Whose Thanksgiving Bible...Hebrews Or Christians?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is there one Bibleā€¦Or Two?

Who celebrates Thanksgiving? Where does the idea come from?

And which theology? Hereā€™s a hint:

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ā€”Psalm 100:4-5

Soā€¦Jews, Christiansā€¦..one Bible or two?

1. There is only one religion prominent in the creation of both America and Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian one.
My conjecture is that the forces of Marxism, the atheistic faith that has replaced God with man, and man as the collective called ā€˜government,ā€™ would prefer that religious folksā€¦their enemiesā€¦..see people of each Testament as adversaries. Neither Testament supports that view.

2. ā€œIf you ask most Christians if they can outline to you how the whole Bible fits together from beginning to end, and how to tie the account of Genesis through to their culmination in the life and work of Jesus Christ, you will have even less who can do this.

3. ā€¦Forgotten Covenant, by author and teacher, Ryan Watsonā€¦. is a refutation of overly simplistic approaches to a Christianā€™s understanding of the Old Testament. there is a complete misunderstanding of how important the Old Testament is to Christians. Some believers know that Genesis speaks of creation and that the Psalms are beautiful. ā€¦. They do not understand why the nation of Israel was so important in the history of God's plan. They also do not understand just how good the Old Testament law is.

4. Watson shows how Abraham fits into Godā€™s wider plan, how God brings a nation through Abraham, what this nation was meant to be, what were the characteristics of this nation, and along the way, he explains the place of circumcision, sacrifices and the covenant laws in the faith of the Old Testament believer. He also shows how there is a strong continuation between Abrahamā€™s faith and the modern Christianā€™s faith. This is important, especially when you consider how foundational this is to Paul's argument in Galatians and Romans.

5. Once you have finished Watsonā€™s book, you will have a clear understanding of the continuity between Israel and the Church, the two are one and the same, with different expressions in different periods of Godā€™s plan, and that God always intended to bring Gentiles into his people.
In fact, he always has, right through the Old Testament period till now. You will also have a clearer understanding of the narrative structure of the Scriptures.ā€
Forgotten Covenant: A Review Ā· Caldron Pool

Have we cleared that up?

Now....let's get to the turkey.
Is there one Bibleā€¦Or Two?

Who celebrates Thanksgiving? Where does the idea come from?

And which theology? Hereā€™s a hint:

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ā€”Psalm 100:4-5

Soā€¦Jews, Christiansā€¦..one Bible or two?

1. There is only one religion prominent in the creation of both America and Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian one.
My conjecture is that the forces of Marxism, the atheistic faith that has replaced God with man, and man as the collective called ā€˜government,ā€™ would prefer that religious folksā€¦their enemiesā€¦..see people of each Testament as adversaries. Neither Testament supports that view.

2. ā€œIf you ask most Christians if they can outline to you how the whole Bible fits together from beginning to end, and how to tie the account of Genesis through to their culmination in the life and work of Jesus Christ, you will have even less who can do this.

3. ā€¦Forgotten Covenant, by author and teacher, Ryan Watsonā€¦. is a refutation of overly simplistic approaches to a Christianā€™s understanding of the Old Testament. there is a complete misunderstanding of how important the Old Testament is to Christians. Some believers know that Genesis speaks of creation and that the Psalms are beautiful. ā€¦. They do not understand why the nation of Israel was so important in the history of God's plan. They also do not understand just how good the Old Testament law is.

4. Watson shows how Abraham fits into Godā€™s wider plan, how God brings a nation through Abraham, what this nation was meant to be, what were the characteristics of this nation, and along the way, he explains the place of circumcision, sacrifices and the covenant laws in the faith of the Old Testament believer. He also shows how there is a strong continuation between Abrahamā€™s faith and the modern Christianā€™s faith. This is important, especially when you consider how foundational this is to Paul's argument in Galatians and Romans.

5. Once you have finished Watsonā€™s book, you will have a clear understanding of the continuity between Israel and the Church, the two are one and the same, with different expressions in different periods of Godā€™s plan, and that God always intended to bring Gentiles into his people.
In fact, he always has, right through the Old Testament period till now. You will also have a clearer understanding of the narrative structure of the Scriptures.ā€
Forgotten Covenant: A Review Ā· Caldron Pool

Have we cleared that up?

Now....let's get to the turkey.
Only Christians say that. We think you believe false Pharisees.

believe what you want. As long as you donā€™t hurt anyone, no one cares.

just leave everyone else alone
Is there one Bibleā€¦Or Two?
Our Western concept of God has evolved (I know you hate that word) over the millenia. Originally (in the Bronze Age), He was one god among many but made a covenant with one people who promised to put him front and center. He was a God of the people of Israel and, though you could offer Him a Temple sacrifice for personal requests, He judged the entire people of Israel and would punish or reward them all as one. As pagan converts to Christianity developed their theological understanding of God he became the sole deity and a personal one. He judged you for your actions and offered rewards in the next life, something the God of Israel never really did.

Given that, I'd say there were two. Regardless, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Is there one Bibleā€¦Or Two?

Who celebrates Thanksgiving? Where does the idea come from?

And which theology? Hereā€™s a hint:

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ā€”Psalm 100:4-5

Soā€¦Jews, Christiansā€¦..one Bible or two?

1. There is only one religion prominent in the creation of both America and Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian one.
My conjecture is that the forces of Marxism, the atheistic faith that has replaced God with man, and man as the collective called ā€˜government,ā€™ would prefer that religious folksā€¦their enemiesā€¦..see people of each Testament as adversaries. Neither Testament supports that view.

2. ā€œIf you ask most Christians if they can outline to you how the whole Bible fits together from beginning to end, and how to tie the account of Genesis through to their culmination in the life and work of Jesus Christ, you will have even less who can do this.

3. ā€¦Forgotten Covenant, by author and teacher, Ryan Watsonā€¦. is a refutation of overly simplistic approaches to a Christianā€™s understanding of the Old Testament. there is a complete misunderstanding of how important the Old Testament is to Christians. Some believers know that Genesis speaks of creation and that the Psalms are beautiful. ā€¦. They do not understand why the nation of Israel was so important in the history of God's plan. They also do not understand just how good the Old Testament law is.

4. Watson shows how Abraham fits into Godā€™s wider plan, how God brings a nation through Abraham, what this nation was meant to be, what were the characteristics of this nation, and along the way, he explains the place of circumcision, sacrifices and the covenant laws in the faith of the Old Testament believer. He also shows how there is a strong continuation between Abrahamā€™s faith and the modern Christianā€™s faith. This is important, especially when you consider how foundational this is to Paul's argument in Galatians and Romans.

5. Once you have finished Watsonā€™s book, you will have a clear understanding of the continuity between Israel and the Church, the two are one and the same, with different expressions in different periods of Godā€™s plan, and that God always intended to bring Gentiles into his people.
In fact, he always has, right through the Old Testament period till now. You will also have a clearer understanding of the narrative structure of the Scriptures.ā€
Forgotten Covenant: A Review Ā· Caldron Pool

Have we cleared that up?

Now....let's get to the turkey.

Agree completely. Christ is central in the OT. The OT is fundamental to understand the NT. It's all an unfolding story of God's redemptive plan.
Our Western concept of God has evolved (I know you hate that word) over the millenia. Originally (in the Bronze Age), He was one god among many but made a covenant with one people who promised to put him front and center. He was a God of the people of Israel and, though you could offer Him a Temple sacrifice for personal requests, He judged the entire people of Israel and would punish or reward them all as one. As pagan converts to Christianity developed their theological understanding of God he became the sole deity and a personal one. He judged you for your actions and offered rewards in the next life, something the God of Israel never really did.

Given that, I'd say there were two. Regardless, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Sort of, but not..

What set the Hebrew religion apart from others was the idea that there is only one God. It certainly wasn't one God among many, there was but a single God in the Hebrew faith. The point of Jesus was to bridge the gap between the God the dealt with a whole population and the personal God. The wasn't an evolution, but a sharp turn on a specific event.
Sort of, but not..

What set the Hebrew religion apart from others was the idea that there is only one God. It certainly wasn't one God among many, there was but a single God in the Hebrew faith. The point of Jesus was to bridge the gap between the God the dealt with a whole population and the personal God. The wasn't an evolution, but a sharp turn on a specific event.
Archeology and the Bible itself do not support you. You are taking a modern idea and projecting it backwards in time. Read this.
Only Christians say that. We think you believe false Pharisees.

believe what you want. As long as you donā€™t hurt anyone, no one cares.

just leave everyone else alone

This is your post in cartoon form:

It's because you lack character and education.

Neither testament says to 'leave everyone else alone.'

The message is very specific:

Psalm 97:10 10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil

And the Democrat Party has become the franchise of evil.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
ā€œfree markets, free voices, free peopleā€

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Archeology and the Bible itself do not support you. You are taking a modern idea and projecting it backwards in time. Read this.

Both support it.

The entire foundation of the Hebrew faith is predicated on the concept of "I Am," an all powerful creator of the Universe, not a pantheon of clowns. You are attempting to caste the Hebrew faith as one of cookie cutter religions, but it wasn't - it was unique and changed the course of human history. The move from the belief in gods who are really little more than flawed super heroes to the belief in a single, omnipotent god was a maturation of philosophy that moved civilization forward.

It it interesting to note that as we devolve into the dark age we are entering, the one god is being supplanted for a childish collection of gods, Iron Man, Ant Man, Wonder Woman, etc. As we rush into cultural oblivion, so too does religion devolve to a more primitive and silly state.
Our Western concept of God has evolved (I know you hate that word) over the millenia. Originally (in the Bronze Age), He was one god among many but made a covenant with one people who promised to put him front and center. He was a God of the people of Israel and, though you could offer Him a Temple sacrifice for personal requests, He judged the entire people of Israel and would punish or reward them all as one. As pagan converts to Christianity developed their theological understanding of God he became the sole deity and a personal one. He judged you for your actions and offered rewards in the next life, something the God of Israel never really did.

Given that, I'd say there were two. Regardless, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

If only you read books......you might know the source of that 'evolution' of God.

This is where your beliefs come from:

And I recommend these.....



Both support it.

The entire foundation of the Hebrew faith is predicated on the concept of "I Am," an all powerful creator of the Universe, not a pantheon of clowns. You are attempting to caste the Hebrew faith as one of cookie cutter religions, but it wasn't - it was unique and changed the course of human history. The move from the belief in gods who are really little more than flawed super heroes to the belief in a single, omnipotent god was a maturation of philosophy that moved civilization forward.

It it interesting to note that as we devolve into the dark age we are entering, the one god is being supplanted for a childish collection of gods, Iron Man, Ant Man, Wonder Woman, etc. As we rush into cultural oblivion, so too does religion devolve to a more primitive and silly state.

Over the years I have posted a number of examples of archeology confirming biblical stories.
Over the years I have posted a number of examples of archeology confirming biblical stories.

The absurdity of claiming the Hebrews as polytheistic is abject ignorance and defies all archeological evidence. Moses was clear that there was one god and only one god. Not that they followed a better god, but that they followed the ONLY god, "I Am."

Everyone here knows I'm agnostic and don't believe in any god, but to try and rewrite reality to fit some narrative cannot be allowed.
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6. ā€œForgotten Covenant clearly highlights the unity of Godā€™s plan throughout Scripture. The Old and New Testaments are not just semi-related books that have been attached together. They are both a consistent explanation of Godā€™s focused and clear plan to redeem for himself a people, and they are intricately connected.

Perhaps because I prefer history books to theology books, I appreciated especially Watsonā€™s emphasis in the flow of this book. This is a theology book placing Godā€™s plan in itā€™s historical context. It reads like a historian approaching theology, he wants to tell a story, a true story, but a story all the same. This makes the book easier to digest, because it is not just a series of connected facts, but a persuasive argument presented around a narrative structure.ā€ Forgotten Covenant: A Review Ā· Caldron Pool

Sounds like my kinda book.
Is there one Bibleā€¦Or Two?

Who celebrates Thanksgiving? Where does the idea come from?

And which theology? Hereā€™s a hint:

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ā€”Psalm 100:4-5

Soā€¦Jews, Christiansā€¦..one Bible or two?

1. There is only one religion prominent in the creation of both America and Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian one.
My conjecture is that the forces of Marxism, the atheistic faith that has replaced God with man, and man as the collective called ā€˜government,ā€™ would prefer that religious folksā€¦their enemiesā€¦..see people of each Testament as adversaries. Neither Testament supports that view.

2. ā€œIf you ask most Christians if they can outline to you how the whole Bible fits together from beginning to end, and how to tie the account of Genesis through to their culmination in the life and work of Jesus Christ, you will have even less who can do this.

3. ā€¦Forgotten Covenant, by author and teacher, Ryan Watsonā€¦. is a refutation of overly simplistic approaches to a Christianā€™s understanding of the Old Testament. there is a complete misunderstanding of how important the Old Testament is to Christians. Some believers know that Genesis speaks of creation and that the Psalms are beautiful. ā€¦. They do not understand why the nation of Israel was so important in the history of God's plan. They also do not understand just how good the Old Testament law is.

4. Watson shows how Abraham fits into Godā€™s wider plan, how God brings a nation through Abraham, what this nation was meant to be, what were the characteristics of this nation, and along the way, he explains the place of circumcision, sacrifices and the covenant laws in the faith of the Old Testament believer. He also shows how there is a strong continuation between Abrahamā€™s faith and the modern Christianā€™s faith. This is important, especially when you consider how foundational this is to Paul's argument in Galatians and Romans.

5. Once you have finished Watsonā€™s book, you will have a clear understanding of the continuity between Israel and the Church, the two are one and the same, with different expressions in different periods of Godā€™s plan, and that God always intended to bring Gentiles into his people.
In fact, he always has, right through the Old Testament period till now. You will also have a clearer understanding of the narrative structure of the Scriptures.ā€
Forgotten Covenant: A Review Ā· Caldron Pool

Have we cleared that up?

Now....let's get to the turkey.
Yes, God's desire was that His people be a light for the earth (Is 49:6). Truth be told, though, they lacked a missionary impulse.

Alternatively, the Christians carried that oracle. God's will still goes as planned.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Both support it.
Actually not, though you can believe whatever you wish. Archeologists have found homes of Jews in Palestine with shrines to Yahweh and to other gods. When Moses was on the Mount and the Hebrews had a crisis of faith they didn't become atheists they turned to other gods they thought more powerful.

The entire foundation of the Hebrew faith is predicated on the concept of "I Am," an all powerful creator of the Universe, not a pantheon of clowns. You are attempting to caste the Hebrew faith as one of cookie cutter religions, but it wasn't - it was unique and changed the course of human history. The move from the belief in gods who are really little more than flawed super heroes to the belief in a single, omnipotent god was a maturation of philosophy that moved civilization forward.
I'm only saying that move took a very long time.

It it interesting to note that as we devolve into the dark age we are entering, the one god is being supplanted for a childish collection of gods, Iron Man, Ant Man, Wonder Woman, etc. As we rush into cultural oblivion, so too does religion devolve to a more primitive and silly state.
That is human nature. Every religion had it's gods and Demi-gods. Christianity has angels.

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