Who started WW II.

Stalin and Hitler. They divided Poland in 1939, that was the beginning of the war.
The aircraft from Midway made constant attacks tying up the four Japanese flight decks rearming the CAP fighters. Otherwise, when the SBDs from Enterprise and Yorktown arrived, the four Japanese carriers would have had empty hangers, not ones full of fueled and armed aircraft waiting to turn the carriers into blazing infernos. The Japanese couldn’t move the fueled and armed strike onto their flight decks because they were constantly landing and launching fighters. Under those conditions, it’s likely that the IJN would have lost NO carriers, and the USN would have lost at least one with the remaining two badly damaged and out of the war for the remainder of 1942.

From what I remember hearing, though I could be wrong, the Japanese found out where our carriers were. So they decided to switch their bombs for torpedoes. It was of course a bad decision. That aside, I still think FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. What do you think.
No they are not dumbass

Somethign bad happening is not specifically a holocaust

You are a hard core moron. Did you miss the "6 million" number in all of them? The whole holocaust story just more of the same old bullshit.
No that is not what brought up this discussion you filthy liar and yes you are a PROVEN liar and coward

What brought this up was your dishonest idiotic and retarded claim that it was proven that One and ONLY ONE pkane could sink a battleship

You are backpedaling BECAUSE you got exposed as a liar you coward

Wormy worm.
Germany started the war, we did not enter the war for over two years. German aggression started the war. Was the rest of the world going to sit back and watch Germany conquer Europe?
I am German and even believe in German superiority to agree... But I also believe that this is 100% correct and that they should have been stopped by any means neccessary. It's just funny to me that it took such an allied effort to do it! 😆
From what I remember hearing, though I could be wrong, the Japanese found out where our carriers were. So they decided to switch their bombs for torpedoes. It was of course a bad decision. That aside, I still think FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. What do you think.
The Japanese had already finished changing over the armament. The planes were trapped in the hangers by the fighter being cycled to be rearmed.
No FDR didn’t know. The government expected a strike against the Philippines. The Japanese navy didn’t have enough tankers to reach Pearl Harbor. They drafted nearly every modern tanker in the Japanese merchant fleet to go the distance. Every government underestimated the Japanese before the war,
High and Mighty Lowlife

Snobs call evil "banal" because they believe their own class is too superior to indulge in such activities

You have absolutely not any light idea about what means "banality of the evil". What you say here is by the way very near to the description "banal"! The only word which makes it unbanal is the word "snob" - but I guess you don't know why.
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I am German and even believe in German superiority to agree... But I also believe that this is 100% correct and that they should have been stopped by any means neccessary. It's just funny to me that it took such an allied effort to do it!
They didn't stop anyone. The British authorities and the American left are the same Germans who resettle slaves as part of the same colonization of Eurocentrism.

And there are no "Germans" in your sense. These "Germans" were put together by the Prussians at the end of the 19th century, including from the Danubian peoples, who were enemies of the Germans.
You are the same "Germans" as Russians or French. Rus' and Franks are the names of the Germans. But France is Celtic, and the Russian Federation is basically the Golden Horde, where there were no Germans.

Superiority is also ridiculous. Until 1861 there was mud slavery and barracks. It was America that brought you everything during the revolution of the Spring of Nations. It was be created a free union of the peoples of the former 1st Reich there.
and even believe in German superiority to agree
The real Germans are the inhabitants of the chthonic matriarchal culture of old Europe. They were subordinated to the Gets from Khetia (hence the double-headed eagle), and during the Aryan and Hun expansions they were expelled to the northern swampy part of Europe. It was the most backward people on the planet. In some parts of this Corded Ware culture, the Neolithic was before the 7th century AD. They used stone axes and bone pins, lived in dugouts and barracks, along with dogs and pigs.
They didn't stop anyone. The British authorities and the American left are the same Germans who resettle slaves as part of the same colonization of Eurocentrism.

And there are no "Germans" in your sense. These "Germans" were put together by the Prussians at the end of the 19th century, including from the Danubian peoples, who were enemies of the Germans.
You are the same "Germans" as Russians or French. Rus' and Franks are the names of the Germans. But France is Celtic, and the Russian Federation is basically the Golden Horde, where there were no Germans.

Superiority is also ridiculous. Until 1861 there was mud slavery and barracks. It was America that brought you everything during the revolution of the Spring of Nations. It was be created a free union of the peoples of the former 1st Reich there.
My father was a German straight out of the fatherland. I've also had DNA tests done. My grandfather on my father's side was also truly Prussian which made him a blend of German and Polish . Thanks for your armchair evaluation, but I'm a little more qualified to know where my family has been and about the tribe(s) I am connected to.

The U.S. owes a huge nod to the technology the Germans brought to this country under Operation paperclip. So much of our technological development has been based on that. Even our early Revolutionary troops were a bunch of sorry ass misfits before German general von Steuben came over and trained them. We have followed those guidelines in our military ever since.

None of this is to say that I don't also admire Americans, Russians, Brits and and many other ethnic stocks and Nations for their contributions in the world. But what the Germans accomplished in WW2 was nothing short of astounding. It took the United States Britain and Russia and several smaller allies to finally kick their ass. Even the nuclear technology that we used to defeat the Japanese was based on technology we stole from the Germans via espionage. If we had not managed to do that things may have turned out extraordinarily different.

With all that said, it still extremely unfortunate that the Third Reich was organized by racists and nut balls who eventually brought World contempt down on their country. They were mad geniuses. Fortunately many sensible Germans emigrated to other countries and played key roles in helping the Allies defeat the tyranny in their former Nation. If Nazi top brass had not been motivated by these things they might have encountered much less resistance, and if Hitler hadn't become so zealous about doing so much so fast the Germans may have been capable of developing and populating their conquered territories and incorporating them to use much later in a more successful war against Russia or the United States. Hitler was too impatient.

I'm really not interested in hearing you rationalize your way around these facts. Bye.
BothWings In 1861, during the spring of nations, the German lands were just beginning to emerge from the mud, obscurantism, slavery was abolished. How could they become an industrialized country in 40 years from bast shoes? The answer is simple: everything was brought to them from the USA, through Austria-Hungary, which was preparing to become the United States of Austria.
The real Germans are the inhabitants of the chthonic matriarchal culture of old Europe. They were subordinated to the Gets from Khetia (hence the double-headed eagle), and during the Aryan and Hun expansions they were expelled to the northern swampy part of Europe. It was the most backward people on the planet. In some parts of this Corded Ware culture, the Neolithic was before the 7th century AD. They used stone axes and bone pins, lived in dugouts and barracks, along with dogs and pigs.
The "barbaric" formerly Corded-ware (yes I know all about that thank you) German tribes had enough of Roman elitism and took Rome over. Roman "culture", (if you want to talk about who is backward) degraded into sending captured slaves into colosseums to kill each other for the entertainment of thousands, made it commonplace to have orgies involving young boys, and also became so affluent that they were perfectly okay with pigging out on food and then puking off the back veranda only so they could come back and do it again. German tribes IN Germany went and sacked Rome, took control of it, and transformed it over the next few hundred years into the most powerful force in mainland Europe before the Nazi party corrupted it, brought World contempt down on it ultimately causing most of the other developed nations of the world to join forces to defeat them.
My father was a German straight out of the fatherland. I've also had DNA tests done. My grandfather on my father's side was also truly Prussian which made him a blend of German and Polish . Thanks for your armchair evaluation, but I'm a little more qualified to know where my family has been and about the tribe(s) I am connected to.

The U.S. owes a huge nod to the technology the Germans brought to this country under Operation paperclip. So much of our technological development has been based on that. Even our early Revolutionary troops were a bunch of sorry ass misfits before German general von Steuben came over and trained them. We have followed those guidelines in our military ever since.

None of this is to say that I don't also admire Americans, Russians, Brits and and many other ethnic stocks and Nations for their contributions in the world. But what the Germans accomplished in WW2 was nothing short of astounding. It took the United States Britain and Russia and several smaller allies to finally kick their ass. Even the nuclear technology that we used to defeat the Japanese was based on technology we stole from the Germans via espionage. If we had not managed to do that things may have turned out extraordinarily different.

With all that said, it still extremely unfortunate that the Third Reich was organized by racists and nut balls who eventually brought World contempt down on their country. They were mad geniuses. Fortunately many sensible Germans emigrated to other countries and played key roles in helping the Allies defeat the tyranny in their former Nation. If Nazi top brass had not been motivated by these things they might have encountered much less resistance, and if Hitler hadn't become so zealous about doing so much so fast the Germans may have been capable of developing and populating their conquered territories and incorporating them to use much later in a more successful war against Russia or the United States. Hitler was too impatient.

I'm really not interested in hearing you rationalize your way around these facts. Bye.
These are all Prussian fairy tales written after the Prussian counter-revolution, which strangled Europe and brought back obscurantism after the scientific revolution. All the technologies that are attributed to the Germans were brought from the USA, there is no doubt about this, they are all duplicated in Harvard and so on. Nuclear explosions were carried out in Nevada immediately after the war.
Germany still looks like a village dump with brothels and effeminate perverts. And in the USA in 1900 there were already skyscrapers, Fords and neon signs.

Pride in Prussian servility and herding for the United States sounds comical.

By the way, the swastika was also stolen from the USA, it comes from the Indians, and has been printed everywhere since the beginning of the century on greeting cards. Europe steals everything from the USA. The stars of the European Union are the flag of Betsy. Creative impotents and thieves live in Europe.
The "barbaric" formerly Corded-ware (yes I know all about that thank you) German tribes had enough of Roman elitism and took Rome over. Roman "culture", (if you want to talk about who is backward) degraded into sending captured slaves into colosseums to kill each other for the entertainment of thousands, made it commonplace to have orgies involving young boys, and also became so affluent that they were perfectly okay with pigging out on food and then puking off the back veranda only so they could come back and do it again. German tribes IN Germany went and sacked Rome, took control of it, and transformed it over the next few hundred years into the most powerful force in mainland Europe before the Nazi party corrupted it, brought World contempt down on it ultimately causing most of the other developed nations of the world to join forces to defeat them.
It was the Germanic culture of the Etruscans. In Rome during the period of the empire, the German plebeians completely seized power, the word Etruscans - "this race" means the people in German. Russ is a variant of the name of the Germans, and they did not speak Latin. This is plebeianism, and Latins in Rome are patricians. Latin Rome is the period of the Kings.

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