Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess

Ken Blackwell: Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess | Fox News
June 25, 2019 ~~ Ken Blackwell
In dueling campaign rallies, former Vice President Joe Biden and President Trump made their argument to voters in Iowa. Biden joined his Democratic opponents in calling for higher capital gains taxes to pay for his pet programs... Democrats are racing to the left in a desperate attempt to mollify their radicalized base. Almost every 2020 Democratic presidential candidate is abandoning capitalism... Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who has said she is a "capitalist to my bones," sings the same chorus with her massive wealth tax plan. Her campaign estimates that it would cost the American people $3 trillion over 10 years... Taxing the rich is never the answer, and it’s proven to bring in far less revenue than one may optimistically estimate due to many factors... Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., introduced a bill earlier this year called "For the 99.8 Percent." This legislation would heavily tax the 0.2 percent of the country by taxing the estates of those who inherit more than $3.5 million. This would eliminate the ability to pass hard-earned companies, such as family farms, down to new generations.
Despite the left’s best efforts, the Trump economic plan keep fueling the incredible growing economy we’re currently experiencing in the United States. For the large field of Democratic candidates, that's a big problem. Not one can deny Trump’s "America first" economic policies are working... Higher taxes are never the solution. Trump’s economy is doing better than ever thanks to the tax reform he signed into law in December 2017. The unemployment rate is at the lowest level in over 50 years, wages are at a 10-year high, and over four million jobs have been created since Trump took office. When we lower taxes, Americans are better off because they keep more of their hard-earned income instead of letting the fiscally reckless government dictate where it is spent.

As we have seen from the former administration, their programs of taxation nearly destroyed the middle class of this nation. Karl Marx HATED the middle class.
What better way to get rid of them than to artificially inflate the cost of living? But it’s okay - you Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats just love your solutions.
"Taxing the wealthy even more than we already do would drain resources that go toward the entrepreneurs who create startups and small businesses". - Well, that's a lie. It's been proven that trickle-down economics doesn't work. When the rich get richer, more often than not, they don't reward the workers that got them there...
Democrats will cinch the noose around their necks, before supporting President Trump. They are fixated with their toxic derangement against Trump.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? The number of people in poverty rose substantially thru the Obama years. No, not all of it was his fault. But, since the economy has taken of, those numbers have not gone down like one would expect. Because so many have become comfortable living off of others. Twist their panties with threats of welfare reforms and the number of liberals increases.
Obama doubled the national debt in his eight years in office - an amount that equaled the total debt amassed by every sitting POTUS in US history combined. He added 5x the amount of debt that Trump has to date. The Democrat Party candidates all want to exceed the figures that Obama historically made and tax the middle class out of existence.
Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess

We will have Mexico pay for it
Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess

the same people paying for Trumps tariff's ?

what did I win?
Trickle Down economics works.
Every tax, expense and regulation imposed on the rich trickles down to the average citizen.
Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess

We will have Mexico pay for it
Guess again...

If we try to deport the Democrats (and their programs) to Mexico, that country will have the wall built before the week is out!!!
Just proves how stupid they are. Tax cuts provide more money to the Fed. Way more that raised taxes ever do.

Common sense which they have none of. Just a bunch of useless pricks.
I much prefer spending money on average Americans, rather than giving it all to the MIC, billionaires and millionaires, and Congress critters pet projects.

I say close the Pentagon and make it affordable housing, bring all our troops and CIA assholes home, and place a ten year moratorium on war spending.
Trickle Down economics works.
Every tax, expense and regulation imposed on the rich trickles down to the average citizen.

Either that or the rich just keep the money
Just proves how stupid they are. Tax cuts provide more money to the Fed. Way more that raised taxes ever do.

Common sense which they have none of. Just a bunch of useless pricks.
That’s a good one

Tell us again how all tax cuts pay for themselves
Trickle Down economics works.
Every tax, expense and regulation imposed on the rich trickles down to the average citizen.

Either that or the rich just keep the money
I would.
Just like I am sure the corporate leaders of Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and other companies pretending to champion liberal causes do.
Pass on the expense, or keep the cash.
Let’s see.....who should pay?

The 40 percent who have ONE TENTH of a percent
Or the 1 percent who have 38.3 percent of the wealth?


So hard to decide
Who will foot the bill for all the taxes Democrats have proposed? Take a guess


Why our kids and grandkids, same people that will pay for the 22 trillion we have already left them.

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