Why are countries bending over for Muslims?

The scariest thing in the world to a Moslem.



A women who isn't covering her body in shame and wearing a bacon dress. And she has equal rights. Things Muslims don't approve of at all.
Should it be a crime to insult all religion and people, or just Muslims?

Can we say that we don't like it when Muslims pray in the city streets? It's not private property and when they are using the streets, no one else can. It's irritating that Muslims can block streets and impede traffic. And in France, you don't dare complain about bending over to their demands or you end up on trial. They are taking over France and other countries and the people are getting fed up with seeing their own cultures destroyed as Muslims move in and make demands. Muslims do not assimilate anywhere they go. They take over land and create a place that is identical to the shithole they left. They don't come for a better life, they come to expand the Muslim countries. It's the plan and many have said as much. Doesn't help that Obama just announced that no immigrants, illegal or legal, are expected to assimilate. That is bullshit and looks like Obama just decided to make changes on his own again.

How long before it's illegal here to criticize Muslims? As it is, a victim cannot expect a drop of sympathy if attacked or killed by an offended Muslim. The left says they should have known better than to exercise their freedom of speech and not follow sharia law. Fuck those who actually believe we are the ones who need to change. I think if anyone comes here, they can adapt or leave. Or at least shut the fuck up. Don't like our customs or the way women walk around without covering their bodies? Too bad. Love it or leave.

Muslims do get demanding, everything from bitching about flags, bacon signs, lack of halal food in food shelters and schools that don't give them prayer rooms or days off school for every Muslim holiday. They accept jobs knowing what they entail, then later bitch about even handling bacon or allowing blind people with dogs in their taxi. The second they cry freedom of religion, people are supposed to bow and allow them to do as they please. And if you don't want to go out of your way to accomodate them, you're labeled Islamophobic. And you will go out of your way when they block city streets for their stupid prayers. They can't go to private property and must inconvenience everyone else.

But, no worries, Christians are still fair game and you can say any nasty thing you want about them without fear of retribution, being attacked or being arrested. Southerners are also okay to ridicule. Bash them till your heart's content because it's okay to exercise freedom of speech as long as you insult the right people, like this MSNBC jerk who compared the Catholic church to an abusive spouse:


The way the left carries on here, I suspect they admire France for charging this women over her Muslim remarks. Had she said the same thing about Christians, it not only would have been okay, but they'd probably say it's a problem that needs to be solved. I know a few who would make it illegal to speak out against the liberal agenda in any way. No bashing Obamacare, Common Core, welfare or nanny government, the fake global warming 'solutions' and the way this administration ignores immigration laws while warning us we better not ignore laws they created. As long as you echo the left's talking points on issues, pick on Bubba down south, use the most fowl language possible to bash Repubicans (especially minorities) or any non-Muslim religion, you can say anything you want. You can even say you wish they'd die or make a movie about their assasination. You can use the most vile, misogynistic words against women who aren't Dems. I can't even repeat the stuff said about Palin and other Republican women. Yet, just calling Michelle fat was considered wrong and racist. Never mind that the liberal media is forever talking about all the fat people across the nation. Yup, okay to call the people in the midwest or Christie fat, but don't dare comment on the first lady's weight.

Just don't criticize a Dem minority, whether it's an inner city gang member or politician, or you're racist and don't express concern for border security or you're accused of hating brown people.

France’s Le Pen to go on trial for anti-Muslim remarks


"Le Pen, whom polls see likely to win a regional election in northern France in December, has widened the National Front’s appeal since she took its helm in 2011 by expelling extremists and cracking down on anti-Semitism.

But the party also thrives on concerns over immigration and radical Islam. In a meeting in 2010, Le Pen criticized Muslims praying in the streets when mosques are full.

She will be judged on Oct. 20 over charges of "incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs," the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said.

Le Pen had told the 2010 rally in Lyon: "I’m sorry, but for those who really like to talk about World War II, if we’re talking about occupation, we could talk about that (street prayers), because that is clearly an occupation of the territory.""
Swap "Christian" for "Muslim" in the OP and it reads exactly the same!
Damned Christians...expecting everyone to bend to their demands!!

There it is folks, the American liberal ! :puke:
Am I wrong?

Yes. Very much so. Separation of church and state was a christian invention, not an atheist or pagan one; those cults aren't known for their tolerance.

Thomas Helwys

Thomas Helwys (c. 1575 — c. 1616), an Englishman, was one of the joint founders, with John Smyth of the Baptist denomination.

In the early seventeenth century, Helwys was principal formulator of that distinctively Baptist request: that the church and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might have a freedom of religious conscience. Thomas Helwys was an advocate of religious liberty at a time when to hold to such views could be dangerous. He died in prison as a consequence of the religious persecution of Protestant dissenters under King James I.

As for Islam, it's clearly a violent political cult, and not a real religion per se, so it doesn't count. The Koran is merely some Arab bandit chief's Mein Kampf.
Separation of church and state was a christian invention,

?? did you just pull that out of your christian ass? the founding fathers were deists and were running away from the church in europe
What movie are you talking about?

Some Muslims get upset...some.
Not The Muslims...some Muslims.

What if Catholics didn't have enough room in a church and wanted to shut down streets for prayer? You know that wouldn't go over, but everyone is afraid to say anything to the Muslims. It's because we know what too many of them do when you piss them off.
The whole country shuts down for Christian religious festivals.

The Muslims don't just expect you to bend over for them, the government is thinking we should bend over for them. No laws here yet, but it's coming. Offend a Muslim and get charged with hate speech and inciting bigotry. Offend a Christian and it's just freedom of speech.
I seem to remember a certain cartoon-drawing competition that was organised with the express purpose of offending Muslims...and it was guarded by police.
I don't recall anyone being arrested for hate speech or bigotry.

When the liberal media is harder on the people who drew Allah cartoons than they were of the murderer, then turn around and bash Christianity, you know we have a huge problem.
The 'liberal media' condoned someone being killed for drawing cartoons...really?

People should be allowed to say what they want and ask for what they want. It's not okay for one group to seek to silence others and threaten when they are offended or don't get their way.
People should also be allowed to express their disagreement.
Still, I wonder how many Christian protests and active campaigns against the rights of others to speak or act there have been in the US compared to Muslim protests.

Hard to tell what Muslims are against the violence because Muslim leaders are silent.

A movie was made showing the assassination of George Bush. And liberal protesters once carried signs saying they wanted him dead. One guy had a sign stating that he was there to kill Bush. Liberals said it was freedom of speech and did not condemn it. It's okay to burn effigies of Republicans.

In France, you will be arrested for insulting Muslims. We are only at the point where it's treated like hate speech, but not law yet. We are often told to be tolerate of Muslims, but that is never requested from the WH for Christians. While Obama was whining about Islamophobia and telling us not to paint them all with the same brush, he bought up the centuries-old crusades. Hypocrite.

The media was nasty to the organizers of the drawing contest and more nasty comments were made about them than the idiot who got offended and made threats. People are told not to burn the Koran or openly bash Islam because it will bring on violence. The victims will be blamed since too damn many radicals are on this planet and they believe that offending them is a crime punishable by death. Just like they blamed a video for the Benghazi attacks. Hillary and Obama vowed to arrest the filmmaker and bashed him more than the actual terrorists. True story. Every time they opened their mouths it was to condemn the "disgusting" video. Hillary promised the families of the victims that they would get the filmmaker, as if he had tortured, raped and murdered the ambassador and murdered the others.

The whole country does not shut down for Christian festivals. Many take Christmas off. Many businesses stay open that day. One day. And the left has hijacked Christmas, which they now call Xmas or just a holiday. Just can't stand to see Christians have a day.

Easter is on a Sunday when some businesses are closed anyway. Most that are usually open on Sundays are open on Easter. It's up to the business owner, but the whole country does not shut down for either holiday unless they want to.

Christians protest. It's the American way. Liberals even say that when it's Occupy Wallstreet or other sleazy groups, but not when it's people on the right. Muslims don't protest. The radical Muslims just attack and kill as many people as possible. It's safer to offend a Christian than it is to offend a Muslim. You know that's true.
Muslim leaders aren't silent on violence at all...there are plenty of examples where they condemn it.
It just doesn't get reported.

So are you saying that those protesters represented and were supported by all Liberals...you keep using a broad brush?
In any case...surely those people were exercising their right to free speech...that can often be offensive...like drawing a cartoon of a prophet when you know it will upset a group of people.
Are you talking about Death Of A President...a drama that has won several awards?
Do you not think a movie that shows a soldier dispassionately shooting scores of Muslim non-combatants with a sniper rifle to be at least as offensive?

I assume that you're talking about the Hate Speech laws in France...these apply equally to everyone of course - not just Muslims.
If I recall correctly, France has laws against wearing veils and also laws against wearing headscarves in schools.

It seems right to me to point out to people that deliberately setting out to offend someone by burning their holy book is a shitty thing to do...they still have the right to do it though and no one gets arrested for it.

How many Christian film makers has Obama droned compared to Muslim terrorists (and innocents) I wonder?

Oh, I can completely see why Christians are feeling so persecuted!
Last edited:
Should it be a crime to insult all religion and people, or just Muslims?

Can we say that we don't like it when Muslims pray in the city streets? It's not private property and when they are using the streets, no one else can. It's irritating that Muslims can block streets and impede traffic. And in France, you don't dare complain about bending over to their demands or you end up on trial. They are taking over France and other countries and the people are getting fed up with seeing their own cultures destroyed as Muslims move in and make demands. Muslims do not assimilate anywhere they go. They take over land and create a place that is identical to the shithole they left. They don't come for a better life, they come to expand the Muslim countries. It's the plan and many have said as much. Doesn't help that Obama just announced that no immigrants, illegal or legal, are expected to assimilate. That is bullshit and looks like Obama just decided to make changes on his own again.

How long before it's illegal here to criticize Muslims? As it is, a victim cannot expect a drop of sympathy if attacked or killed by an offended Muslim. The left says they should have known better than to exercise their freedom of speech and not follow sharia law. Fuck those who actually believe we are the ones who need to change. I think if anyone comes here, they can adapt or leave. Or at least shut the fuck up. Don't like our customs or the way women walk around without covering their bodies? Too bad. Love it or leave.

Muslims do get demanding, everything from bitching about flags, bacon signs, lack of halal food in food shelters and schools that don't give them prayer rooms or days off school for every Muslim holiday. They accept jobs knowing what they entail, then later bitch about even handling bacon or allowing blind people with dogs in their taxi. The second they cry freedom of religion, people are supposed to bow and allow them to do as they please. And if you don't want to go out of your way to accomodate them, you're labeled Islamophobic. And you will go out of your way when they block city streets for their stupid prayers. They can't go to private property and must inconvenience everyone else.

But, no worries, Christians are still fair game and you can say any nasty thing you want about them without fear of retribution, being attacked or being arrested. Southerners are also okay to ridicule. Bash them till your heart's content because it's okay to exercise freedom of speech as long as you insult the right people, like this MSNBC jerk who compared the Catholic church to an abusive spouse:


The way the left carries on here, I suspect they admire France for charging this women over her Muslim remarks. Had she said the same thing about Christians, it not only would have been okay, but they'd probably say it's a problem that needs to be solved. I know a few who would make it illegal to speak out against the liberal agenda in any way. No bashing Obamacare, Common Core, welfare or nanny government, the fake global warming 'solutions' and the way this administration ignores immigration laws while warning us we better not ignore laws they created. As long as you echo the left's talking points on issues, pick on Bubba down south, use the most fowl language possible to bash Repubicans (especially minorities) or any non-Muslim religion, you can say anything you want. You can even say you wish they'd die or make a movie about their assasination. You can use the most vile, misogynistic words against women who aren't Dems. I can't even repeat the stuff said about Palin and other Republican women. Yet, just calling Michelle fat was considered wrong and racist. Never mind that the liberal media is forever talking about all the fat people across the nation. Yup, okay to call the people in the midwest or Christie fat, but don't dare comment on the first lady's weight.

Just don't criticize a Dem minority, whether it's an inner city gang member or politician, or you're racist and don't express concern for border security or you're accused of hating brown people.

France’s Le Pen to go on trial for anti-Muslim remarks


"Le Pen, whom polls see likely to win a regional election in northern France in December, has widened the National Front’s appeal since she took its helm in 2011 by expelling extremists and cracking down on anti-Semitism.

But the party also thrives on concerns over immigration and radical Islam. In a meeting in 2010, Le Pen criticized Muslims praying in the streets when mosques are full.

She will be judged on Oct. 20 over charges of "incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs," the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said.

Le Pen had told the 2010 rally in Lyon: "I’m sorry, but for those who really like to talk about World War II, if we’re talking about occupation, we could talk about that (street prayers), because that is clearly an occupation of the territory.""
Swap "Christian" for "Muslim" in the OP and it reads exactly the same!
Damned Christians...expecting everyone to bend to their demands!!

Shut up and bake me a cake

With the Star of David on it.
Should it be a crime to insult all religion and people, or just Muslims?

Can we say that we don't like it when Muslims pray in the city streets? It's not private property and when they are using the streets, no one else can. It's irritating that Muslims can block streets and impede traffic. And in France, you don't dare complain about bending over to their demands or you end up on trial. They are taking over France and other countries and the people are getting fed up with seeing their own cultures destroyed as Muslims move in and make demands. Muslims do not assimilate anywhere they go. They take over land and create a place that is identical to the shithole they left. They don't come for a better life, they come to expand the Muslim countries. It's the plan and many have said as much. Doesn't help that Obama just announced that no immigrants, illegal or legal, are expected to assimilate. That is bullshit and looks like Obama just decided to make changes on his own again.

How long before it's illegal here to criticize Muslims? As it is, a victim cannot expect a drop of sympathy if attacked or killed by an offended Muslim. The left says they should have known better than to exercise their freedom of speech and not follow sharia law. Fuck those who actually believe we are the ones who need to change. I think if anyone comes here, they can adapt or leave. Or at least shut the fuck up. Don't like our customs or the way women walk around without covering their bodies? Too bad. Love it or leave.

Muslims do get demanding, everything from bitching about flags, bacon signs, lack of halal food in food shelters and schools that don't give them prayer rooms or days off school for every Muslim holiday. They accept jobs knowing what they entail, then later bitch about even handling bacon or allowing blind people with dogs in their taxi. The second they cry freedom of religion, people are supposed to bow and allow them to do as they please. And if you don't want to go out of your way to accomodate them, you're labeled Islamophobic. And you will go out of your way when they block city streets for their stupid prayers. They can't go to private property and must inconvenience everyone else.

But, no worries, Christians are still fair game and you can say any nasty thing you want about them without fear of retribution, being attacked or being arrested. Southerners are also okay to ridicule. Bash them till your heart's content because it's okay to exercise freedom of speech as long as you insult the right people, like this MSNBC jerk who compared the Catholic church to an abusive spouse:


The way the left carries on here, I suspect they admire France for charging this women over her Muslim remarks. Had she said the same thing about Christians, it not only would have been okay, but they'd probably say it's a problem that needs to be solved. I know a few who would make it illegal to speak out against the liberal agenda in any way. No bashing Obamacare, Common Core, welfare or nanny government, the fake global warming 'solutions' and the way this administration ignores immigration laws while warning us we better not ignore laws they created. As long as you echo the left's talking points on issues, pick on Bubba down south, use the most fowl language possible to bash Repubicans (especially minorities) or any non-Muslim religion, you can say anything you want. You can even say you wish they'd die or make a movie about their assasination. You can use the most vile, misogynistic words against women who aren't Dems. I can't even repeat the stuff said about Palin and other Republican women. Yet, just calling Michelle fat was considered wrong and racist. Never mind that the liberal media is forever talking about all the fat people across the nation. Yup, okay to call the people in the midwest or Christie fat, but don't dare comment on the first lady's weight.

Just don't criticize a Dem minority, whether it's an inner city gang member or politician, or you're racist and don't express concern for border security or you're accused of hating brown people.

France’s Le Pen to go on trial for anti-Muslim remarks


"Le Pen, whom polls see likely to win a regional election in northern France in December, has widened the National Front’s appeal since she took its helm in 2011 by expelling extremists and cracking down on anti-Semitism.

But the party also thrives on concerns over immigration and radical Islam. In a meeting in 2010, Le Pen criticized Muslims praying in the streets when mosques are full.

She will be judged on Oct. 20 over charges of "incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs," the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said.

Le Pen had told the 2010 rally in Lyon: "I’m sorry, but for those who really like to talk about World War II, if we’re talking about occupation, we could talk about that (street prayers), because that is clearly an occupation of the territory.""
Swap "Christian" for "Muslim" in the OP and it reads exactly the same!
Damned Christians...expecting everyone to bend to their demands!!

Shut up and bake me a cake

With the Star of David on it.
Do you want a side of bacon with that?
The scariest thing in the world to a Moslem.



for one thing , under their Shariah law, If their daughters were to dress like this and start going out with guys, they would have to stone them to death.
They love their daughters and don't want to have to do an honor killing, but when the WEST is putting out these images...... well its a major factor why they hate the west. They can blame us for the fact they have to execute their women
Many countries are 'plagued' with morality, sympathy, charity, concern for others, compassion, and most of all the belief that in every person is 'good' that can be brought out, nurtured, and grown. They also project their values, beliefs, etc onto others and can not / will not see that there are some people this does not apply to, that there is such evil in this world that would slit your throat right after you save them from drowning and give them a sandwich.

President Mubarak and Egypt is a great example. The United States helped put Hasni Mubarak into power, and he was a great leader in the fact that he kept the peace. Yes, he was a dictator, but he ruled in such a fashion that kept the different factions and religions from waging war and killing each other. He protected Christians in Egypt, for example. People in the United States saw how he lived and that he was a dictator and became angry because Mubarak did not run his country - a completely different culture with a completely different history and mindset - like we ran ours. We arrogantly believed that there is ONLY 1 way to run a country and that is to embrace our form of Democracy (that is so much better right now - sarcasm).

So Obama helped overthrow Mubarak...who was replaced by the internationally known terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the 1st things that happened, while the new terrorist President called Jews pigs and declared they had to die, was the slaughter of Christians. Muslims began killing Christians in Egypt. For all his faults, Mubarak kept the peace.

I am not saying he was a good man, that he was a good leader, but I am saying we were / arrogant and stupid to think we know how to run another country when we can't even run our own. Everyone who said we shouldn't have injected ourselves into Iraq should also believe we shouldn't have injected ourselves into Egypt's affairs as well!

History is full of 'mistakes' ,when the US stepped in to impose new rulers and the situation turned badly: Noriega, Castro, Hussein.... We believe these people will be LIKE US...and have no clue. Obama believes now that we can bring 10,000 Syrians into the US, not knowing who they are, and all will be fine because they will be so thankful, they will embrace our culture and become one of us, blah, blah, blah.

Bottom Line: Too often people see what they WANT to see instead of seeing what truly is...or without learning from the past and believe the world and everyone in it is inherently good and will like us if we just be nice to them.
Hard to tell what Muslims are against the violence because Muslim leaders are silent.

Yes. If '99% of Muslims are moderates', as the spin doctors continually claim, then we wouldn't be seeing the kinds of mindless slaughter all across the Islamic world we've been seeing for decades now in our lifetimes. It's blatantly obvious they aren't, as many surveys have shown, and in any case they also obviously have zero influence on their co-cultists.
Should it be a crime to insult all religion and people, or just Muslims?

Can we say that we don't like it when Muslims pray in the city streets? It's not private property and when they are using the streets, no one else can. It's irritating that Muslims can block streets and impede traffic. And in France, you don't dare complain about bending over to their demands or you end up on trial. They are taking over France and other countries and the people are getting fed up with seeing their own cultures destroyed as Muslims move in and make demands. Muslims do not assimilate anywhere they go. They take over land and create a place that is identical to the shithole they left. They don't come for a better life, they come to expand the Muslim countries. It's the plan and many have said as much. Doesn't help that Obama just announced that no immigrants, illegal or legal, are expected to assimilate. That is bullshit and looks like Obama just decided to make changes on his own again.

How long before it's illegal here to criticize Muslims? As it is, a victim cannot expect a drop of sympathy if attacked or killed by an offended Muslim. The left says they should have known better than to exercise their freedom of speech and not follow sharia law. Fuck those who actually believe we are the ones who need to change. I think if anyone comes here, they can adapt or leave. Or at least shut the fuck up. Don't like our customs or the way women walk around without covering their bodies? Too bad. Love it or leave.

Muslims do get demanding, everything from bitching about flags, bacon signs, lack of halal food in food shelters and schools that don't give them prayer rooms or days off school for every Muslim holiday. They accept jobs knowing what they entail, then later bitch about even handling bacon or allowing blind people with dogs in their taxi. The second they cry freedom of religion, people are supposed to bow and allow them to do as they please. And if you don't want to go out of your way to accomodate them, you're labeled Islamophobic. And you will go out of your way when they block city streets for their stupid prayers. They can't go to private property and must inconvenience everyone else.

But, no worries, Christians are still fair game and you can say any nasty thing you want about them without fear of retribution, being attacked or being arrested. Southerners are also okay to ridicule. Bash them till your heart's content because it's okay to exercise freedom of speech as long as you insult the right people, like this MSNBC jerk who compared the Catholic church to an abusive spouse:


The way the left carries on here, I suspect they admire France for charging this women over her Muslim remarks. Had she said the same thing about Christians, it not only would have been okay, but they'd probably say it's a problem that needs to be solved. I know a few who would make it illegal to speak out against the liberal agenda in any way. No bashing Obamacare, Common Core, welfare or nanny government, the fake global warming 'solutions' and the way this administration ignores immigration laws while warning us we better not ignore laws they created. As long as you echo the left's talking points on issues, pick on Bubba down south, use the most fowl language possible to bash Repubicans (especially minorities) or any non-Muslim religion, you can say anything you want. You can even say you wish they'd die or make a movie about their assasination. You can use the most vile, misogynistic words against women who aren't Dems. I can't even repeat the stuff said about Palin and other Republican women. Yet, just calling Michelle fat was considered wrong and racist. Never mind that the liberal media is forever talking about all the fat people across the nation. Yup, okay to call the people in the midwest or Christie fat, but don't dare comment on the first lady's weight.

Just don't criticize a Dem minority, whether it's an inner city gang member or politician, or you're racist and don't express concern for border security or you're accused of hating brown people.

France’s Le Pen to go on trial for anti-Muslim remarks


"Le Pen, whom polls see likely to win a regional election in northern France in December, has widened the National Front’s appeal since she took its helm in 2011 by expelling extremists and cracking down on anti-Semitism.

But the party also thrives on concerns over immigration and radical Islam. In a meeting in 2010, Le Pen criticized Muslims praying in the streets when mosques are full.

She will be judged on Oct. 20 over charges of "incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs," the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said.

Le Pen had told the 2010 rally in Lyon: "I’m sorry, but for those who really like to talk about World War II, if we’re talking about occupation, we could talk about that (street prayers), because that is clearly an occupation of the territory.""
Swap "Christian" for "Muslim" in the OP and it reads exactly the same!
Damned Christians...expecting everyone to bend to their demands!!

There it is folks, the American liberal ! :puke:
Am I wrong?

Yes. Very much so. Separation of church and state was a christian invention, not an atheist or pagan one; those cults aren't known for their tolerance.

Thomas Helwys

Thomas Helwys (c. 1575 — c. 1616), an Englishman, was one of the joint founders, with John Smyth of the Baptist denomination.

In the early seventeenth century, Helwys was principal formulator of that distinctively Baptist request: that the church and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might have a freedom of religious conscience. Thomas Helwys was an advocate of religious liberty at a time when to hold to such views could be dangerous. He died in prison as a consequence of the religious persecution of Protestant dissenters under King James I.

As for Islam, it's clearly a violent political cult, and not a real religion per se, so it doesn't count. The Koran is merely some Arab bandit chief's Mein Kampf.
Separation of church and state was a christian invention,

?? did you just pull that out of your christian ass? the founding fathers were deists and were running away from the church in europe

I'm not a christian, and you're posting history highlights you're just a silly troll, an emotionally retarded one at that. Even your 'history' is ridiculously ignorant; very few of the 'founders were 'deists', and most of those were christian deists to boot.

Go back to rolling your feces in little balls and eating them for a while, until the nurse comes back with your noon meds.
The scariest thing in the world to a Moslem.



for one thing , under their Shariah law, If their daughters were to dress like this and start going out with guys, they would have to stone them to death.
They love their daughters and don't want to have to do an honor killing, but when the WEST is putting out these images...... well its a major factor why they hate the west. They can blame us for the fact they have to execute their women

I think they'd be more afraid of Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren, you probably would be too.
These are the 6 easy rules of the Moslem religion:

1) Must hate all non-Moslem infidels, killing is optional, but allowed if beheaded.
2) Must hate homosexuals, toss from buildings whenever possible, otherwise behead
3) Must treat women like chattel, if they disobey- beat with switch, stone all whores
4) Must bend down and pray 5x a day, even in traffic, face the mecca!
5) Women no can show face in public, whores!!
6) Must no eat bacon!



Should it be a crime to insult all religion and people, or just Muslims?

Can we say that we don't like it when Muslims pray in the city streets? It's not private property and when they are using the streets, no one else can. It's irritating that Muslims can block streets and impede traffic. And in France, you don't dare complain about bending over to their demands or you end up on trial. They are taking over France and other countries and the people are getting fed up with seeing their own cultures destroyed as Muslims move in and make demands. Muslims do not assimilate anywhere they go. They take over land and create a place that is identical to the shithole they left. They don't come for a better life, they come to expand the Muslim countries. It's the plan and many have said as much. Doesn't help that Obama just announced that no immigrants, illegal or legal, are expected to assimilate. That is bullshit and looks like Obama just decided to make changes on his own again.

How long before it's illegal here to criticize Muslims? As it is, a victim cannot expect a drop of sympathy if attacked or killed by an offended Muslim. The left says they should have known better than to exercise their freedom of speech and not follow sharia law. Fuck those who actually believe we are the ones who need to change. I think if anyone comes here, they can adapt or leave. Or at least shut the fuck up. Don't like our customs or the way women walk around without covering their bodies? Too bad. Love it or leave.

Muslims do get demanding, everything from bitching about flags, bacon signs, lack of halal food in food shelters and schools that don't give them prayer rooms or days off school for every Muslim holiday. They accept jobs knowing what they entail, then later bitch about even handling bacon or allowing blind people with dogs in their taxi. The second they cry freedom of religion, people are supposed to bow and allow them to do as they please. And if you don't want to go out of your way to accomodate them, you're labeled Islamophobic. And you will go out of your way when they block city streets for their stupid prayers. They can't go to private property and must inconvenience everyone else.

But, no worries, Christians are still fair game and you can say any nasty thing you want about them without fear of retribution, being attacked or being arrested. Southerners are also okay to ridicule. Bash them till your heart's content because it's okay to exercise freedom of speech as long as you insult the right people, like this MSNBC jerk who compared the Catholic church to an abusive spouse:


Countries are now bending over for Muslims simply because acting "gay" is presently so fashionable! Fella...
The way the left carries on here, I suspect they admire France for charging this women over her Muslim remarks. Had she said the same thing about Christians, it not only would have been okay, but they'd probably say it's a problem that needs to be solved. I know a few who would make it illegal to speak out against the liberal agenda in any way. No bashing Obamacare, Common Core, welfare or nanny government, the fake global warming 'solutions' and the way this administration ignores immigration laws while warning us we better not ignore laws they created. As long as you echo the left's talking points on issues, pick on Bubba down south, use the most fowl language possible to bash Repubicans (especially minorities) or any non-Muslim religion, you can say anything you want. You can even say you wish they'd die or make a movie about their assasination. You can use the most vile, misogynistic words against women who aren't Dems. I can't even repeat the stuff said about Palin and other Republican women. Yet, just calling Michelle fat was considered wrong and racist. Never mind that the liberal media is forever talking about all the fat people across the nation. Yup, okay to call the people in the midwest or Christie fat, but don't dare comment on the first lady's weight.

Just don't criticize a Dem minority, whether it's an inner city gang member or politician, or you're racist and don't express concern for border security or you're accused of hating brown people.

France’s Le Pen to go on trial for anti-Muslim remarks


"Le Pen, whom polls see likely to win a regional election in northern France in December, has widened the National Front’s appeal since she took its helm in 2011 by expelling extremists and cracking down on anti-Semitism.

But the party also thrives on concerns over immigration and radical Islam. In a meeting in 2010, Le Pen criticized Muslims praying in the streets when mosques are full.

She will be judged on Oct. 20 over charges of "incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs," the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said.

Le Pen had told the 2010 rally in Lyon: "I’m sorry, but for those who really like to talk about World War II, if we’re talking about occupation, we could talk about that (street prayers), because that is clearly an occupation of the territory.""
Neither can Jews, so what is your point?

A lot of people are not aware that Jews don't eat bacon, probably because they don't bitch about seeing bacon ads or complain about handling pork at work. The Muslims don't eat it, but no rules on touching a package of it when working in the checkout line at the grocery store. Yet, some have complained that they don't want to even touch the package and expect that another employee will leave their post and come and do it for them.
Swap "Christian" for "Muslim" in the OP and it reads exactly the same!
Damned Christians...expecting everyone to bend to their demands!!

What if Catholics didn't have enough room in a church and wanted to shut down streets for prayer? You know that wouldn't go over, but everyone is afraid to say anything to the Muslims. It's because we know what too many of them do when you piss them off..

LOL......there are Catholic parades every year which shut down city streets.

All done with permission of course- just like the Muslims who prayed in the streets.

If Catholics requested permission to close down a street for public prayer- or a festival- or a parade- cities issue approvals.
Neither can Jews, so what is your point?

A lot of people are not aware that Jews don't eat bacon, probably because they don't bitch about seeing bacon ads or complain about handling pork at work. The Muslims don't eat it, but no rules on touching a package of it when working in the checkout line at the grocery store. Yet, some have complained that they don't want to even touch the package and expect that another employee will leave their post and come and do it for them.

And some Orthodox Jews will do the exact same thing- have done the exact same thing.

Employers are expected to make reasonable accomodations for employees religious beliefs- but if no accommodation can be made that results in the job being done- then the employee- like the Muslim flight attendent who refused to serve alcohol- can and are fired.

You appear to only care when there are accommodations for Muslims.

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