Who's the Biased Moderator Moving Political Topics?

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Yeah she's sick and that's no conspiracy....someone is a Cankle's supporter
Whover it is, you're an ignorant asshole thinking Hillarys health is a conspiracy and not a major political topic.

Hillary Is a Very Sick Lady

Guess I have to be honest about this huh? Answer is --- WE ALL HAVE MERGED, MOVED, and CLOSED over THIRTY "hillary health" threads in the past 2 weeks..

What you DON'T see is that LAST thursday, I came in and merged THREE identical topics at 10AM.. and at 3PM, I merged SEVEN more.. Which is the record for topic mergers EVER. Also sent a few to trash because folks were NOT checking the forum listings before starting a new one.

As for THIS specific move --- I concur with it. Based on a Bing Video, just showing erratic eye movements. Here's the equation for you. ( No news coverage, no Weatherman theory, no Dr Oz comments, no diagnosis) = (nothing to discuss. Just an opportunity for speculation and practicing medicine without a stethoscope and fighting).

Now -- as a rule -- Moderators are SUPPOSED to explain these things IN PRIVATE to avoid embarrassment and not air this dirt in public. But you DID ask for a public explanation and get EVERYBODY wondering about the drama. Well -- there's your drama.
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