Who started WW II.

Plaques prove nothing. The red cross is not an authority on the subject and those clippings merely proved the holocaust happened

You have not posted evidence you uneducated piece of vermin

You are a coward and liar

Worm. They are evidence. And how could a holocaust happen decades before it was said to have happened in WW II.
Of course you do not because you are as stupid uneducated liar

I know the truth which is why I know you are a liar and a sack of human trash

you have no evidence you little motherfucker and you have never posted any

You are a pile of human filth. Need proof? You call me a liar. But to be a liar, you have to purposefully state false information. As it so happens, I watched a history show many years ago where they talked about Billy Mitchel's attempt to sink a battleship with an airplane. From what I remember, they said that it took him 2 or 3 tries. But he did it. Is my memory of the program faulty? Did they state false information in that program? Who knows. But I clearly just didn't invent a falsehood. Which means I'm not a liar. You know what that makes you.

Also, what brought up this direction of discussion in the first place was my saying that during the time period of Pearl Harbor, aircraft carriers were the most important ships in the navy. Not the battleships. For example, look at the Japanese attack on Midway. The U.S. had three aircraft carriers. The Japanese had four. We sank or put out of commission all four of the Japanese aircraft carriers. We only lost the Yorktown. Loosing their aircraft carriers caused the rest of the Japanese task force to withdraw. In fact, it may have been the battle that changed the entire direction of the war for the Japanese. That aside, this thread is about who started WW II. Not aircraft and definitely not the "holocaust."
An embargo isn’t an act of war. Every country has the right to decide who it wants to trade with. You also ignore the whole reason for the embargo. Japan was involved in an unprovoked war of aggression with China after conquering Manchuria and extorting the rule of French Indochina from the Vichy government.
Let the Seller Beware

That's why Nixon should have seized the Arab oilfields during the 1973 OPEC embargo. With his patriotism and knowledge of precedent, he planned to do that, but the powerful oil lobby, beneficiaries of Arab price-gouging, forced him to cave in. That resulted in a severe American economic downturn, which was the ultimate cause of why he had to resign.
poor Germany, tricked into dismembering Czechoslovakia and invading Poland by the evil Britain and France!

It’s almost as sad as poor Russia being tricked into invading Ukraine by the West.

What you say is lying history written by the victors. And what Russia is doing in the Ukraine is another proof that back in WW II, we backed the wrong side.
From what I remember hearing, FDR did plenty to help put Americans to work. But it wasn't enough. There was only one sure fire way to get it done. War.
Having the US be well-prepared for the Pearl Harbor strike would have worked just as well to get the US into the war. It's only the fact that the Japanese made a massive attack on Pearl harbor that mattered. The number of casualties didn't.

That's just one reason why your lunatic conspiracy faceplants. FDR had no motive to do what you claim he did.
You are a pile of human filth. Need proof? You call me a liar. But to be a liar, you have to purposefully state false information. As it so happens, I watched a history show many years ago where they talked about Billy Mitchel's attempt to sink a battleship with an airplane. From what I remember, they said that it took him 2 or 3 tries. But he did it. Is my memory of the program faulty? Did they state false information in that program? Who knows. But I clearly just didn't invent a falsehood. Which means I'm not a liar. You know what that makes you.

Also, what brought up this direction of discussion in the first place was my saying that during the time period of Pearl Harbor, aircraft carriers were the most important ships in the navy. Not the battleships. For example, look at the Japanese attack on Midway. The U.S. had three aircraft carriers. The Japanese had four. We sank or put out of commission all four of the Japanese aircraft carriers. We only lost the Yorktown. Loosing their aircraft carriers caused the rest of the Japanese task force to withdraw. In fact, it may have been the battle that changed the entire direction of the war for the Japanese. That aside, this thread is about who started WW II. Not aircraft and definitely not the "holocaust."
Both Nagumo and Yamamoto pushed for a post carrier sinking surface action. After Nagumo made a night high speed run with his battleships and cruisers and came up dry, Yamamoto decided that he couldn’t catch the American carriers so he retired rather than lose more ships for no return.
Yamamoto had ELEVEN battleships, seventeen cruisers and forty six destroyers at Midway. It sure looks to me like he considered his surface forces to be his decisive arm. He was facing EIGHT cruisers and twenty one destroyers on the American side. Yamamoto also knew that the American airgroups had been gutted with all of their torpedo bombers being destroyed and serious losses to both the dive bomber and fighter complements. That was obvious by the small strike the USN could generate to kill Hiryu after the three other IJN carriers were sunk. The Japanese believed they had sunk two of the American carriers, leaving only one with a decimated air group.
Without his fleet carriers Yamamoto was reduced to the small carrier Hosho to cover his armada from strikes launched by Midway’s still intact airfield. Hosho was carrying eight biplane Jean torpedo bombers and seven A-5M Claude fixed gear fighters. Midways surviving aircraft badly outnumbered the Japanese.
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Having the US be well-prepared for the Pearl Harbor strike would have worked just as well to get the US into the war. It's only the fact that the Japanese made a massive attack on Pearl harbor that mattered. The number of casualties didn't.

That's just one reason why your lunatic conspiracy faceplants. FDR had no motive to do what you claim he did.

Most Americans wanted no part of war. WW I gave them a belly full. With that being the case, preparing for any strike at Pearl Harbor or anyplace else would have been a hard sell. Next, let me crush another of your lunatic conspiracy. It wasn't the attack on Pearl Harbor that was the big deal. It was that it was a "sneak attack" that was the big deal. And war got us out of the Great Depression. Didn't it. So FDR had every motive to do what he did.
Both Nagumo and Yamamoto pushed for a post carrier sinking surface action. After Nagumo made a night high speed run with his battleships and cruisers and came up dry, Yamamoto decided that he couldn’t catch the American carriers so he retired rather than lose more ships for no return.
Yamamoto had ELEVEN battleships, seventeen cruisers and forty six destroyers at Midway. It sure looks to me like he considered his surface forces to be his decisive arm. He was facing EIGHT cruisers and twenty one destroyers on the American side. Yamamoto also knew that the American airgroups had been gutted with all of their torpedo bombers being destroyed and serious losses to both the dive bomber and fighter complements. That was obvious by the small strike the USN could generate to kill Hiryu after the three other IJN carriers were sunk. The Japanese believed they had sunk two of the American carriers, leaving only one with a decimated air group.
Without his fleet carriers Yamamoto was reduced to the small carrier Hosho to cover his armada from strikes launched by Midway’s still intact airfield. Hosho was carrying eight biplane Jean torpedo bombers and seven A-5M Claude fixed gear fighters. Midways surviving aircraft badly outnumbered the Japanese.

Very interesting. I wasn't even thinking about any aircraft we may have had at Midway. Maybe I'm mistaken. But from what I remember hearing, it was the aircraft from our aircraft carriers that gave the Japanese the most trouble.
Very interesting. I wasn't even thinking about any aircraft we may have had at Midway. Maybe I'm mistaken. But from what I remember hearing, it was the aircraft from our aircraft carriers that gave the Japanese the most trouble.
The aircraft from Midway made constant attacks tying up the four Japanese flight decks rearming the CAP fighters. Otherwise, when the SBDs from Enterprise and Yorktown arrived, the four Japanese carriers would have had empty hangers, not ones full of fueled and armed aircraft waiting to turn the carriers into blazing infernos. The Japanese couldn’t move the fueled and armed strike onto their flight decks because they were constantly landing and launching fighters. Under those conditions, it’s likely that the IJN would have lost NO carriers, and the USN would have lost at least one with the remaining two badly damaged and out of the war for the remainder of 1942.
You are a pile of human filth. Need proof? You call me a liar. But to be a liar, you have to purposefully state false information. As it so happens, I watched a history show many years ago where they talked about Billy Mitchel's attempt to sink a battleship with an airplane. From what I remember, they said that it took him 2 or 3 tries. But he did it. Is my memory of the program faulty? Did they state false information in that program? Who knows. But I clearly just didn't invent a falsehood. Which means I'm not a liar. You know what that makes you.

Also, what brought up this direction of discussion in the first place was my saying that during the time period of Pearl Harbor, aircraft carriers were the most important ships in the navy. Not the battleships. For example, look at the Japanese attack on Midway. The U.S. had three aircraft carriers. The Japanese had four. We sank or put out of commission all four of the Japanese aircraft carriers. We only lost the Yorktown. Loosing their aircraft carriers caused the rest of the Japanese task force to withdraw. In fact, it may have been the battle that changed the entire direction of the war for the Japanese. That aside, this thread is about who started WW II. Not aircraft and definitely not the "holocaust."
No that is not what brought up this discussion you filthy liar and yes you are a PROVEN liar and coward

What brought this up was your dishonest idiotic and retarded claim that it was proven that One and ONLY ONE pkane could sink a battleship

You are backpedaling BECAUSE you got exposed as a liar you coward
In general a comment from me here for everyone: Many of the posts here about Hitler, Nazis, Germans and Jews are so extremely stupid that it is nearly impossible to correct this nonsense except to start to write a book. But it would be more easy to read a good book - like for example the biography about Hitler from Joachim Fest. Or try to find out why Hannah Ahrendt laughed loud about the most cruel Nazis when she suddenly found out the importance and emptyness of the "banality of the evil".
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The Sage of Main Street

What do you call "funny" in post #247? The drugs which you use?
Our Vons Also Deserve What Your Vons Got

Wars are fought between nations, not just their armies. The civilians at Düren were just as guilty as the SS mass-murderers, so they deserved the same fate. No pity party for anyone on the side that kills freedom-loving Americans.

The worthless college-brat Baby-Boomers made a literary hero of slimeball scribbler Kurt Vonnegut for his childishly goofy novel Slaughterhouse-Five, which shed crybaby tears for the Krauts fried in Dresden.

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