, filled his diaper and ran away.

I just thought it was funny...

Nobody needz leftarded "friendz"
Never let politics transcend friendship. Friendship is far far far more important. The truth is no matter who wins out of 2 poor choices life goes on.

This clown was more of an acquaintance the friend of a friend. He's an entitled black man who feels society owes him something, and for no other reason then he's black. He's one of those libs who, if he died tomorrow, not too many people would miss him...

Screw the tasers or even getting close if the officer wants to put someone under arrest.


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During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed

Advocating that cops act responsibly in dealing with unarmed suspects is not killing cops.

No, he advocates ambushing cops with incendiary devices, sharpened PVC pipes and frozen water bottles.

Are you okay with those tactics?
Liberals and democrats used to be right about many issues....they along with the GOP could work things out with compromise and pass legislation that makes our lives and country better....this is no longer the case...dems today are angry at losing elections....they hate losing more than they love America.....

Its sad to witness one side of our government totally lose it over a presidential loss...they are willing to destroy our country to try and regain power...but power to do what?...to do what Obama did for eight years?....he destroyed our economy couldn't a war...didn't even try....and ruined the best health care system in the world....

If you libs want to win the hearts and minds of the people again you are going to have to change a great deal and realize you are not alone in this nation...that there are two opinions and it would be better if a little flexibility could be granted by you....

Stop the riots and election cheating and lying and maybe you can regain some semblance of respect....but as things are now you all look crazy as loons...and folks don't like crazy for leaders of our country....and choosing an old man on the verge of losing his mind that seems to be going along with crazy will not help you win anything.....
A liberal friend of mine (well, I guess "ex" friend now) posted something on my Facebook page that was very much a page from the idiot liberal playbook. He was certain that I would be the only person who disagreed with him. As it turned out, every single one of the people who responded told him he was wrong.

During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed, so his position was, at best, hypocritical

Now, despite there being disagreement, the exchange was respectful, right up until I pointed out his hypocrisy. Instead of being the intelligent guy I always thought he was; someone always willing to defend his positions, he did what so many idiot libs do. He turned into a complete pussy:

"Whatever dude, you wholeheartedly support whole ass genocide. Pardon me for reaching out. myopic bootlicker. I'll see myself off your friends list you dense cabbage."

I always thought the enlightened left believed they could defend their positions, yet this guy ended up being like pretty much every other idiot lib out there. He tucked his tail between his legs, filled his diaper and ran away.

I just thought it was funny...

It is funny. I got essentially booted out of the house of an old friend during the 2016 campaign (by his lifetime Democrat State Dept. lawyer wife) for disagreeing with her on a Constitutional point of issue.

WIFE: "Do you want me to show you in the Constitution?" she said, smarmily.

ME: "Sure!" I replied, whereupon I reached into my pocket and produced a copy.

She then slammed her hands on the table, stood up, pounded her way back to her room, and refused to come out. I, being a gracious guest, left.

She couldn't get over it for a year and a half. :auiqs.jpg:
During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed

Advocating that cops act responsibly in dealing with unarmed suspects is not killing cops.

Yep, that's what they're doing in Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle "peacefully" advocating...dumbass.
Never let politics transcend friendship. Friendship is far far far more important. The truth is no matter who wins out of 2 poor choices life goes on.

I don't have friends who use meth. I don't have friends who rob liquor stores. I don't have friends who are rapists or child molesters.

I don't have friends who are Democrats or who are communists, or who want to destroy the police.

If a person's actions or if their beliefs support the actions of others that are harmful to me then they are not my friend. Friends don't harm friends or the families of friends. If you want to harm me, how is it possible that you're my friend?
It’s what makes them cowardly faggot liberals.

They will trade all of their freedom and liberty for FEELING secure.

pussies who are more suited to live in the Middle East or a communist nation.
During the discussion, I told him that he applauds the murder of police officers (and he does). He quickly responded that he has not, and never would, support the murder of cops. I had to point out to him that he 100% advocates for the use of tactics which could easily result in cops being killed

Advocating that cops act responsibly in dealing with unarmed suspects is not killing cops.
/----/ You don't have to be armed to hurt or kill a police officer.
Look how the liberal Dims would not let Barr speak.

They don’t want any facts to seep into their bullshit narrative of ORANGE MAN BAD!

This actually has exactly nothing to do with Trump, though. The name "Trump" never came up through the course of the discussion...

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