"Who Still Believes in Integration?"

The racial problems we face are due squarely to Democrats and their everloving, dehumanizing social programs. God I wish those socialists would just go away.
Well I admit that problems have been caused by many liberal programs, but everyone's--left or right--view on this issue has an impact. The fact is, it's never proper to bring up unless of course you are praising minorites; it's like a certain standard that has grown on Americans in the past 40 years.
Originally posted by OCA
The racial problems we face are due squarely to Democrats and their everloving, dehumanizing social programs.

The biggest delusion of the colorblind conservatives. Trust me, gang. Social programs have their problems, that's not what makes Jamal shoot Dante. That's in the genes.

Here's a great skewering of the "it's those darn Democrats who make race an issue" view of the cuckold conservatives. If you do nothing else this fine Sunday, read the essay posted inside of "Il Ragno's" post on the Original Dissent message board.

Originally posted by OCA
The racial problems we face are due squarely to Democrats and their everloving, dehumanizing social programs. God I wish those socialists would just go away.

whereas I suppose your beliefs in the precious GOP of OCA would have us all segregated and living in different states, right? :rolleyes:

God I wish you racists would just go away.
Not only are we "racists" (aka white nationalists, pro-whites, racialists, white racial activists, racially conscious whites, formerly correctly known as "Americans" and "patriots", see some of them here [ame]http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1410744191/102-8328645-2842562?v=glance#product-details[/ame]) NOT going away, we are getting bigger and stronger. We are slowly but surely becoming a force to contend with. The Internet has been great for us because it circumvents the usual channels of media. We can meet by the hundreds, then thousands, virtually, (see here [ame]http://www.stormfront.org/forum/[/ame]) then meet up live (see here [ame]http://www.amren.com/[/ame] by clicking on the pdf of the latest issue in the upper right-hand corner).

As it's been said, first they laugh at you. Then they wish you would go away. Then they try to destroy you. Next thing you know, they're sitting at the table with them, and asking what can you do for them?

Originally posted by William Joyce
Not only are we "racists" (aka white nationalists, pro-whites, racialists, white racial activists, racially conscious whites, formerly correctly known as "Americans" and "patriots", see some of them here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...842562?v=glance#product-details&tag=ff0d01-20) NOT going away, we are getting bigger and stronger. We are slowly but surely becoming a force to contend with.

As it's been said. first they laugh at you. Then they wish you would go away. Then they try to destroy you. Next thing you know, they're sitting at the table with them, and asking what can you do for them?


I, for one, believe in the equity of all races so, by all means, whenever you white supremacist assholes think you're ready to start the battle over decent humanity I'll be waiting with both barrels locked and loaded.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I, for one, believe in the equity of all races so, by all means, whenever you white supremacist assholes think you're ready to start the battle over decent humanity I'll be waiting with both barrels locked and loaded.


Truth isn't contingent on what you believe. The truth is that the races are not equal. As a founding father once said, truth stands alone. Only error requires the force of government.

Or, your barrels, locked and loaded, I suppose. But listen, dude. I don't think the "liberal army" is going to be any match for the white nationalists. What, you gonna fire from moving Volvos? Throw tofu at us? Please. Anyway, funny how you're willing to shoot and kill to enforce "equality." That's pretty goddamn Soviet, if you ask me. So much for the peace and love of the anti-white crowd. But like I said, don't kid yourself. Do you realize how many guys out there live their LIVES hoping for the very challenge you propose? Even the geeks who've never fired a gun in their lives? You'll sound the the tocsin and get two beefy lesbians and a dreadlocked martial arts guy from the Black Bloc.

Better stick to where you do it best: in sandals, telling lies to college students, and the media. Only, we got people comin' up there, too! The best hope for the anti-white jerks like you is to censor us from the Internet, harass our activists throught the court system with Jewish lawyers, donate to the SPLC and ADL, and basically keep the mind controls in place. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, allow free speech.
william, you couldn't be further from the truth about me.

I may wear sandals from time to time but I did spend 6 years in Marine camos firing a multitude of weapons and climbing mountains with a 65 lb pack. Contrary to somewhat popular belief, there are more of us former active duty military on the liberal side than one might think. So you hold true to what you want to, I'll use force to counter your prejudice and hatred any day of the week and so will millions of others.

Face it, the only reason your opinions and ideas are tolerated today is that its illegal to kill you outright.
"I'll use force to counter your prejudice and hatred"

Then you aren't properly called "liberal" --- you're a leftist.

"All life is created equal! it's what you choose to do with that life!"

Right. Yao Ming and Gary Coleman find themselves on different life paths only because of what conscious decisions they made. If not for a lack of willpower, Coleman would lead the NBA and Ming would be a child actor.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Right. Yao Ming and Gary Coleman find themselves on different life paths only because of what conscious decisions they made. If not for a lack of willpower, Coleman would lead the NBA and Ming would be a child actor.

Neither of that has anything to do with race differences though. People are given different gifts regardless of race.

Integration is the only way this world will be saved. we have to be united instead of segregated in groups based on race like the liberals and the far right want.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Integration is the only way this world will be saved.

Well, then. I nominate YOU, Avatar, to be in charge of integrating Temple Beth El in New York City with Catholics, Protestants and black voodoo practitioners. Only when the temple's stats match world percentages will you be finished. After that, your task will be to integrate Harlem with whites from Westchester County. Again, your task will only be complete when the demographics of the neighborhood match those of the nation.

Get back to us when you're done, will ya?
Originally posted by Avatar4321

Integration is the only way this world will be saved. we have to be united instead of segregated in groups based on race like the liberals and the far right want.

I suggest you read the link at the beginning of this thread...

How is it the whole world will be "saved" by integration?

People are separated into groups because thousands of years ago, tribes are large groups of people that looked alike and had a lot in common moved to different parts of the world and lived there peacefully among themselves until different groups came in and caused conflict.
Now, I'm not saying that every person of one nationality or race should live in their own country, but I think integration and diversity are being pushed to much in "this" country. Time and money is wasted on this endless yet unsucessful project. Frankly, there's not much good coming out of our governent forcing certain groups to integrate. Furthermore, people will tend to want to be around their own kind (that doesn't make the person a racist or supremacist: "This is just as proper and just as inevitable as loving one's own children more than one loves the neighbors' children. Nor does the love for one's own children imply ill will towards anyone else's"--quote from link at beginning of thread)...Please, whether you agree or not, read the link...
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I suggest you read the link at the beginning of this thread...

How is it the whole world will be "saved" by integration?

People are separated into groups because thousands of years ago, tribes are large groups of people that looked alike and had a lot in common moved to different parts of the world and lived there peacefully among themselves until different groups came in and caused conflict.
Now, I'm not saying that every person of one nationality or race should live in their own country, but I think integration and diversity are being pushed to much in "this" country. Time and money is wasted on this endless yet unsucessful project. Frankly, there's not much good coming out of our governent forcing certain groups to integrate. Furthermore, people will tend to want to be around their own kind (that doesn't make the person a racist or supremacist: "This is just as proper and just as inevitable as loving one's own children more than one loves the neighbors' children. Nor does the love for one's own children imply ill will towards anyone else's"--quote from link at beginning of thread)...Please, whether you agree or not, read the link...

I'm sitting here trying to come up with an argument for your statements, and don't think that I can. Being educated about another's way of life is good. It still doesn't make me want to live it or even be around it. There is a BIG difference in being with those you're most comfortable with and being a racist.
Originally posted by Joz
I'm sitting here trying to come up with an argument for your statements, and don't think that I can. Being educated about another's way of life is good. It still doesn't make me want to live it or even be around it. There is a BIG difference in being with those you're most comfortable with and being a racist.

Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
Now, I'm not saying that every person of one nationality or race should live in their own country, but I think integration and diversity are being pushed to much in "this" country. Time and money is wasted on this endless yet unsucessful project. Frankly, there's not much good coming out of our governent forcing certain groups to integrate. Furthermore, people will tend to want to be around their own kind (that doesn't make the person a racist or supremacist...

Yep. The integrationists are just trying to do with people what socialists tried to do for income difference. It should work about as well as... well... socialism.
prejudice exists in humans out of two basic emotions and that is fear and hate. Unfortunately, these are two emotions within mankind that have the ability to escalate into panic and violence.

I guarantee you, take two or three people of different ethnic backgrounds with a common backdrop in interests and pursuits and these two or three people will function as if they were of the same race.

Past issues, as well as intolerance and distrust, serve only to exacerbate the continuing cycle of prejudicial conduct.
I must confess that the only race that actually puts an inital impression on me is hispanic. Now, before you left wing mudslingers jump on my back for being racist, let me assure you that I try my hardest not to treat anyone unfairly and that my bias is rooted in the fact that during my formative years, all hispanics I saw were lazy, rude, and abusive. They pretended not to know English for as long as possible to get out of homework. They walked around like nobody else mattered, and they bullied me A LOT.

However, I have a friend who is half-Iraqi. I knew she had darker skin than most everyone else, but I knew her for three years before I found out she was half Arabian, and when I did find out, I didn't care. The only thing that changed was that I prayed for her family's safety and freedom (this was right when the invasion started). My sister also has several black friends and we get along just fine. I even make cracks with them about how I'm too white to rap or do any of the wierd handshake things.

Race is never irrelevent, as there are sometimes a few cultural differences and there's always a physical difference. However, in my eyes, a different culture is a learning experience, and if the culture's the same but the appearance is different, it might as well be eye color or height.
I was told recently, "The only people who don't have a problem with the police, are people who have never dealt with the police".

Prejudices can be taught. But they aren't born out of fear. All it takes is one bad dealing and an opinion is formed, albeit wrong. I hear comments constantly regarding women and how they have no worth. I don't like it, but that is where that particular person is coming from. I'm not going to change their mind. I can only show them by example.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Is that so DK? Well we have common interests and you still treat me like pond scum!:( I am so lonely, somebody hold me!:D

So, are you saying you want DK (or someone like him) to hold you?;)

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