Why are Leftists mostly atheists?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
So now you think I want a king? I'm amazed at all the things you claim to know about me that are just wrong.
So now you think I want a king? I'm amazed at all the things you claim to know about me that are just wrong.

You are a Leftists. I've seen enough of your posts to know this. You are continually clamoring for a stronger and more centralized government.

Do you not want the government to completely take over things like health care? Of course you do.

And why is that? It's because people are sheep and without a shepherd, we both instinctively know that the wolves will devour us.

John 10

“Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them

7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep
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According to PEW....only 3.1% of Americans are atheist. Even if they all are leftist, that doesn’t come close to most.
So now you think I want a king? I'm amazed at all the things you claim to know about me that are just wrong.

You are a Leftists. I've seen enough of your posts to know this. You are continually clamoring for a stronger and more centralized government.

Do you not want the government to completely take over things like health care? Of course you do.

And why is that? It's because people are sheep and without a shepherd, we both instinctively know that the wolves will devour us.

I'm impressed. What else do you know about me that I don't even know myself. What am I thinking right now?
Because that way.....they don't feel so guilty.
So now you think I want a king? I'm amazed at all the things you claim to know about me that are just wrong.

You are a Leftists. I've seen enough of your posts to know this. You are continually clamoring for a stronger and more centralized government.

Do you not want the government to completely take over things like health care? Of course you do.

And why is that? It's because people are sheep and without a shepherd, we both instinctively know that the wolves will devour us.

I'm impressed. What else do you know about me that I don't even know myself. What am I thinking right now?

You also need free college
Because there is no greater authority than "themself and their spirit" because we're all Gods"
Can't wait until my boss shows up.
Because that way.....they don't feel so guilty.

The right has built an amazingly complex pretend person that it calls "LIBERAL" Who told you that liberals are anything like what you claim? Hannity?
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
According to PEW....only 3.1% of Americans are atheist. Even if they all are leftist, that doesn’t come close to most.

If you ask people if they believe in God, most will say yes.

In fact, if you look at the divorce rate, "Christians" divorce about the same as those not of faith.

However, if you break those numbers down further, you will see that those Christians who attend church routinely, whose faith is actually an integral part of their lives, the divorce rate plummets.

I view those who believe in God in much the same way. Those who are practicing Christians tend to be conservative and those who are not tend to be Dims.

Just look at someone like Nancy Pelosi who claims to be a Christian.

Here she is trying to pander to a group of Christians.

But here is Pelosi and her Pope regarding abortion

Pelosi worships at the party line and not the Catholic Church she claims to be a part of.
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.

You just harm any animal or hunt or make animal life suffer........you just wait and see.....GOD is waiting for you.....up there.... to show you the kind way.

HIS way.
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.


Speaking of magical life, this is the Birth Fairy. For it is she that waves he magical wand over a fetus as it exits the womb, thus making them a human being.
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.


Speaking of magical life, this is the Birth Fairy. For it is she that waves he magical wand over a fetus as it exits the womb, thus making them a human being.
Facsinating! Is she nice enough to do the same for the mother?
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.

You just harm any animal or hunt or make animal life suffer........you just wait and see.....GOD is waiting for you.....up there.... to show you the kind way.

HIS way.
Which god? Lots of gods out there...I hope it's the god of hookers and coke...
If they... the Leftists ... knew they are going to suffer like they never knew they could suffer.....

so they become atheists....in the stupid belief nothing will happen to them

oh how wrong they are....
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.

You just harm any animal or hunt or make animal life suffer........you just wait and see.....GOD is waiting for you.....up there.... to show you the kind way.

HIS way.

The secular state is all about protecting animals


In fact, the people in Biblical times often worshipped animals or the sun or moon.

For you see, you either worship creation or the Creator.


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