Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

ya ya ya................ & donny could have & should have waived the regs b4 any testing was to be done so it would be done on a mass scale. he waited until the tests were deemed defective & the lab was CONtaminated. that's when he decided to waive the monopoly & now we are dealing with huuuuuuuuuuuuge back logs & shortages on the components needed to perform them .

lol.... you can blame marco rubio for the hugge hike in premiums when he put a poison pill into the omnibus that scaled back the subsidies promised to bighealthcorp so they would accept the so called 'high risk corridor' & not lose their precious profits. combine that with the promise to repeal with nothing to replace thru them into a tizzy as well.

b4 the ACA, only group insurance offered guaranteed protections such as mammograms, well child visits, pregnancy coverage etc....

individual coverage did not - charging very little but offering very little coverage as well & a lot of people didn't know that until it was too late.

AND with the ACA, 80% of yer premium dollar (for individual policies) & 85% (for group policies) went directly to yer healthcare per mandated rules.

if the ACA goes away, so does that protection & the pencil pushers will be pocketing YOUR hard earned cash & say tutt tutt, too bad for you.
ACA sucks, except as a liberal scam to take over our entire government. We don't want you totalitarians in charge any more than we want to kowtow to Red China. Communism has no place in America or anywhere else in the civilized world. Rock this, commie.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

#4 is bullshit. And therefore, the GOP which had both houses of Congress and the WH could not fucking repeal it. The American people did not buy into that bullshit.

But you still do.

Time for some self reflection.
What is bullshit about #4? Calling it bullshit doesn't prove anything. The high deductibles are extortion.

The American people still want something better than Obamacare.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

ya ya ya................ & donny could have & should have waived the regs b4 any testing was to be done so it would be done on a mass scale. he waited until the tests were deemed defective & the lab was CONtaminated. that's when he decided to waive the monopoly & now we are dealing with huuuuuuuuuuuuge back logs & shortages on the components needed to perform them .

lol.... you can blame marco rubio for the hugge hike in premiums when he put a poison pill into the omnibus that scaled back the subsidies promised to bighealthcorp so they would accept the so called 'high risk corridor' & not lose their precious profits. combine that with the promise to repeal with nothing to replace thru them into a tizzy as well.

b4 the ACA, only group insurance offered guaranteed protections such as mammograms, well child visits, pregnancy coverage etc....

individual coverage did not - charging very little but offering very little coverage as well & a lot of people didn't know that until it was too late.

AND with the ACA, 80% of yer premium dollar (for individual policies) & 85% (for group policies) went directly to yer healthcare per mandated rules.

if the ACA goes away, so does that protection & the pencil pushers will be pocketing YOUR hard earned cash & say tutt tutt, too bad for you.
ACA sucks, except as a liberal scam to take over our entire government. We don't want you totalitarians in charge any more than we want to kowtow to Red China. Communism has no place in America or anywhere else in the civilized world. Rock this, commie.

I'm not impressed much by either candidate. Of course I'm 86 years old and since my birth I haven't seen a POTUS that really impressed me. As far as this nasty virus, I think Trump is doing a fair job. I think some of his people he entrusted with monitoring this were asleep at the wheel. One man can't do it all.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

You are crazed. We have over 500,000 cases and we will become the leading nation when it comes to deaths ( which lag infections by a week or two ) by the end of the day. In addition, we are failing to take care of citizens who are experiencing economic hardship.

A “win” for Donny, given that we are the richest and most advanced nation on earth, would be the LEAST number of infections, the LEAST number of deaths and the LEAST amount of economic hardship.


The US has the least number of deaths comparing apples to apples. The US population is about 330m, so adding up the populations of these EU countries who are most like the US, [GER, ITA, SPA, FRA, SWI, UK] you get about 330m people. If you add the deaths for those countries you get about 3x the number of US deaths.
If you add their number of cases they are roughly equal to the US, so tell me again how you want socialized "single payer" healthcare like the EU. The number of cases depends on how people stay home, the US, considering spring break, and Mardi Gras, don't shelter in place very well so we have more cases, not Trump's fault.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

You are crazed. We have over 500,000 cases and we will become the leading nation when it comes to deaths ( which lag infections by a week or two ) by the end of the day. In addition, we are failing to take care of citizens who are experiencing economic hardship.

A “win” for Donny, given that we are the richest and most advanced nation on earth, would be the LEAST number of infections, the LEAST number of deaths and the LEAST amount of economic hardship.


The US has the least number of deaths comparing apples to apples. The US population is about 330m, so adding up the populations of these EU countries who are most like the US, [GER, ITA, SPA, FRA, SWI, UK] you get about 330m people. If you add the deaths for those countries you get about 3x the number of US deaths.
If you add their number of cases they are roughly equal to the US, so tell me again how you want socialized "single payer" healthcare like the EU. The number of cases depends on how people stay home, the US, considering spring break, and Mardi Gras, don't shelter in place very well so we have more cases, not Trump's fault.

Of course. Nothing is ever Trump’s fault.

We have the most cases and we will soon have the most deaths. Facts.

You are taking a victory lap over those facts.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.

You mean like Pelosi going to Chinatown on Feb 25th? What would you have done. List your actions and dates. Specifically lay out your plan.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link
I chose Biden because like most of us PROG types, I'd rather swap-out genitals and be hit by an asteroid than see Trump in office another day. Trump is reason for COVID19 in the first place, he contracted it from a meeting with Putin & Epstein, and then called it a hoax.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

#4 is bullshit. And therefore, the GOP which had both houses of Congress and the WH could not fucking repeal it. The American people did not buy into that bullshit.

But you still do.

Time for some self reflection.
What is bullshit about #4? Calling it bullshit doesn't prove anything. The high deductibles are extortion.

The American people still want something better than Obamacare.

Yes. We do. But we don’t want what we had before Obamacare. That is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Trump promised us something much better. But for some reason, he isn’t going to tell us what that is unless we re-elect him in November.

And you believe him. How fucking stupid is that?
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

Playtime has TDS.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

You are crazed. We have over 500,000 cases and we will become the leading nation when it comes to deaths ( which lag infections by a week or two ) by the end of the day. In addition, we are failing to take care of citizens who are experiencing economic hardship.

A “win” for Donny, given that we are the richest and most advanced nation on earth, would be the LEAST number of infections, the LEAST number of deaths and the LEAST amount of economic hardship.


The US has the least number of deaths comparing apples to apples. The US population is about 330m, so adding up the populations of these EU countries who are most like the US, [GER, ITA, SPA, FRA, SWI, UK] you get about 330m people. If you add the deaths for those countries you get about 3x the number of US deaths.
If you add their number of cases they are roughly equal to the US, so tell me again how you want socialized "single payer" healthcare like the EU. The number of cases depends on how people stay home, the US, considering spring break, and Mardi Gras, don't shelter in place very well so we have more cases, not Trump's fault.

Of course. Nothing is ever Trump’s fault.

We have the most cases and we will soon have the most deaths. Facts.

You are taking a victory lap over those facts.
Please provide a link proving the US will have the most deaths "per population".
You really believe China's numbers? Really?
1. Tell me you wan
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

#4 is bullshit. And therefore, the GOP which had both houses of Congress and the WH could not fucking repeal it. The American people did not buy into that bullshit.

But you still do.

Time for some self reflection.
What is bullshit about #4? Calling it bullshit doesn't prove anything. The high deductibles are extortion.

The American people still want something better than Obamacare.

Yes. We do. But we don’t want what we had before Obamacare. That is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Trump promised us something much better. But for some reason, he isn’t going to tell us what that is unless we re-elect him in November.

And you believe him. How fucking stupid is that?
1. Tell me you want single-payer "Medicare for All" like Biden is now supporting.
2. Trump can't write a new healthcare law, he needs the House and Senate to do that, I'm not optimistic. I'm hoping the USSC throws Obamacare out and we start over.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

You are crazed. We have over 500,000 cases and we will become the leading nation when it comes to deaths ( which lag infections by a week or two ) by the end of the day. In addition, we are failing to take care of citizens who are experiencing economic hardship.

A “win” for Donny, given that we are the richest and most advanced nation on earth, would be the LEAST number of infections, the LEAST number of deaths and the LEAST amount of economic hardship.


The US has the least number of deaths comparing apples to apples. The US population is about 330m, so adding up the populations of these EU countries who are most like the US, [GER, ITA, SPA, FRA, SWI, UK] you get about 330m people. If you add the deaths for those countries you get about 3x the number of US deaths.
If you add their number of cases they are roughly equal to the US, so tell me again how you want socialized "single payer" healthcare like the EU. The number of cases depends on how people stay home, the US, considering spring break, and Mardi Gras, don't shelter in place very well so we have more cases, not Trump's fault.

Of course. Nothing is ever Trump’s fault.

We have the most cases and we will soon have the most deaths. Facts.

You are taking a victory lap over those facts.
Please provide a link proving the US will have the most deaths "per population".
You really believe China's numbers? Really?

So, I am not to believe the numbers coming out of China, and you want to tell me that China has had more deaths and cases than the US.

OK. Let’s assume that you are correct.

Are you satisfied that we are NUMBER 2 in the world? How can that be considered a success for the greatest nation in the history of the world with such an incredible leader?

Please. Explain.
1. Tell me you wan
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

#4 is bullshit. And therefore, the GOP which had both houses of Congress and the WH could not fucking repeal it. The American people did not buy into that bullshit.

But you still do.

Time for some self reflection.
What is bullshit about #4? Calling it bullshit doesn't prove anything. The high deductibles are extortion.

The American people still want something better than Obamacare.

Yes. We do. But we don’t want what we had before Obamacare. That is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Trump promised us something much better. But for some reason, he isn’t going to tell us what that is unless we re-elect him in November.

And you believe him. How fucking stupid is that?
1. Tell me you want single-payer "Medicare for All" like Biden is now supporting.
2. Trump can't write a new healthcare law, he needs the House and Senate to do that, I'm not optimistic. I'm hoping the USSC throws Obamacare out and we start over.

Yes. I am in favor of a M4A type system. It’s cost effective and leads to the best health outcomes.

Why is it that you will not demand that Trump reveal the great health care plan that he has promised us?

Why don’t you know that a president can absolutely provide guidance and details to MOC, who then draft bills for introduction and debate?

The man promised us a great health care plan. Where the fuck is it?
The POTUS depends on people appointed to monitor situation like this. I don't place this mess on a POTUS as he has plenty going on. Someone saw this coming though and didn't do enough. I don't place this on the president.
1. Tell me you wan
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

1) commercial labs were deliberately shut out of testing for COVID - & exclusively given to the CDC - which ended up giving faulty tests & their lab ended up being CONtaminated - losing us precious time to get ahead of this virus.
How the government delayed coronavirus testing
2) to donny, the (D) 'hoax' was that (D)s were saying this virus was going to explode & yes - closing the border to china was a good idea in hindsight - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - the chances are very high that the virus
A) was already here,
B) amricans scrambling to get back b4 we closed up shop, & them believing they would not be able to come home - some ended up bringing the virus back with them
C) it has been determined that the first hotspots in the US that broke out in NY - the majority of the victims were from europe - countries that donny didn't shut out until later on
3) pence was governor of indiana when HIV was rampant & his first course of action, was to close down the only planned parenthood in the state - the only facility that tested for HIV - then when his advisors were telling him to set up a needle exchange program - he decided to 'pray' instead - allowing even more people to die b4 he finally relented & the needle exchange program immediately showed results that lowered the infection rate & death toll.
4) obamacare has many faults - but overall people are happy with it - so much so, that scaring people into realizing it can be taken away (it's in the courts right now to dismantle the WHOLE thing) that townhalls were filled with people fighting to keep it & the 2018 election turnout, that flipped the house showed just how much people want to keep it.
1. Wrong. Read the fucking LAW before you post nonsense.
The CDC does all testing unless the FDA approves the outside lab test.
2. OK, the China travel ban was a good idea, also agreed that banning travel from the EU sooner would have been better.
3. OK, maybe one "hack" not two, huh? Pence is doing a great job managing the Feds response to COVID.
Trump's war on opioids is saving lives, look at the death rate for the Obama years, 2019 & 2020 should be lower yet. Overdose Death Rates
View attachment 322035
4. Agreed that 2018 was mostly about Obamacare. IMHO healthcare was better before Obamacare. We paid premiums and got good healthcare. Now we pay premiums, AND pay $10,000 deductibles and don't get "healthcare", just what we pay for. That's extortion.

#4 is bullshit. And therefore, the GOP which had both houses of Congress and the WH could not fucking repeal it. The American people did not buy into that bullshit.

But you still do.

Time for some self reflection.
What is bullshit about #4? Calling it bullshit doesn't prove anything. The high deductibles are extortion.

The American people still want something better than Obamacare.

Yes. We do. But we don’t want what we had before Obamacare. That is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Trump promised us something much better. But for some reason, he isn’t going to tell us what that is unless we re-elect him in November.

And you believe him. How fucking stupid is that?
1. Tell me you want single-payer "Medicare for All" like Biden is now supporting.
2. Trump can't write a new healthcare law, he needs the House and Senate to do that, I'm not optimistic. I'm hoping the USSC throws Obamacare out and we start over.

Yes. I am in favor of a M4A type system. It’s cost effective and leads to the best health outcomes.

Why is it that you will not demand that Trump reveal the great health care plan that he has promised us?

Why don’t you know that a president can absolutely provide guidance and details to MOC, who then draft bills for introduction and debate?

The man promised us a great health care plan. Where the fuck is it?
1. I do not want "Lois Lerner" in-charge of my access to "government" healthcare.
2. The EU's COVID death totals say that the US healthcare has way better outcomes.
3. Trump doesn't have to reveal anything until Obamacare is repealed, possibly by the USSC shortly
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

You are crazed. We have over 500,000 cases and we will become the leading nation when it comes to deaths ( which lag infections by a week or two ) by the end of the day. In addition, we are failing to take care of citizens who are experiencing economic hardship.

A “win” for Donny, given that we are the richest and most advanced nation on earth, would be the LEAST number of infections, the LEAST number of deaths and the LEAST amount of economic hardship.


The US has the least number of deaths comparing apples to apples. The US population is about 330m, so adding up the populations of these EU countries who are most like the US, [GER, ITA, SPA, FRA, SWI, UK] you get about 330m people. If you add the deaths for those countries you get about 3x the number of US deaths.
If you add their number of cases they are roughly equal to the US, so tell me again how you want socialized "single payer" healthcare like the EU. The number of cases depends on how people stay home, the US, considering spring break, and Mardi Gras, don't shelter in place very well so we have more cases, not Trump's fault.

Of course. Nothing is ever Trump’s fault.

We have the most cases and we will soon have the most deaths. Facts.

You are taking a victory lap over those facts.
Please provide a link proving the US will have the most deaths "per population".
You really believe China's numbers? Really?

So, I am not to believe the numbers coming out of China, and you want to tell me that China has had more deaths and cases than the US.

OK. Let’s assume that you are correct.

Are you satisfied that we are NUMBER 2 in the world? How can that be considered a success for the greatest nation in the history of the world with such an incredible leader?

Please. Explain.
Explain: Spring Break and Mardi Gras et. al, people were not sheltering in-place, and/or cities like in NYC have the highest population densities and people were using public transportation w/o masks. Not Trump's fault people got the virus.
How can you blame Trump for beating the "expert's" predictions of 2,200,000 deaths? Trump should be congratulated for keeping the hospitals supplied for the excessive demand, and beating the death predictions.

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