Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

Negative, only on the authorization of the POTUS.....read the fuckin' Bill!

It was a bad Bill and rightfully rejected on it's lack of merits and the add-on Uke/IDF funding.

HR-2 is a excellent Bill....Sure it might be hard for the dems and RINOs to swallow but it would have worked. If passed I suspect we would be seeing very good results by now.

It didn't pass because republicans were afraid they might actually have to legislate for once.

Aid for Ukraine, taiwan and Israel was approved by the senate in a seperate standalone bill. It's the same shit. They just didn't want a border bill so they could continue to use the same old tired argument about the border at every election cycle to pander to their foolish constituents who hang on their every word.

HR2 was dogshit and the republicans knew it was dogshit and would never pass, but they needed something to say, look, we tried our best!
Trump very proudly stated that he was the reason that the Senate Bill is not being enacted

I thought you clowns claim he lies all the time.

How many votes did he cast against the bill, Simp?
That's what negotiating and compromising is for.
No compromise.

Close the phukking border.

Deport Illegal Aliens.

Stop accepting bull$hit applications for asylum that are clearly and merely economic migration.

THEN you might get some cooperation.

Fail to do that and you risk losing political power in November 2024.

After which time the Illegals will be gone, and barred from entering, and you'll be sitting on the sidelines moaning and bitching.

Do it now... while you still can take credit for it... you're running out of time.
Cause they don’t care about securing the border
Obviously false or you wouldn’t have blocked the bipartisan Senate bill

Dems thought you fuckers were serious .

You proved otherwise
Under Trump millions crossed through the desert
And the vast majority cross the border through the desert under Biden. What's your point? Are you trying to say the sham bill in the Senate would have changed this?

This is the second time in a decade that an immigration bill came up on the Senate. The one in 2014 passed the Senate and died in the GOP House.

That bill had a path to citizenship in it and help for the DACA Dreamers. That was used as an excuse to kill it.

This bill had none of that and Republicans still killed it
And the vast majority cross the border through the desert under Biden. What's your point? Are you trying to say the sham bill in the Senate would have changed this?

What I could read of that before the paywall blocked it said nothing of the kind
Obviously false or you wouldn’t have blocked the bipartisan Senate bill

Dems thought you fuckers were serious .

You proved otherwise
Clearly true, or you all wouldn’t of elected xiden who campaigned on welcoming a surge, then did nothing about said surge for three years
Notice how low peoples standards are. It was "bipartisan", so it was good. Meaning people from both major parties liked it. The corrupt lying disingenuous POS that try to control our lives liked it. LOL
Yeah, they liked the patriot act, too. You goddamn bootlickers.

Our political system was set up for honest debate and consensus on polices and laws.

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