According to the Laws regarding occupations it is a necessity that the nation that occupies not only protect the land but the people of that land.
The Bush administration seems to be passing the buck as they have on all of their other failures. When US Generals said that at least 250,000 troops were necessary in Iraq, It wasnt based on what would be needed in order to overthrow the Baath party.
This number was in line with what would be necessary to control the country throughout this reconstruction process. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz amoung others skoffed at the idea that these troops would be necessary.
They also seemed to incourage the mayhem that insued following Saddams departure from power. Rumsfeld even went so far as to say this was a good thing that the people were finally able to "loot"?? (i dont get it either)
The point is that the "insurgents, Saddam loyalist, foreign fighters, and Al queada simpithyzers" that have been creating a more volitile and deadly Iraq , are a direct result of the Bush administrations lack of forethought and the where with all to take the basic steps necessary to protect the lives of American GI's ,The Coalition of the Willing, Iraqis, and foreign aid workers.
I almost dont blame the UN and the Red Cross for deciding to cut and run. Neither of those organizations are armies and for those that insist that foreign organizations that leave are some how aiding terrorism is silly. Their leaving is simply a response to the occupiers not protecting their interest.
I'll just add this to the growing list of failures the Bush administration is amassing.
ANYBODY ELSE IN 04' Today's News
Figures that the Bush administration doesnt fund education their to dumb to realize its necessary to creating a healthy safe society. They should be called "The Dont Thinkables"
The Bush administration seems to be passing the buck as they have on all of their other failures. When US Generals said that at least 250,000 troops were necessary in Iraq, It wasnt based on what would be needed in order to overthrow the Baath party.
This number was in line with what would be necessary to control the country throughout this reconstruction process. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz amoung others skoffed at the idea that these troops would be necessary.
They also seemed to incourage the mayhem that insued following Saddams departure from power. Rumsfeld even went so far as to say this was a good thing that the people were finally able to "loot"?? (i dont get it either)
The point is that the "insurgents, Saddam loyalist, foreign fighters, and Al queada simpithyzers" that have been creating a more volitile and deadly Iraq , are a direct result of the Bush administrations lack of forethought and the where with all to take the basic steps necessary to protect the lives of American GI's ,The Coalition of the Willing, Iraqis, and foreign aid workers.
I almost dont blame the UN and the Red Cross for deciding to cut and run. Neither of those organizations are armies and for those that insist that foreign organizations that leave are some how aiding terrorism is silly. Their leaving is simply a response to the occupiers not protecting their interest.
I'll just add this to the growing list of failures the Bush administration is amassing.
ANYBODY ELSE IN 04' Today's News
Figures that the Bush administration doesnt fund education their to dumb to realize its necessary to creating a healthy safe society. They should be called "The Dont Thinkables"