Whose Fault Is It That Kamala Harris's Campaign Bid Failed?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democrats are searching for answers as their largest and most diverse field of presidential contenders ever has been whittled down to a top tier of white candidates. At the moment, it appears that the party’s nominee is likely to be one of four white people. AND THE FINGER-POINTING HAS BEGUN."

'Finger-pointing'? Over WHAT?

Perhaps because during decades of the Democratic Party and even under President Obama's administration 'Cream' (the color, not 'quality') 'rose to the top' while minorities were forced into 'economic slavery' - high unemployment, high dependency on Social Program (Dem) 'free stuff' just to live, etc...?!

Perhaps because the Democrats do not want 'Charma' to kick them in the ass, decades of claiming the Republican Party is filled with / led by WHITE people, especially OLD WHITE people, slapping the 'Hypocrite' label squarely on their foreheads?!

Barry was 'the perfect storm' - a little-known, out-of-nowhere, 'clean and articulate black man' (according to Joe Biden) who appeared on the horizon and completely shocked Hillary 'It's My Turn 1.0' Clinton by taking 'her' nomination and Presidency in 2008. He did virtually NOTHING for blacks, however, during his 8 years in office.

In 2016, the party that claimed to be the most divers gave their sheeple / Democrat supporters the incredibly 'diverse' choice of 2 old, white, self-serving elitist...or at least that is how it appeared. Hacked/released/exposed e-mails and DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile broke the true reality to the world: The DNC 'stacked the deck' against Bernie Sanders, who was leading HRC in the race for the DNC Nomination. Brazile confessed to how the DNC helped Hillary cheat in primary debates, how they had moved money earmarked for other candidates in other races to Hillary's Campaign , and...in the end...they GAVE Hillary the nomination she was unable to win herself.

In 2019, leading up to the 2020 election, the Democrats' top candidates so far are former Vice President Joe Biden (OLD WHITE GUY), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (OLD WHITE Faux Native American), Sen. Bernie Sanders (OLD WHITE SOCIALIST), Mayor Pete Buttigieg (WHITE). (Sen. Amy Klobuchar (WHITE) and billionaire activist Tom Steyer (WHITE) have also met the requirements for the debate in December so far.)

Kamala Harris just - a minority - dropped out recently, leaving Democrats / snowflakes to wonder who is to blame....

1. The obvious answer is that old, white, career politicians / criminals run the Deep State and Socialist Democrat Crime Organization. THEY, not the voters, decide who will get their nomination. Hillary being on the ballot instead of in a jail cell in 2016 was poof of that.

2. The Democratic Party's leaked e-mails in 2016 exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content throughout the leaked e-mails. Despite their constantly calling others such names and accusing them of such bias and despite their attempts to spin and distract from this revelation by claiming they were a victim of 'Russian Hacking', no one can factually, realistically deny what was in those e-mails.

3. According to the news, some Democrats - voters, mostly - are claiming the media gave more time and softer interviews / questions to the old / white candidates.

'Some are accusing the media of going easy on white candidates. There are also arguments that late-arriving billionaire candidates are drowning out other campaigns.'

“It’s very troubling and I’m worried that Democrats might be setting themselves up for failure,” said Cornell William Brooks, a former NAACP president and current director at the William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice at Harvard University."

The focus and finger-pointing seems to be all internal...for now...but you know before this issue becomes a problem for the Democratic Party they will pull a 'Hillary' and blame everyone BUT themselves...starting with the voters.

Harris and other candidates who drop out fail to gain the trust, support...and FUNDING....from the American people, pacts, superpacts, and entities who believe these candidates either can't win or can't 'help 'them later. If Soros believed Harris was the next female Barak Obama she would have had all the funding she needed...but she did not have the support of the American people. So, the Democrat / snowflake logical conclusion for why minority candidates fail and are forced to drop out is because the majority of American voters are 'racist' (and it has nothing to do with their platforms consisting of 1) 'I hate Trump & want to Impeach him', 2) 'Criminal illegals and giving THEM tax-payer-funded EVERYTHING is my 2nd highest priority', & 3) We will destroy the strongest economy in decades Trump has produced and return Americans to 'economic slavery' which will put Democrats back in power'.

The fact is Harris sucked as an option, not enough voters wanted her, and they rejected her. There is a reason why she dropped out. The Dems seem to be in a 'blame & villainize' frenzy, though. Some one is 'to blame', but you can bet the Democratic Party will not accept any of that blame in the end.

Democrats voice frustrations at plight of black, Hispanic presidential candidates

To the OT- obviously it's someone else's fault- demopublicans are pure as the driven snow.
her campaign failed because black female democrats preferred an old white guy over her.

this proves that the democrat primary voters are RACISTS.

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