Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

Seriously? You think that you're being intellectually honest?
My son hates Trump because of his personality flaws, but he said that he can't vote for Biden because Biden's totally inept.
So the basic question is, who is more competent?

Biden shouldn’t operate a remote control, much less be President. However lots of stupid assholes will vote for him because there will be a D after this name.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

From the evidence, it's clear Trump is several meters beyond his depth.

I'll take my chances with Biden.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
Nope. You have to pick one. November is coming. Who do you want driving the bus?
(I was going to put more options, like neither, or Cuomo, but they are not on November's ballot)
Don't forget in 2019 Trump only had 2.3% growth. I know Republicans are convinced Trump MAGA but that's just not the case. And they will say he was doing great before this virus but that's just bullshit. They didn't believe Obama's numbers. His low unemployment and high stock market didn't impress them. And Obama didn't have to give a tax break to all the rich people and corporations. Now we have a record number of unemployed and no money to pay everyone.

I'm not blaming Trump I'm blaming the entire conservative philosophy of governing.
1. Obama grew the deficit by more than all other presidents before him
2. He was doing great before the virus hit
3. This temporary unemployment glitch will pass as soon as the "back to work" order is given
(there is only one "y" in philosophy)


  • 1586521806218.png
    2.9 KB · Views: 46
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
Trump by all means, Biden does not even know what day it is
Biden Obama Hillary would have been leaders we trust.
Yep. I always trust people who knowing lie about a gun-running operation to hide they let Americans die to cover it up, lie about healthcare SAVING them $2500 when they knew better then destroy 30,000 government records to cover their illegal activities. That sure inspires trust in me.
He lied for political reasons. Hell, he always lies.
Obama lied for political reasons to sell Obamacare no one would have accepted had they presented THE FACTS.
Hillary lied for political reasons when she said there was nothing but recipes on her government computer and she only used one phone.
Biden lied for political reasons when he said he didn't threaten Ukraine to get his son a job there he didn't deserve.
This time it just happened to cost lives like we all said it would.
just like it cost untold lives when Obama ignored ISIS for two years then gave sanctuary to umpteen illegal criminals and let more criminals out of jail.
Trump cared more about business than public safety.
Yep. The SAFE thing to do was to lock the country down and collapse the economy, business, savings and lives of EVERYONE rather than just hold out for the few who couldn't be saved. Your arguments are as phony as your avatar picture.
I can you one thing with certainty: Biden would not be bloviating nonsense at press conferences nor tweeting stupidly on a daily basis.
You mean Biden would suddenly STOP now bloviating nonsense for the first time in his life?
He would appoint a competent incident commander like Thad Allen (Deepwater Horizon) and General Honoree (Katrina) so they could do the job sans political pressures.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

From the evidence, it's clear Trump is several meters beyond his depth.

I'll take my chances with Biden.

Chance he will launch nukes instead of ordering lunch?

You can’t be stupid enough to vote for Biden.
I think Biden will get plenty of campaign cash from China. Hell, you know they love him and would love not to have to deal with our great President Trump any more. Biden would be a pushover. Another billion dollar job for his son, Hunter, and voila, Joe will do anything they want. Hell, he'd outsource our whole defense department if they asked. That boy represents everything that is bad about rigged government.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.

Six weeks after he blew off the Jan. 18, warning from Alex Azar, Trump said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re (cases) going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up. " Six weeks after that incredible bullshit, we're closing in on a half-million cases.

That's who they want leading? That's plain crazy.

Not much of a poll. You know the cult of dementia will vote for the Alzheimer's patient for two reasons. one is they really want to think that Biden is alright even if deep down they know he is not, because they want to believe they have a chance at beating Trump. Two is they would vote for anyone but Trump because they have an unreasonable hate.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
Your TDS makes you stupider every day.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?
Stop lying. Are you stupid or just gullible?
Neither. Just another leftist-anarchist sock troll. Hoping to tell lies often enough that some of them will stick while sewing discord the rest of the time. Bomb Thrower.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.
Just an old sock troll leftist anarchist who will oppose all things Trump no matter what while supporting anything Democrat.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.

Six weeks after he blew off the Jan. 18, warning from Alex Azar, Trump said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re (cases) going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up. " Six weeks after that incredible bullshit, we're closing in on a half-million cases.

That's who they want leading? That's plain crazy.

and MOST of the cases recovered/did not need medical attention = it was over hyped and a big scare hoax
....my company in a medium city has been working fine-NO cases
I can you one thing with certainty: Biden would not be bloviating nonsense at press conferences nor tweeting stupidly on a daily basis.

Nah, he'd be out there calling it SARS, and or the flu, then not remembering what reporter questioned him.....lol

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