Who’s Opposed to Term Limits for Congress?

All it means is they have to take their graft as early as possible. Limit someone to one term, they must make their money in one term.
I agree we already have term limits- but, if what you're saying is the case maybe just repeal the retirement package and see how many really want to stay drunk the rest of their lives building a retirement package from the public sector- which is miniscule to what they abscond with from lobbyist-

I read earlier today, somewhere, a criminal in DC has to gather 30k a week to stay in "business"- two weeks fishing he loses 60k worth of business- so vote them out early so they don't have time to learn the ropes of being in business at our expense- and make no mistake that is what they're doing-
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If they have no political experience they are vulnerable and are easily manipulated

Let the voter decide
I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

That is what low information voters do.
P.S. Do you also oppose term limits for Presidents, Governors and other executive offices?

I oppose all term limits
If I like the job they are doing, I should be allowed to vote for them

Why should I be forced to accept a political neophyte?
I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

That is what low information voters do.
P.S. Do you also oppose term limits for Presidents, Governors and other executive offices?
As a Matter of fact I do. I did not like Clinton or Obama but I think 2 terms is a crook when forced on us, if the people wanted them longer they should have been able to run.
Three terms for the House, two terms for the Senate.

And no retirement benefits.
That's a total of 24 years. We don't want these douchebags to have a career in politics. We want them to go their for 12 years at the most, and the then go home. Even that is too long, if you ask me.
The thing is with term limits is that if the guy* is in his last term, he's not going to give a shit about what the voters want (not that they do anyway) but rather how he can make his own personal situation all the better once he leaves office.

* And no, ladies, I'm not being sexist; only going for brevity and the fewest number of keystrokes. If you find yourself being offended, then too bad.
Anyone oppose term limits for House and Senate members? And if so, why?

I endorse term limits for legislators, as well as forcing them to accept minimum wage and low tier health care. Let Caesar's choir fend for itself as true servants of the people, as all the people must do.

So you want to ensure that only the wealthy run for office. The biggest problems in the USA today is wealthy inequity and the elites having no idea of living conditions for workers. This would make this problem worse, not better.

This is why the education system in the USA is in such a mess. Teachers are so poorly paid that only those can afford to work for poverty wages, or those who can't get any other work, are teaching. Especially in poorer areas.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If they have no political experience they are vulnerable and are easily manipulated

Let the voter decide
Then you don't mind corruption in our politics....unless it's from the opposing party.
Let the voter decide? When you have the machine, no one can put up a viable
campaign because of the amount of money the machine can generate. But, that's cool with you.
Not always getting the best and the brightest, but by golly, he/she can stay in politics and become
multi millionaires on their salaries. But, that's cool with you.
I get so confused how all of this works, or maybe I do understand how corruption in politics works.
Three terms for the House, two terms for the Senate.

And no retirement benefits.
That's a total of 24 years. We don't want these douchebags to have a career in politics. We want them to go their for 12 years at the most, and the then go home. Even that is too long, if you ask me.
2 terms in senate is 12 years 3 terms in house is 6 years, Not sure where you get 24 years from.
Three terms for the House, two terms for the Senate.

And no retirement benefits.
That's a total of 24 years. We don't want these douchebags to have a career in politics. We want them to go their for 12 years at the most, and the then go home. Even that is too long, if you ask me.

In other words, once people know what they're doing, get rid of them, because you don't want anyone who is running the country to be competent or capable. Just get in their, take all the graft and bribes you can get your hands on and get out.

You ideas will guarantee only the most corrupt seek office, and your niggardly remuneration, ensures bribery and corruption will expand not decline.
Three terms for the House, two terms for the Senate.

And no retirement benefits.
That's a total of 24 years. We don't want these douchebags to have a career in politics. We want them to go their for 12 years at the most, and the then go home. Even that is too long, if you ask me.
2 terms in senate is 12 years 3 terms in house is 6 years, Not sure where you get 24 years from.
A senate term is 12 years, and a house term is two years, so I guess I made a mistake. A single term in the senate is 6 years. Two of them is 12 years. The total is 18 years - still too much. I fail to understand why Senators should be entitled to two terms.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If they have no political experience they are vulnerable and are easily manipulated

Let the voter decide
Then you don't mind corruption in our politics....unless it's from the opposing party.
Let the voter decide? When you have the machine, no one can put up a viable
campaign because of the amount of money the machine can generate. But, that's cool with you.
Not always getting the best and the brightest, but by golly, he/she can stay in politics and become
multi millionaires on their salaries. But, that's cool with you.
I get so confused how all of this works, or maybe I do understand how corruption in politics works.
Of course I oppose corruption. If you find it, arrest him and remove him from office.

The “machine” will just get behind new, inexperienced candidates. Just as corrupt
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If they have no political experience they are vulnerable and are easily manipulated

Let the voter decide
Then you don't mind corruption in our politics....unless it's from the opposing party.
Let the voter decide? When you have the machine, no one can put up a viable
campaign because of the amount of money the machine can generate. But, that's cool with you.
Not always getting the best and the brightest, but by golly, he/she can stay in politics and become
multi millionaires on their salaries. But, that's cool with you.
I get so confused how all of this works, or maybe I do understand how corruption in politics works.
Of course I oppose corruption. If you find it, arrest him and remove him from office.

The “machine” will just get behind new, inexperienced candidates. Just as corrupt
Not if we have term limits, and I really don't think you do oppose corruption, RW.
If anyone can provide data showing that a Senator is incapable of serving the public after 12 years and that an inexperienced candidate will do a better job......please provide it
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If they have no political experience they are vulnerable and are easily manipulated

Let the voter decide
Then you don't mind corruption in our politics....unless it's from the opposing party.
Let the voter decide? When you have the machine, no one can put up a viable
campaign because of the amount of money the machine can generate. But, that's cool with you.
Not always getting the best and the brightest, but by golly, he/she can stay in politics and become
multi millionaires on their salaries. But, that's cool with you.
I get so confused how all of this works, or maybe I do understand how corruption in politics works.
Of course I oppose corruption. If you find it, arrest him and remove him from office.

The “machine” will just get behind new, inexperienced candidates. Just as corrupt
Not if we have term limits, and I really don't think you do oppose corruption, RW.
Why would you possibly assume that?
We’ve had success in limiting Presidential terms and we should do the same with Congressional and Senate Terms. Regardless of what term limits scope, I would also modify House of Reps to increase from 2 years to 3 or 4 years terms. I’ve always felt that two years is too short and puts more resources on campaigning vs. serving. For Senate, 6 year term is too long and would reduce that to 4 or 3 years.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

Yeah you would rather impeachment instead.

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