Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

Not sure why you are so worried about a tax that will be paid by RICH white people.

When did they pass a law that only rich people pay taxes? Or, only rich White people?

I've been paying taxes every year since I was 16 ... am I owed reparations?
When did they pass a law that only rich people pay taxes? Or, only rich White people?

I've been paying taxes every year since I was 16 ... am I owed reparations?

Let's get real... Most of the income taxes are paid by the top 20%. 95% in fact. Which is fine, they have 87% of the wealth.

As Mitt Romney famously pointed out, 47% of the population doesn't pay income tax.
Let's get real... Most of the income taxes are paid by the top 20%. 95% in fact. Which is fine, they have 87% of the wealth.

As Mitt Romney famously pointed out, 47% of the population doesn't pay income tax.

Well, I've paid every year for the past 49 years. I never considered myself rich before ... thanks for the raise.
Lisa, I have to ask why you live in terror of black people getting stuff?

The reason that stealing is wrong is not that the thief gets something he didn't earn, but that an honest human being is deprived unjustly of what he rightfully earned.

I get that being a thieving parasite, you do not, and never will understand this, but actual human beings do.

There's a good reason WHY you let the black kid with the 3.2 score in to medical school over the kid with 3.4. Because that community is underserved. We don't have enough medical practitioners in the black community.

So, the solution to the non-problem of there not being enough black doctors for your liking is to make sure there are more inferior black doctors in place of more qualified white doctors.

Of course, its' only because you're a racist piece of shit that you think that a doctor's skin color matters more than his qualifications or competence.

Not to worry, given enough time, your Republican masters will solve this problem by making most white people as poor as blacks, and you'll cheer them on the whole time they are doing it.

And yet, here you are, openly advocating policies that have that exact intent, and will likely have that exact effect, if enacted; and preemptively blaming your opposition for that result.
You are clearly unaware of the situation in your country. I wrongly assumed you would know of it.

Here is what I said
Wtf am I “clearly unaware of”? You made a comment about reparations for being incarcerated for weed. I responded that was a ridiculous suggestion.
Wow... hysterics much? By your "logic", we are all "slaves" by paying taxes for programs that we don't personally benefit from. Not that we are paying for the benefits we get now, we are borrowing from future generations...

Obviously, if we have such a program, it will come from higher taxes on the wealthy, which is always a good idea, and they probably CAN be said to have benefited from the economic exploitation of black people over the last 400 years.

Well, the parameters you laid out in the OP were a bit silly. That doctor making $400,000 is paying FAR more in taxes than that Mechanic making $40K.

Here, let me help you out.

Just going by the Single Filing- The black doctor pays 24% of his income on $400,000 - or $96,000
The white mechanic (who must really suck at his job, because average pay for Mechanics is 37-70K according to Glassdoor) is paying 12% - or $4,800

So that black doctor is paying 20 times what the Mechanic is paying... he'd probably be paying himself. Or conversely, he is paying for programs that probably benefit that Mechanic more then he is getting.

No, actually, it wouldn't. We've already done this, when we paid reparations to Japanese-Americans who were incarcerated during WWII. Each Japanese-American who was locked up in a camp received $20,000. It didn't matter if they were one of the people who was only held for a year, or the ones who were locked up for the duration of the war. It didn't matter if they were at one of the nicer camps or one of the awful ones. it didn't matter if they were economically devastated or did okay for themselves. Every last one of them got $20,000. Actor George Takai donated his to charity. $20,000 in 1988 was not a life-changing amount no matter what tax bracket you were in. It was the acknowledgement that the government did wrong that was important.

So let's say we give every African American a payment of $20,000 and a formal apology for slavery and everything else. Seems reasonable. It's not the amount of money that really is the issue, it's the acknowledgement that the country did these people wrong.
And, of course, you run into a wall when you have to define "African American". If you're a white descendant of slaves (and yes, you can be, as I've laid out previously), should you be denied reparations while an Ethiopian immigrant who arrived here in the 1980's should receive payment? Can a white person claim to be black if he has distant black ancestors, and where do you cut it off? And, here's the big one. in this day of liberal insanity, what do you do with the Rachel Dolezal's who are white but identify as black?

You have people today who are descendants of both slaves and slave owners. See how sticky it gets?

I do agree that it is good for a nation to acknowledge wrong doings of the past. How to do that is the problem.
Only for descendants of African slaves. A separate tax credit should be given to all people who are black based on legacy and ongoing racism on a day to day basis.
What about white descendants of African slaves? Do they qualify, and if not, why?
Not sure why you are so worried about a tax that will be paid by RICH white people.
And there's the attitude so frequently exploited. "It doesn't hit me personally, so I don't care what effect it has". The problem with that is evident, because we know from history that every program enacted by the government ultimately ends up taxing the middle class. It has to, because there's just not the much income among the wealthy (income, NOT wealth), so when the program's costs inevitably explode, they end up hitting the middle class. You get things like Algore redefining "millionaire" to justify their lies about new taxes.
Just for discussion purposes, let’s say reparations move forward. Who gets it, and who is exempt; and by the same token, which whites have to pay in and which are exempt?

Blacks to be excluded:

1) Since two out of three blacks were admitted to a college they would have been rejected from had they been white, they have already received reparations. Thus, blacks with a GPA and test score lower than ANY accepted white in their entering class clearly got in due to being black, and they will not get reparations.

2) Any black earning more than $75,000. This is about 50% more than the average earner, and thus they aren’t suffering because of past racism.

3) Any black whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or after 1865 if living in the North.

Whites who don’t have to pay reparations:

1) Any white student with a GPA above 3.4 who couldn’t get into medical school and had to give up their dream. Blacks got into med school with this GPA (some got in with a measly 3.2), and thus these whites have already paid the price.

2) Any white earning less than $50,000. They haven’t benefited from ”white privilege” and are most likely uneducated. They should not have to pay off blacks with a college degree.

3) Any white whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or 1865 if living in the North.
Are Mormons racist?
Are Mormons racist?
Some certainly are. I will never forget when the tabernacle in DC was finished, before they cleansed it, they allowed for outsiders to take tours and my family took one. There was a massive mural on a wall depicting the return of Christ, and everyone running towards Him was white while all the dark-skinned people were over on the other side, running away from Him.
Some certainly are. I will never forget when the tabernacle in DC was finished, before they cleansed it, they allowed for outsiders to take tours and my family took one. There was a massive mural on a wall depicting the return of Christ, and everyone running towards Him was white while all the dark-skinned people were over on the other side, running away from Him.

Wow. That's pretty obvious.
If you believe that it is only “RICH white people” who end up bearing the burden of excessive taxation, then you're exactly the sort of ignorant caulk bucket to which Democraps love to pander.

Uh, you need to talk to your fellow cultist, Mitt Romney, who whined that poor people didn't pay income taxes. You remember, 47%. The reality- the top 20% have 87% of the wealth and pay 95% of the income taxes. So doesn't really effect anyone here if we give out reparation payments, we won't be paying them.

The reason that stealing is wrong is not that the thief gets something he didn't earn, but that an honest human being is deprived unjustly of what he rightfully earned.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime
When the rich steal, it's called "Profit".

Again, you are more angry than the kid who steals a $2.00 bag of chips than you are at the Philip Morris exec who sells addictive poison to kids.

So, the solution to the non-problem of there not being enough black doctors for your liking is to make sure there are more inferior black doctors in place of more qualified white doctors.

No, it really IS a problem when those white doctors don't serve that community. It's not an issue of "qualified", no one is going to graduated from Med School without being qualified. It's a matter of making sure the community is served.

Of course, its' only because you're a racist piece of shit that you think that a doctor's skin color matters more than his qualifications or competence.

I'm sorry, who thinks the Curse of Ham is a thing? Yes, the black community WOULD be well served with more black doctors.

And yet, here you are, openly advocating policies that have that exact intent, and will likely have that exact effect, if enacted; and preemptively blaming your opposition for that result.

Uh, guy, it's the right wing that has spent the last 50 years undermining the working class through union busting and tax cuts for the rich. We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid their fair share.
And there's the attitude so frequently exploited. "It doesn't hit me personally, so I don't care what effect it has". The problem with that is evident, because we know from history that every program enacted by the government ultimately ends up taxing the middle class. It has to, because there's just not the much income among the wealthy (income, NOT wealth), so when the program's costs inevitably explode, they end up hitting the middle class. You get things like Algore redefining "millionaire" to justify their lies about new taxes.

Oh, yes, this old lie from the Supply Siders, "trickling down" on the rest of us.

The reality- we had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid their fair share. We won world wars, we built great public works, we went to the moon and people brought home good wages.
Oh, yes, this old lie from the Supply Siders, "trickling down" on the rest of us.

The reality- we had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid their fair share. We won world wars, we built great public works, we went to the moon and people brought home good wages.
Sure, let's bring back the pre-Reagan tax rates. While we're at it, let's bring back all the loopholes and deductions as well. I wouldn't mind being able to deduct credit card interest. Also, let's decimate the rest of the world's manufacturing capabilities so we are virtually the only manufacturing power on the planet. Deal?
And, of course, you run into a wall when you have to define "African American". If you're a white descendant of slaves (and yes, you can be, as I've laid out previously), should you be denied reparations while an Ethiopian immigrant who arrived here in the 1980's should receive payment? Can a white person claim to be black if he has distant black ancestors, and where do you cut it off? And, here's the big one. in this day of liberal insanity, what do you do with the Rachel Dolezal's who are white but identify as black?

You have people today who are descendants of both slaves and slave owners. See how sticky it gets?

I do agree that it is good for a nation to acknowledge wrong doings of the past. How to do that is the problem.
You will not that in my opening post I did not address reparations for slavery since I am speaking of people who suffered DIRECTLY from lawful bigotry, and are still alive, and that would exclude all slaves. The only blacks who have experienced substantial racism are Jim Crowe residents, and they are all near or in retirement.
Uh, you need to talk to your fellow cultist, Mitt Romney, who whined that poor people didn't pay income taxes. You remember, 47%. The reality- the top 20% have 87% of the wealth and pay 95% of the income taxes. So doesn't really effect anyone here if we give out reparation payments, we won't be paying them.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime
When the rich steal, it's called "Profit".

Again, you are more angry than the kid who steals a $2.00 bag of chips than you are at the Philip Morris exec who sells addictive poison to kids.

No, it really IS a problem when those white doctors don't serve that community. It's not an issue of "qualified", no one is going to graduated from Med School without being qualified. It's a matter of making sure the community is served.

I'm sorry, who thinks the Curse of Ham is a thing? Yes, the black community WOULD be well served with more black doctors.

Uh, guy, it's the right wing that has spent the last 50 years undermining the working class through union busting and tax cuts for the rich. We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid their fair share.

Sure, let's bring back the pre-Reagan tax rates. While we're at it, let's bring back all the loopholes and deductions as well. I wouldn't mind being able to deduct credit card interest. Also, let's decimate the rest of the world's manufacturing capabilities so we are virtually the only manufacturing power on the planet. Deal?

So essentially, you just admitted you didn't have an argument.

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