Why are fully vaccinated people testing positive for Covid?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Some recent information about the Wuhan Virus

Phoenix Suns basketball star Chris Paul, UK health secretary Sajid Javid and US Olympic gymnast Kara Eaker have something in common: they have all tested positive for coronavirus despite being fully vaccinated.

No vaccine is 100 per cent effective, so what scientists call “breakthrough infections” were always expected. In most cases, the symptoms are mild.

However, as a new surge in Covid-19 cases has collided with a global vaccination campaign delivering more than 200m shots a week, more people are asking: “How protected am I?” How many fully vaccinated people are testing positive?

While anecdotal accounts of breakthrough infections can make such cases feel widespread, the real numbers have remained small and were generally in line with expectations, experts said. “There’s no such thing as a perfect vaccine . . . with Covid it’s no different,” said Professor William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University.

The yellow fever jab, for example, is widely understood to be the most effective live-virus vaccine ever invented, with a single dose generating long-lasting immunity in 98 per cent of those vaccinated. But even that means that on average 2 per cent of people will still get infected.

Why are fully vaccinated people testing positive for Covid?​

A COVID 19 vaccine is not a cure. It's a strategic preventative measure. If you've already got the disease when you get the vaccine, the vaccine isn't going to do jack shit to help you.
Two reasons.

1) Because the jabs which are passed off as vaccines aren't actually vaccines, and haven't been proven to stop a coronavirus, which has been historically known to mutate very rapidly, and has always been known as impossible to "cure," or prevent.

. . and

2) The PCR tests are not standardized. Every place can use different sensitivity in testing. This test was never designed to be a diagnostic test, it was, and has always ever been designed as a research tool. The establishment has politicized it and has now entirely used it as a control and propaganda tool.

Before the World Health Organization redefined that term, "pandemic," as a matter of multiple epidemics as defined by the number of cases detected, instead of epidemics as defined by the numbers of hospitalizations, with the advent of the swine flu, this justified calling the swine flu, a, "pandemic." Otherwise? The swine flue would have never been called a "pandemic," there were not enough folks hospitalized.

So too. . . this current so called "resurgence?" I suspect there aren't enough hospitalizations.

In fact, I suspect in many places, there probably weren't enough hospitalizations the first go around to qualify as a epidemic, thus, making the classification of a "pandemic," suspect. None of those hospital ships were used. Several of the expanded overflow facilities that were hastily built around the nation were never used. Folks DON'T KNOW THIS, because of censorship.
Those are high population areas...and despite high vaccination rates...that still leaves a huge pool of unvaccinated people...

Given the highly infectious nature of the Delta variant, it's not surprising that it is plowing through those people.

Why are fully vaccinated people testing positive for Covid?​

A COVID 19 vaccine is not a cure. It's a strategic preventative measure. If you've already got the disease when you get the vaccine, the vaccine isn't going to do jack shit to help you.

Actually you have that totally backwards.

No vaccine can ever prevent any pathogen from sneaking in and causing enough infection for you to test positive.
Vaccines are NOT preventatives at all.
That would require magic.

What vaccine do is prepare the immune system like with a fire drill, so it will easily be efficient at curing the infection after the fact.
Vaccines just prepare your immune system to be so good at the cure, that most people won't even know they were infected.
Those are high population areas...and despite high vaccination rates...that still leaves a huge pool of unvaccinated people...

Given the highly infectious nature of the Delta variant, it's not surprising that it is plowing through those people.

The delta variant is not "highly infectious".
The normal covid infection rate is R0=2, and the delta variant infection rate is R0=2.5, which is only very slightly more infectious.
For comparison, measles has an infection rate of R0=9.5.

No, the reason all these covid variants are causing so many infections is that by "flattening the curve", we won't let it end.
We are deliberately preventing herd immunity, and making the epidemic stick around, forever.
The delta variant is not "highly infectious".
The normal covid infection rate is R0=2, and the delta variant infection rate is R0=2.5, which is only very slightly more infectious.
For comparison, measles has an infection rate of R0=9.5.
This poster is SO full of shit

Note that he makes claims in such an authoritative way that he seems to have facts behind them but also note that he NEVER posts links to support those claims

Here for instance he is SO wrong that he can only be lying.

The ORIGINAL Wuhan virus had an RO of NOT "2" but rather 2.4. The Alpha variant (European) had an RO 0f greater than FOUR

The Delta variant has an RO of as much as EIGHT. Just slightly less than the highly infectious measles

Rigby is a liar. A dangerous liar who wants to see people dying
Some recent information about the Wuhan Virus

Phoenix Suns basketball star Chris Paul, UK health secretary Sajid Javid and US Olympic gymnast Kara Eaker have something in common: they have all tested positive for coronavirus despite being fully vaccinated.

No vaccine is 100 per cent effective, so what scientists call “breakthrough infections” were always expected. In most cases, the symptoms are mild.

However, as a new surge in Covid-19 cases has collided with a global vaccination campaign delivering more than 200m shots a week, more people are asking: “How protected am I?” How many fully vaccinated people are testing positive?

While anecdotal accounts of breakthrough infections can make such cases feel widespread, the real numbers have remained small and were generally in line with expectations, experts said. “There’s no such thing as a perfect vaccine . . . with Covid it’s no different,” said Professor William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University.

The yellow fever jab, for example, is widely understood to be the most effective live-virus vaccine ever invented, with a single dose generating long-lasting immunity in 98 per cent of those vaccinated. But even that means that on average 2 per cent of people will still get infected.
J&J vaccine is single dose, though not doing well in the popularity market once the investigator removes this parameter: single dose means college kids can party right away. The coming Pfizer booster will crucify commie Delta.
This poster is SO full of shit

Note that he makes claims in such an authoritative way that he seems to have facts behind them but also note that he NEVER posts links to support those claims

Here for instance he is SO wrong that he can only be lying.

The ORIGINAL Wuhan virus had an RO of NOT "2" but rather 2.4. The Alpha variant (European) had an RO 0f greater than FOUR

The Delta variant has an RO of as much as EIGHT. Just slightly less than the highly infectious measles

Rigby is a liar. A dangerous liar who wants to see people dying
Yes, an R0 that is equal to or surpasses smallpox (R0 5-8).

Why are fully vaccinated people testing positive for Covid?​

A COVID 19 vaccine is not a cure. It's a strategic preventative measure. If you've already got the disease when you get the vaccine, the vaccine isn't going to do jack shit to help you.
We’ll question that claim.
’....Plasma from previously infected vaccinated individuals displayed overall better neutralization capacity when compared to plasma from uninfected individuals that also received 2 vaccine doses, pointing to vaccine boosters as a relevant future strategy to alleviate the impact of emerging variants on antibody neutralizing activity.’
Actually you have that totally backwards.

No vaccine can ever prevent any pathogen from sneaking in and causing enough infection for you to test positive.
Vaccines are NOT preventatives at all.
That would require magic.

What vaccine do is prepare the immune system like with a fire drill, so it will easily be efficient at curing the infection after the fact.
Vaccines just prepare your immune system to be so good at the cure, that most people won't even know they were infected.
None of this is true. Some vaccines are wonderful! Smallpox was a guaranteed preventative of catching the disease. Probably for life. If it hadn't been, they couldn't have made it extinct --- do you see that? Because it would keep escaping and starting new flare-ups. But that didn't happen and smallpox is gone, at least till a biowarrior country takes it out of their freezers.

What has happened here is that they've hurried into production a bum vaccine, and the virus has easily and quickly evaded the vaccine. Both types of vaccine, apparently --- that's not good. These flu-type vaccines against rapidly mutating disease organisms never really worked: and yet year after year they sold us the flu vaccines as a life-saving CURECURECURE. What a gyp. They did it again --- get the vaccine, you won't have to wear the mask, you'll be safe forever! Now everywhere we're seeing that vaccinated people are catching Delta in large numbers, and panic has set in. No wonder. The protection they advertised, both the masks and the vaccine, didn't work.
The delta variant is not "highly infectious".
The normal covid infection rate is R0=2, and the delta variant infection rate is R0=2.5, which is only very slightly more infectious.
For comparison, measles has an infection rate of R0=9.5.

No, the reason all these covid variants are causing so many infections is that by "flattening the curve", we won't let it end.
We are deliberately preventing herd immunity, and making the epidemic stick around, forever.
Rigby, why don't you look up numbers instead of making them up?? Alpha was R2.5 and Delta now is R8. Measles is R17, the highest infectivity known so far.

I am inclined to agree with you about population immunity having been the way we should have gone, however. They tore up peoples' lives and the economy without any effect on the virus, which is now rapidly infecting all the places that kept it out before -- Australia, Japan, Florida. This failure of the arrogant medical industry is a sorry sight.
People need to just learn covid is NEVER going away, ever. It's a part of our life on earth now just like the flu is part of life on earth.

Just suck it up, accept it, and go on with your life.
People need to just learn covid is NEVER going away, ever. It's a part of our life on earth now just like the flu is part of life on earth.

Just suck it up, accept it, and go on with your life.
And die?
None of this is true. Some vaccines are wonderful! Smallpox was a guaranteed preventative of catching the disease. Probably for life. If it hadn't been, they couldn't have made it extinct --- do you see that? Because it would keep escaping and starting new flare-ups. But that didn't happen and smallpox is gone, at least till a biowarrior country takes it out of their freezers.

What has happened here is that they've hurried into production a bum vaccine, and the virus has easily and quickly evaded the vaccine. Both types of vaccine, apparently --- that's not good. These flu-type vaccines against rapidly mutating disease organisms never really worked: and yet year after year they sold us the flu vaccines as a life-saving CURECURECURE. What a gyp. They did it again --- get the vaccine, you won't have to wear the mask, you'll be safe forever! Now everywhere we're seeing that vaccinated people are catching Delta in large numbers, and panic has set in. No wonder. The protection they advertised, both the masks and the vaccine, didn't work.
Bum vote vaccine your ass. It was DONE. It was OVER . Vax hesitancy and the Delta variant brought it back
Why, just like you can't have a Pandemic without Panic and Dems, you can't have a Scamdemic without Scam and Dems.

The Covid Hoax is the biggest public policy fiasco in human history.
Folks. When vax became a major thing it ALMOST went away.

And then morons refused to vaccinate and the Delta variant went wild.

We HAD THIS BEAT...and you fucked up

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