Why a COVID-19 Pandemic never existed


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Read and think, we're fooled folks.

The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past like Naziism, Fascism, Communism, and Technocracy are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison planet where authoritarian rule is commonplace.
None of this would have been possible without State of Emergency declarations being implemented in countries worldwide to stop the so-called coronavirus “pandemic.” Authoritarian governments love emergency powers and executive orders because they provide cover to implement all manner of draconian dictates essentially destroying free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all in the name of keeping people safe.
What if the pretext for declaring a pandemic and locking down billions of people was all just a ruse? What if all that’s happened over the past 18 months had nothing to do with a global health crisis? What if many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 could have stemmed from other causes? What if the reason for declaring a pandemic was destroy the current world system and institute a “new normal” New World Order?

There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the coronavirus “pandemic” is nothing but a global social engineering project meant to get people used to obeying mandates and dictates from local, state, federal, and even international powers. The following statement from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab seems to indicate there is indeed another purpose for the crisis:

We do know their true intentions are to implement a new world order and they're pressing the pedal all the way to the floor. I wouldn't be surprised by any of their nefarious plans.

How you can implement NWO when most of humans died?
Plane and simple, the Covid gang wanna murder us.
No another explanation
If it was real, why did those on Capitol Hill, and the State Capitols not take it serious?
Why did they talk the talk, but did not walk the walk. It was always about manipulating
the American citizen, but not themselves

Because almost all of them are freemasons and secret satanists.
Do you know the final true goal of Satanism?
The total annihilation of humanity
truthunmuted.org ?

Can't you find the story on Associated Press, Reuters, or Fox News?

Why do you have to go to an obscure site like "truthunmuted?"
Because almost all of them are freemasons and secret satanists.
Do you know the final true goal of Satanism?
The total annihilation of humanity
no lucifer is a reformed guy....he now owns a bar in LA and sings and plays piano there.....
The scamdemic in many countries is over
Only in countries of the white man the forced vaccination exists
The white genocide?

Yet you have not been vaccinated and you claim that all have which is a lie along with the fact that more countries have had a more complete vaccination of their nation than the US, to include Israel which is not a white man's nation all the while the poor nation beg for more doses. You must be mad to insinuate this is a race war of biological proportions especially since the US is not 100% white.
no lucifer is a reformed guy....he now owns a bar in LA and sings and plays piano there.....

Go and do a recherche a little bit about Satanism
The true one

Biden, Putin, Merkel, Schwab, Gates and many other are secret satanists and freemasons who wanna kill humanity


Go and do a recherche a little bit about Satanism
The true one

Biden, Putin, Merkel, Schwab, Gates and many other are secret satanists and freemasons who wanna kill humanity

More invisible deities created when humans were most ignorant of their nature.
Go and do a recherche a little bit about Satanism
The true one

Biden, Putin, Merkel, Schwab, Gates and many other are secret satanists and freemasons who wanna kill humanity


lol.....Lucifer just wants to sing, get drunk, and pick up a couple of woman....at his bar in LA....the Lux.....
Ahh... Baron's weekly spate of agitprop shitposts.

Who's paying you?
Read and think, we're fooled folks.

The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past like Naziism, Fascism, Communism, and Technocracy are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison planet where authoritarian rule is commonplace.
None of this would have been possible without State of Emergency declarations being implemented in countries worldwide to stop the so-called coronavirus “pandemic.” Authoritarian governments love emergency powers and executive orders because they provide cover to implement all manner of draconian dictates essentially destroying free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all in the name of keeping people safe.
What if the pretext for declaring a pandemic and locking down billions of people was all just a ruse? What if all that’s happened over the past 18 months had nothing to do with a global health crisis? What if many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 could have stemmed from other causes? What if the reason for declaring a pandemic was destroy the current world system and institute a “new normal” New World Order?

There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the coronavirus “pandemic” is nothing but a global social engineering project meant to get people used to obeying mandates and dictates from local, state, federal, and even international powers. The following statement from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab seems to indicate there is indeed another purpose for the crisis:

With more that 700,000 dead in the US from it in the last year and half, it will do for being considered a pandemic until something deadlier spreads across the planet.
George Bush said it would be a new world order after the fall of Soviet Union. bad choice of words?

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