Why are a lot of Republicans intimidated by science?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
I WAS "Blinded By Science" after watching the Thomas Dolby video to the song. Does THAT count?
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Well, it started with religion and was supercharged by the climate debate.

Then talk radio got their teeth in it and all the dittoheads fell in line, as usual.

Once this kind of simplistic, binary thinking pollutes an issue, it pretty much goes straight into the shitter.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Well, it started with religion and was supercharged by the climate debate.

Then talk radio got their teeth in it and everyone fell in line, as usual.

Once this kind of simplistic, binary thinking pollutes an issue, it pretty much goes straight into the shitter.
Video DID kill the RADIO star.................
Which "scientific belief" requires more of a leap of faith, to those on the fence?

1. The belief that catastrophic climate change is directly the result of the impact of humans on the planet?

or. . .

2. The belief that a child's life begins at and by conception?

Which is easier demonstrated with scientific techniques?
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Since when does one Republican that nobody has ever heard of speak for all of them? Especially on some private religious belief and not even policy?

We’re also not the ones denying basic biology.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.

First off, you lump all Republicans together insinuating we share a collective hive mind. Second, adherents to the cult of postmodernism, which many modern day democrat ideologues are, believe quite fervently in factual relativism, which itself is an oxymoron—both the term and belief in something that forbids belief in anything. Postmodernists use factual relativism to twist proven scientific fact into new, absurd claims such as the switching of gender and sex or men menstruating. So tell me, bub, do you really want to run with the assertion: Republicans are science deniers? Third, the Young Earth theory is more religious based belief than scientific hypothesis. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if radical leftist postmodernists created said theory simply to discredit Christians in their endless attempts to disprove God.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
The religious nut jobs that actually believe the earth is only 6000 years old, despite all the evidence pointing to billions of years for earth, are a small bunch in comparison with the overall number of Christians.
I used to be an Independent and would vote Green Party, or Democrat, or Republican....however, seeing how the left has gone full on Marxist, I'm absolutely never going that way again, so I'm a Republican and not looking back.
Being Republican does not mean you are a religious nut job, or even a believer for that matter. Unlike the former Democratic Party, that mandates that you all must tow the line or be ostracized, the Republican Party is a mixture of differing views, but hold one thing central to the party.....the US Constitution and its freedoms and liberties listed in the Bill of Rights.
To me, the earth is 4 billion years old, evolution rules and if there is a deity, it's going to have to make itself plainly known before I'm going to start believing in it.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Well, it started with religion and was supercharged by the climate debate.

Then talk radio got their teeth in it and all the dittoheads fell in line, as usual.

Once this kind of simplistic, binary thinking pollutes an issue, it pretty much goes straight into the shitter.
Dont forget your fellow libs who deny the hymanity of unborn children and are the ultimate science deniers
Which "scientific belief" requires more of a leap of faith, to those on the fence?

1. The belief that catastrophic climate change is directly the result of the impact of humans on the planet?

or. . .

2. The belief that a child's life begins at and by conception?

Which is easier demonstrated with scientific techniques?

Worry about your own life.
Lies from the pit of Hell.

Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'

Why do they believe the world is 6,000 years old?

It's because "6000" is an easier number to envision than "1 billion". These people are small minded.

The other reason is that if the universe truly is billions of years old, there's a very good chance that the universe doesn't revolve around them. It's more comforting to believe that the entire universe exists solely for our pleasure, than knowing that it's vast, uncaring and utterly indifferent to whether humanity lives or dies. The thought that there is nothing looking out for them specifically, and especially not on an individual basis, is often too much for some people to grasp on an emotional level.

Comforting lies have often been more popular than truth.
Well, it started with religion and was supercharged by the climate debate.

Then talk radio got their teeth in it and everyone fell in line, as usual.

Once this kind of simplistic, binary thinking pollutes an issue, it pretty much goes straight into the shitter.
Video DID kill the RADIO star.................
The good thing is that not every song on the radio has a video to go with it.

God bless you always!!!

2. The belief that a child's life begins at and by conception?
Hmm. I don't think a zygote is a citizen. Nor is a zygote a child. That's only one step past saying an egg and a spermatozoa is a child. In which case they too should be sacred...

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