Why Amy Coney Barrett should be on the Supreme Court....the definitive explanation....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?



And then when Justice Thomas retires in 2021, having served SCOTUS for 30 years, he will appoint his district appointment to that position.

If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.

A misogynist who has placed women in positions of real authority in his administration......

you asshats still worship bill clinton, and joe biden, the real misogynists.......
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.

No...that was bill clinton, just ask Monica Lewinsky...
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.

No...that was bill clinton, just ask Monica Lewinsky...

Yes, Clinton got a consensual blowjob, but Trump's third wife is a lesbian porn star, and his daughter gives him lap dances in between him grabbing unsuspecting women by the pussy, and him paying porn stars for sex while his wife is recovering from child birth. Nobody can outpig Trump.
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.

No...that was bill clinton, just ask Monica Lewinsky...

Yes, Clinton got a consensual blowjob, but Trump's third wife is a lesbian porn star, and his daughter gives him lap dances in between him grabbing unsuspecting women by the pussy, and him paying porn stars for sex while his wife is recovering from child birth. Nobody can outpig Trump.

And that is why morons like you should have no access to the power centers of our country.....
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.

No...that was bill clinton, just ask Monica Lewinsky...

Yes, Clinton got a consensual blowjob, but Trump's third wife is a lesbian porn star, and his daughter gives him lap dances in between him grabbing unsuspecting women by the pussy, and him paying porn stars for sex while his wife is recovering from child birth. Nobody can outpig Trump.

And that is why morons like you should have no access to the power centers of our country.....

And you probably shouldn't be allowed to play near the power source of a common wall plug.
Does she have any lesbian porn pictures like Melania's so we can better evaluate all her qualifications?
The question for me is what made you think that was a proper question for this conversation?
Before Trump, it wouldn't have been an appropriate question. He and his mindless supporters have lowered the bar drastically in so many ways. He was the one who introduced penis size as a subject of discussion in the presidential debates, so you don't have much right to whine about what is appropriate or not.
He is the one who answered back. Progs never saw some one who talks like them to that degree.
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.

A misogynist who has placed women in positions of real authority in his administration......

you asshats still worship bill clinton, and joe biden, the real misogynists.......

They cannot tell the truth.
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

She comes across as some sort of religious fanatic which explains her support among the tin foil hats.
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.

A misogynist who has placed women in positions of real authority in his administration......

you asshats still worship bill clinton, and joe biden, the real misogynists.......

What women? I see Elaine Cho (McConnell's wife), Betsy Devos, and who else? And the only reason I suspect they are both around is because they've managed to not embarrassed the boss. He's largely shown Dr Birx the door. And she's former military and a health professional. Yes, he isn't fond of women. That's just fact. At last count he has north of 20 women credibly accusing him of sexual harassment. Clinton?, he had one credible accuser and she shot that out on the bow of Kenn Starr. Biden?. Just alt-right fantasies. Again, the one person who made accusations against him has undermined her credibility.

I would not bet the farm that nominates Barrett.
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.

Fake News. Trump will nominate a Great Woman.



President Trump to Nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

President Trump will nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court on Saturday barring any last second change.

Barrett is the pick, barring any change of Trump’s mind before Saturday evening’s announcement in the White House Rose Garden.

Amy Coney Barrett, a mother of seven (2 adopted), has been attacked by Leftwing Catholic Haters led by Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris. The Fake News Democrat-media complex has also attacked her for her Catholic faith.

At the age of 48, she will be the youngest justice on the bench.

The entire GOP stands poised to ram any bigoted anti Catholic hate, right back down the hater's throat.

As a nation we are tired of the Left's anti Catholic bigotry and hate and right here, and right now, if they bring it, they bring their own destruction.
If you are sitting on the fence about Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett this video will explain exactly why we need her on the court....

And what are you all going to say if he doesn't nominate her? Because that's a real possibility. He is after all, a misogynist.

A misogynist who has placed women in positions of real authority in his administration......

you asshats still worship bill clinton, and joe biden, the real misogynists.......

What women? I see Elaine Cho (McConnell's wife), Betsy Devos, and who else? And the only reason I suspect they are both around is because they've managed to not embarrassed the boss. He's largely shown Dr Birx the door. And she's former military and a health professional. Yes, he isn't fond of women. That's just fact. At last count he has north of 20 women credibly accusing him of sexual harassment. Clinton?, he had one credible accuser and she shot that out on the bow of Kenn Starr. Biden?. Just alt-right fantasies. Again, the one person who made accusations against him has undermined her credibility.

I would not bet the farm that nominates Barrett.

You are a moron......

The Office of the President alone has over 100 women in politically appointed roles, many as Chief, Secretary, Director, Deputy Director, and Counselor to the President. Women also lead commissions such as Eilen Lappin Weiser, Chairman of the Commission on Presidential Scholars; Samantha Ravich, Vice Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board; Michelle Park Steele, Co-Chair of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and Liz Sara, Chairperson of the National Women's Business Council.https://www.opm.gov/about-us/our-people-organization/office-of-the-director/bios/margaret-weichert/

Margaret Weichert is doing double-duty as Acting Director at the Office of Personnel Management and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget. Suzanne Kent is Administrator of the Office of Electronic Government. Mary B. Neumayr, unanimously confirmed, is the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Neomi Rao as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs spearheaded the President's regulatory reform efforts in his first two years now serves on the District Court of Appeals. The President has appointed 44 female judges to various courts; this amount is on par with the number of female judges nominated by Barack Obama.

Women lead in the White House as Director of the Office of Administration, Deputy Director of the Office of Administration, and Chief Financial Officer in the Office of Administration.

Wilbur Ross may be the Secretary of Commerce, but its Deputy Secretary of Commerce Karen Dunn Kelley who keeps the departmet running. Holly Ham serves as Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The earlier Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Naomi Churchill Earp awaits confirmation to become Assistant Secretary of Agriculture (Civil Rights) and Mindy Brashears, the Under Secretary of Agriculture (Food Safety).

Heather Wilson has served as Secretary of the Air Force for the 2 years, and the President has nominated Barbara Barrett as her successor. At the Department of Defense, half a dozen women have Senate-confirmed roles for Acquisition, Research and Engineering, Finance, Readiness and Force Management, and Intelligence.

Women leaders at the Department of Energy include Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy (Rita Brananwal), Under Secretary for Nuclear Security (Lisa Gordon-Hagerty), Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response (Karen Evans), and Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (Anne White). Linda Capuano is the Administrator of the Energy Information Administration.

Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Charmaine Yoest became Associate Director of the White House Office of Drug Control Policy and now is Vice President of the Heritage Foundation's Institute for Family, Community and Opportunity.

Seema Varma is the Administrator for Medicare and Medicaid. Anna Maria Farias, a Latina who grew up in a Texas housing project is now Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Olympic Gold Medalist for Volleyball Misty May-Treanor is the Co-Chair of the President’s Council on Sports Fitness and Nutrition along with 7 other female members.

The Department of the Interior has many women firsts including the First Female Alaska Native Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Tara Mac Lean Sweeney and First Female Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, Brenda Burman. Awaiting Senate confirmation is Aurealia Skipwith who would be the first African American woman Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

Women lead at Department of Justice offices including Darlene Hutchinson Biehl, Director of the Office for Victims of Crime; Caren Harp, Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Laura Rogers, Director of the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking, and waiting to be confirmed, Shannon Lee Goessling as Director of the Office of Violence Against Women.


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