Who's more conservative: Newt or Mitt?

Who's more conservative?

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I have a huge problem with Mitt's approach to healthcare. Why? Because the man is a financial genious but he still let people around him develop this nightmare.

It's not that I don't believe in him personally, but he has allowed others to hijack his true beliefs and agenda.

When I heard him speak that he was more than willing to cross the floor and work with Democrats, when the overwhelming vote of the people were to elect tea party conservatives, fuck him.

I mean it. Fuck him. I'm sick to death of this hands across the aisle shit. Overwhelmingly conservatives took 2010.

My heart's broken because I do believe the man is a good man. I do believe Romney is a financial wizard.

But I can't trust him now because of those he has now chosen to surround himself with. All McCain's. All hands across the aisles. I have to remember that John was a disciple of Goldwater who helped set up Sanger and PP.

Mitt's approach the health care was designed by Newt. He spent 20 years praising and advocating for the individual mandate until last year when he decided to Run for President.

When Mitt does something non-conservative, I don't think it's idealogical. I don't think Mitt bases his decision on a certain political idealogy. I think he weighs them and makes a decision based on what he thinks is right at the time.

When Newt does something non-conservative it is based on idealogy. The man is as progressive, if not more so than John McCain. The difference is Newt sells his progressive BS to conservatives by adopting conservative language. McCain tried to sell his through the media.

With Newt I see an idealogical problem. Romney not so much. I think Romney can be persuaded to adopt more conservative ideas because conservatism works. I think Newt is going to continue selling us progressive BS disguised as conservativism and then get mad at us when we dont want it telling us how he is a much better "conservative" then we are.
Who cares?

Obama will beat either one of them. Obama will crush Gingrich because Newt is a loose-cannon, anti-free press, repremended 3 time loser. Romney? Well he's a Mormon, nuff said!
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Who cares?

Obama will beat either one of them. Obama will crush Gingrich because Newt is a loose-cannon, anti-free press, repremended 3 time loser. Romney? Well he a Mormon, nuff said!

Never underestimate Mormons.
Who cares?

Obama will beat either one of them. Obama will crush Gingrich because Newt is a loose-cannon, anti-free press, repremended 3 time loser. Romney? Well he a Mormon, nuff said!

Never underestimate Mormons.

I won't underestimate Mormons but 'true-American' conservatives will when they reject Romney by staying home come November election day.
Romney is by far more conservative. It's not contest. Newt is a self-proclaimed progressive after the mold of TR, WW, and FDR. And those are his words.

The only difference is Newt knows how to mask his progressivism in conservative language to decieve people.

Romney lauded: “I’m moderate. My views are Progressive… regardless of party label”
Who cares?

Obama will beat either one of them. Obama will crush Gingrich because Newt is a loose-cannon, anti-free press, repremended 3 time loser. Romney? Well he a Mormon, nuff said!

Never underestimate Mormons.

I won't underestimate Mormons but 'true-American' conservatives will when they reject Romney by staying home come November election day.

'True Americans' and 'Mormons' are not mutually exclusive. You do know that, right?
I think what many see in this thread will soon be the norm in the primaries. Newt will do well, sure, because the media hates Paul and loves Mitt. Newt only has to beat Mitt but in the end he will lose to Obama.
I have a huge problem with Mitt's approach to healthcare. Why? Because the man is a financial genious but he still let people around him develop this nightmare.

It's not that I don't believe in him personally, but he has allowed others to hijack his true beliefs and agenda.

When I heard him speak that he was more than willing to cross the floor and work with Democrats, when the overwhelming vote of the people were to elect tea party conservatives, fuck him.

I mean it. Fuck him. I'm sick to death of this hands across the aisle shit. Overwhelmingly conservatives took 2010.

My heart's broken because I do believe the man is a good man. I do believe Romney is a financial wizard.

But I can't trust him now because of those he has now chosen to surround himself with. All McCain's. All hands across the aisles. I have to remember that John was a disciple of Goldwater who helped set up Sanger and PP.


He was Governor of a very liberal state. He worked with what he had to work with. I have no problem with that. In fact, I think it can be a good thing. Neither side has the high road to prosperity - we are all Americans. What pisses me off about the Democrats is their ability to run roughshod over everyone with their 'we know what is best for you' attitude. I don't want either side to have the ability to screw the other completely.

When will we recognize that none of us has the right to this country? It belongs to us all. Inconvenient though that may be.
Newt is clearly more conservative than Mitt. Getting outside of the individual mandate (which would be a disqualifier for a lot of people who have been around longer than the past decade, since it began life as a right-wing idea and a similar idea is still embodied in the right's proposals for Social Security and Medicare), Romney has stated in the past that he's pro-choice and to the left of Ted Kennedy on gay rights. Romney's tax plan also provides smaller cuts than the Gingrich plan (IIRC).
If a true conservative show their face in an election cycle, he/she is lambasted by the media till everyone questions their conservatism, and then they are promptly dismissed

Which is why I think Mitt is the more conservative. He's just smart enough not to say it too loud... I'd see him being more conservative as President than he was as Governor.

The issue that many conservatives have (along with many liberals) is that they forget what the whole 'liberty' thing means. You want liberty? You have to allow others to believe different to you.
Neither is a true conservative like I would want to see as the nominee...

But we will have to look at it as the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to the General Election... I am still undecided as to who I am going to vote for in the primary... for each of the candidates (even those who probably will not have a shot at the nomination) has some big things I do not like... I will have to weigh the options against a scorecard of my making and just vote on who ranks higher in total score in comparison to my stances and standards




You might as well ask who is more conservative; Hillary or Obama..

...what a poll:eusa_eh:
Mitten is a social conservative (thinks abortion should be illegal, gay marriage should be illegal, etc.) and a fiscal conservative (thinks government should be trimmed until we bleed, corporations are people, etc).

So I'd say him.

I don't know what Newt is, maybe opportunistic fucktard lobbyist cheater describes him the best.

President Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law... President Obama and Vice President Biden both went on the record as "not supporting gay marriage" either, so I don't really see a difference in what Mitt has expressed in regards to any public policy decisions...

As a matter of conscience Mitt has repeatedly expressed a pro-life opinion but has not indicated any inclination whatsoever that he intends to seek an overturn of Roe v Wade and in fact has expressed moderate intentions as it relates to public policy...

If I thought he would or could make either of these things "illegal" I would not support him AND I do not think such an opinion would be truly conservative either...

Romney to NARAL in 2002: You Should Have a Friend Like Me in Washington


The Washington Post yesterday ran a piece on Mitt Romney in Massachusetts and his efforts to re-assure liberals:

Mitt Romney was firm and direct with the abortion rights advocates sitting in his office nine years ago, assuring the group that if elected Massachusetts governor, he would protect the state’s abortion laws.

Then, as the meeting drew to a close, the businessman offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP’s hard-line opposition to abortion.

He would be a “good voice in the party” for their cause, and his moderation on the issue would be “widely written about,” he said, according to detailed notes taken by an officer of the group, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.

“You need someone like me in Washington,” several participants recalled Romney saying that day in September 2002, an apparent reference to his future ambitions.

Romney made similar assurances to activists for gay rights and the environment, according to people familiar with the discussions, both as a candidate for governor and then in the early days of his term.

Romney to NARAL in 2002: You Should Have a Friend Like Me in Washington | Race 4 2012
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If a true conservative show their face in an election cycle, he/she is lambasted by the media till everyone questions their conservatism, and then they are promptly dismissed

Which is why I think Mitt is the more conservative. He's just smart enough not to say it too loud... I'd see him being more conservative as President than he was as Governor.

The issue that many conservatives have (along with many liberals) is that they forget what the whole 'liberty' thing means. You want liberty? You have to allow others to believe different to you.

Romney would be far more conservative as president than he was as governor, but that's largely because he doesn't have a base of strength within the party. He'll do whatever the opinion leaders tell him to do because he doesn't have enough core supporters that'll back him no matter what.
Who cares?

Obama will beat either one of them. Obama will crush Gingrich because Newt is a loose-cannon, anti-free press, repremended 3 time loser. Romney? Well he a Mormon, nuff said!

Never underestimate Mormons.

I won't underestimate Mormons but 'true-American' conservatives will when they reject Romney by staying home come November election day.

Not enough to prevent a landslide against Obama.

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