Why are Democrats and Independents so eager to see the GOP nominate Trump?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Haley or Sununu or Christie or Scott or Hutchinson (or several others) would have a better chance of defeating Biden than anyone who could win the Republican nomination. (Regardless of party affiliation, more folks are motivated to vote against rather than for these days.)

Support for reproductive freedom is also driving many to the polls to vote against authoritarians.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million. He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term, and then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022.

His inciting a goon attack on Congress because he couldn't handle the electorate rejecting him, as well his multiple, diverse legal problems, can only reenforce the repeatedly-confirmed public verdict on him. He persists in his contempt for democracy, refusing to accept the will of the People confirmed by all 50 states. The unpopular, aged, alleged rapist remains, consistently, less popular than the unpopular aged, bona fides President.

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Meanwhile, DeDoRunRon is being mauled by a mouse in the starting gate, not an auspicious launch.


November 5, 2024 is looking more and more like Groundhog Day.
Dé·jà vudoo.
Haley or Sununu or Christie or Scott or Hutchinson (or several others) would have a better chance of defeating Biden than anyone who could win the Republican nomination. (Regardless of party affiliation, more folks are motivated to vote against rather than for these days.)

Support for reproductive freedom is also driving many to the polls to vote against authoritarians.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million. He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term, and then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022.

His inciting a goon attack on Congress because he couldn't handle the electorate rejecting him, as well his multiple, diverse legal problems, can only reenforce the repeatedly-confirmed public verdict on him. He persists in his contempt for democracy, refusing to accept the will of the People confirmed by all 50 states. The unpopular, aged, alleged rapist remains, consistently, less popular than the unpopular aged, bona fides President.

Meanwhile, DeDoRunRon is being mauled by a mouse in the starting gate, not an auspicious launch.

November 5, 2024 is looking more and more like Groundhog Day.
Dé·jà vudoo.
Nothing gets out voters for Democrats like running on……Vote for us or you get Trump

Trump is Ballot Box Poison
Haley or Sununu or Christie or Scott or Hutchinson (or several others) would have a better chance of defeating Biden than anyone who could win the Republican nomination. (Regardless of party affiliation, more folks are motivated to vote against rather than for these days.)

Support for reproductive freedom is also driving many to the polls to vote against authoritarians.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million. He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term, and then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022.

His inciting a goon attack on Congress because he couldn't handle the electorate rejecting him, as well his multiple, diverse legal problems, can only reenforce the repeatedly-confirmed public verdict on him. He persists in his contempt for democracy, refusing to accept the will of the People confirmed by all 50 states. The unpopular, aged, alleged rapist remains, consistently, less popular than the unpopular aged, bona fides President.

Meanwhile, DeDoRunRon is being mauled by a mouse in the starting gate, not an auspicious launch.

November 5, 2024 is looking more and more like Groundhog Day.
Dé·jà vudoo.
The Dems look forward to a Trump run, as an easy win for the side that knows him to be a corrupt, anti-constitution, anti-free election, asshole. It is shortsighted, as we have a two party system and trump is a primary cause of the destruction and lack of credibility of the Republican party.
Trump worshipers become understandably upset whenever the spotlight is on Trump. That is entirely understandable.
I don't vote at all, sock-o....Let alone do l worship the Cheeto Jesus.

You TDS moonbats, OTOH, have an irrational seething hatred that qualifies as the cultish behavior that y'all accuse Trumpsters of engaging in....This is commonly known as "projection".

I don't vote at all, sock-o....Let alone do l worship the Cheeto Jesus.

You TDS moonbats, OTOH, have an irrational seething hatred that qualifies as the cultish behavior that y'all accuse Trumpsters of engaging in....This is commonly known as "projection".
Don't allow your emotions to blind you to the unembellished, empirical reality:

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million.​
He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term.​
He then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022.​
Independent polls consistently show him to be less popular than the President.​
Don't allow your emotions to blind you to the unembellished, empirical reality:

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, in 2020 (when Americans had had 4 years of him) by over 7 million.​
He was the first POTUS since Hoover to lose his party the House, Senate, and Presidency in a single term.​
He then he reached out from beyond the political grave to cost Republicans heavily in 2022.​
I'm not the one carrying around all the irrational hatred.

You and the rest of the TDS for lunch bunch are the ones constantly acting on emotions.

Grow the fuck up, boy.
Hate -which you demonstrate in spades- completely obscures objectivity.....That being the case, you wouldn't know objectivity if it kicked you in your tiny little beanbag.
You clearly need to deal in emotions. My citing dispassionate, objective, empirical data that you are unable to refute is the antithesis of your overwrought raving.
You clearly need to deal in emotions. My citing dispassionate, objective, empirical data that you are unable to refute is the antithesis of your overwrought raving.
You clearly need to deal with your chronic projection.

Your "data" is neither objective nor empirical.

You are an emotionally incontinent fucking loon....Always have been, since you flopped in the door back in '09.

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