Who's Killing The Black Men??????


Since most (if not all) of the recent stories involving black men and cops involve resisting arrest, it's fair to wonder if this is some kind of intra-cultural issue.

Don't resist arrest, maybe you'll be safer. Amazing that such a thought even needs mentioning, but here we are.

I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
and you don't ?

Nope. I respect the limited authority we grant to the government in the constitution. Beyond that I kneel to no one other than God.

Since most (if not all) of the recent stories involving black men and cops involve resisting arrest, it's fair to wonder if this is some kind of intra-cultural issue.

Don't resist arrest, maybe you'll be safer. Amazing that such a thought even needs mentioning, but here we are.

I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
and you don't ?

Nope. I respect the limited authority we grant to the government in the constitution. Beyond that I kneel to no one other than God.
contradiction at it's finest..
what's its like kowtowing to an imaginary being?

Since most (if not all) of the recent stories involving black men and cops involve resisting arrest, it's fair to wonder if this is some kind of intra-cultural issue.

Don't resist arrest, maybe you'll be safer. Amazing that such a thought even needs mentioning, but here we are.

I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
and you don't ?

Nope. I respect the limited authority we grant to the government in the constitution. Beyond that I kneel to no one other than God.
contradiction at it's finest..
what's its like kowtowing to an imaginary being?

No contradiction at all.......and I didn't mention Santa Claus.
I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
and you don't ?

Nope. I respect the limited authority we grant to the government in the constitution. Beyond that I kneel to no one other than God.
contradiction at it's finest..
what's its like kowtowing to an imaginary being?

No contradiction at all.......and I didn't mention Santa Claus.
you might as well have... both god and Santa clause are constructs.
The Yakuza: Culture Consciousness

How do news reports of the Yakuza (the Japanese mafia) affect our perceptions of black youth involvement in urban gang crimes?

Every day black men are getting shot and possibly killed in America. The facts of the situation don't seem to matter all that much.

I'm forced to watch CNN at the food court while waiting for my wife to show up and I see yet another street thug being dragged off to a squad car in handcuffs. The media wants to know why??????

Well, if he hadn't resisted he probably wouldn't have even been cuffed and stuffed. But instead he chose to listen to Obama and Al Sharpton. Now he's in jail...or maybe even dead.

A cop can't do anything without liberals crawling all over the crime scene. Trayvon beats the crap out of a Hispanic....who cares. Said Hispanic shoots him......Al Sharpton wants to see some indictments. No justice.....no peace. Hands Up ... Don't shoot!!!

So who really caused so many blacks to attack police officers? And why is it fact that hundreds of blacks are attacking other blacks and whites in even greater numbers?
I blame the hellish conditions on Earth on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
those poor rwer's, they kneel and submit to all those in authority...

Yeah....if you get pulled over for a moving violation.....shoot the cop in the face.
My cousin would get out and approach the officer....
Good way to get shot....
He was a white enough injun to pass muster...
What race you are doesn't matter......I was warned once by a cop, never to leave my vehicle, and I'm not black.
As a long term resident of Oakland, California, I can most definitively state that the biggest risk to the lives of black men, especially young ones, is young black men who were raised by single mothers.
does that logic apply to white men?

No. Homicide is not one of the leading causes of death of white men. For black men, it is the 5th highest cause.

2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.
White-on-white murder in America is out of control - Vox

How long till those pesky percentages pop up and ruin your fairy tale?
Blacks as a whole, they need to get past this and grow up.

You, as a whole, need to get past your bitter bigotry and grow up.
And you sound like a happy well centered man. So, there is a topic here. I am not it. Blacks are their own worst enemies, not cops or prejudice. And no matter what the press or people like YOU say, until they come to that realization and resolve it, all the marches and protesting against white racism in the world won't fix this mess.
Before the civil rights bill, blacks were their own worst enemy I suppose.

I would have to say the blacks that captured them in africa and sold em for trinkets would be their worst enemy.
Blacks as a whole, they need to get past this and grow up.

You, as a whole, need to get past your bitter bigotry and grow up.
And you sound like a happy well centered man. So, there is a topic here. I am not it. Blacks are their own worst enemies, not cops or prejudice. And no matter what the press or people like YOU say, until they come to that realization and resolve it, all the marches and protesting against white racism in the world won't fix this mess.
Before the civil rights bill, blacks were their own worst enemy I suppose.
Racism isn't holding blacks back currently. Look at black culture NOW. Treacle. Black on black violence, and the lack of male authority figures, who's fault is that...NOW? Jim crow and the confederacy are long dead. Blacks need training wheels and special parking because of, something that happened 160 years ago?
Look at where blacks have to live, the conditions, what drives them to the "bad" culture.

Have to live?
You, as a whole, need to get past your bitter bigotry and grow up.
And you sound like a happy well centered man. So, there is a topic here. I am not it. Blacks are their own worst enemies, not cops or prejudice. And no matter what the press or people like YOU say, until they come to that realization and resolve it, all the marches and protesting against white racism in the world won't fix this mess.
Before the civil rights bill, blacks were their own worst enemy I suppose.
Racism isn't holding blacks back currently. Look at black culture NOW. Treacle. Black on black violence, and the lack of male authority figures, who's fault is that...NOW? Jim crow and the confederacy are long dead. Blacks need training wheels and special parking because of, something that happened 160 years ago?
Look at where blacks have to live, the conditions, what drives them to the "bad" culture.

Have to live?
What do you propose they do In the worst areas of cities with rampant gangs, drugs, lack of education, jobs..
And you sound like a happy well centered man. So, there is a topic here. I am not it. Blacks are their own worst enemies, not cops or prejudice. And no matter what the press or people like YOU say, until they come to that realization and resolve it, all the marches and protesting against white racism in the world won't fix this mess.
Before the civil rights bill, blacks were their own worst enemy I suppose.
Racism isn't holding blacks back currently. Look at black culture NOW. Treacle. Black on black violence, and the lack of male authority figures, who's fault is that...NOW? Jim crow and the confederacy are long dead. Blacks need training wheels and special parking because of, something that happened 160 years ago?
Look at where blacks have to live, the conditions, what drives them to the "bad" culture.

Have to live?
What do you propose they do In the worst areas of cities with rampant gangs, drugs, lack of education, jobs..

Before the civil rights bill, blacks were their own worst enemy I suppose.
Racism isn't holding blacks back currently. Look at black culture NOW. Treacle. Black on black violence, and the lack of male authority figures, who's fault is that...NOW? Jim crow and the confederacy are long dead. Blacks need training wheels and special parking because of, something that happened 160 years ago?
Look at where blacks have to live, the conditions, what drives them to the "bad" culture.

Have to live?
What do you propose they do In the worst areas of cities with rampant gangs, drugs, lack of education, jobs..

It doesn't work that easily In reality.

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