Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

In a conversation with Jared Taylor Professor Arthur Jensen said that one fourth of Negroes have IQ's below 75, and at that level they cannot be educated, and it is difficult for them to learn minimum wage jobs. I would like to make sterilization a condition for accepting welfare benefits. At the very least, single mothers should not get welfare checks for their illegitimate children.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children began during the New Deal it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. We need to get back to those restrictions.

Have you ever looked at your birth certificate? I have. I like the way the box for "legitimate" had a check sign in it.
Oye. Now I have to get off this comfy recliner and get the box that has my important papers - and look. I shall return!

I just checked. There was no “legitimacy” box on DC birth certificates. However, both my mother and my father had the same last name, so clearly they were married.

To your other point, my parents also waited until my father earned enough money on his own - which took a few years into his career - to allow my mother to quit her job (also a professional job) to stay home and raise a baby.

I just checked. There was no “legitimacy” box on DC birth certificates. However, both my mother and my father had the same last name, so clearly they were married.

To your other point, my parents also waited until my father earned enough money on his own - which took a few years into his career - to allow my mother to quit her job (also a professional job) to stay home and raise a baby.
I knew your parents would be married. Ashkenazi Jews have reputations for high intelligence, not high rates of illegitimacy and crime. I am a white Gentile. Our average IQ is 100. The Ashkenazim tip the scales with 115.

Do you know how the Ashkenazim compare with white Gentiles in rates of crime and illegitimacy? I suspect that their rates are lower than ours, but I have not found data on the subject.

I rate racial groups by average intelligence and rates of crime and illegitimacy. There are other criteria by which they can be rated, but those are the three most important characteristics in a racial group's ability to create and maintain successful societies and civilizations.

If most people in a country are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous the country will have a high standard of living, a low crime rate, and a well functioning government. If those characteristics are rare in a country, the country will be known for crime, poverty, and tyranny. This is true regardless of climate and the availability of natural resources.
You mean stuff like Medicare and Social Security, into which responsible, hard-working people paid for 40 years? i agree.

That’s a far cry from the expanded welfare state which began under Obama. He got rid of the work requirements, and now with liberals redistributing taxpayers’ earnings to people who won’t get jobs, we are in a country where people feel entitled to get other people to subsidize their rent and give them $1000 worth of food a month for their families.

A couple of things. Even if you paid into Social Security for 40 years, if you retire at 65 and live to be 72, you will get everything you paid into it back. The average life span in this country is 78 now. Do the math.

Medicare is even worse. You pretty much get everything you paid into it back if you have one major illness. That's how much medical care costs...

As for the welfare state, the problem was that the 90's welfare "reform" didn't work when the recessions of the Aughts hit. That's why most of those policies had to be scrapped.

Now, I'd have no problem with workfare. The government pays you a salary and you have to show up to work somewhere. The problem with that is, the loyalty will be to the government, not the employer. So you won't see the kinds of abuses of the working poor you'd see now. It would almost be like (GASP) a union.

Once people lose a sense of pride in working for a living, and are content to take government charity, productivity drops, as we‘ve seen, fewer goods make for higher inflation, as we’ve seen, and the country is a mess.

Um, wow... How can you be so wrong about everything.

We have inflation because 1) we have an outright labor shortage that has little to do with welfare people and 2) the costs of commodities is increasing internationally.

For the latter, I could have told you that inflation was coming two years ago. Between Trump's tariffs and increase demand for commodities (oil, metals, etc.) internationally, prices were going to go up. It just took a while to get down to the consumer.

The latter is a bigger problem. You see, as fun as "putting them welfare people to work" sounds, the point is, we didn't give them the job skills. And now we have a problem of Baby Boomers retiring at a faster rate than Millennials can replace them in the workforce. So that Millennial can demand an exorbitant salary, and get it. So the usual plan of "Let's raise interest rates to kill economic activity and raise unemployment" probably isn't going to work this time.

I’d be for an announcement stating that all welfare benefits for able- bodied adults with no children under six will stop in 30 days unless they get a job, and then the welfare amount will be adjusted down.

Yes, you really really want to punish poor people for being poor. I kind of wonder what this sociopathy is that you need to kick people less fortunate than you are.
I just checked. There was no “legitimacy” box on DC birth certificates. However, both my mother and my father had the same last name, so clearly they were married.

To your other point, my parents also waited until my father earned enough money on his own - which took a few years into his career - to allow my mother to quit her job (also a professional job) to stay home and raise a baby.

That doesn't mean anything these days.. A lot of women don't take the husband's name, particularly if they have developed a professional identity.
In a conversation with Jared Taylor Professor Arthur Jensen said that one fourth of Negroes have IQ's below 75, and at that level they cannot be educated, and it is difficult for them to learn minimum wage jobs. I would like to make sterilization a condition for accepting welfare benefits. At the very least, single mothers should not get welfare checks for their illegitimate children.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children began during the New Deal it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. We need to get back to those restrictions.

Have you ever looked at your birth certificate? I have. I like the way the box for "legitimate" had a check sign in it. My parents waited for five years after getting married before they could afford to raise a child. When Dad got his PhD. and Mom got her Masters' Degree I was born.

Um, yeah, that's not a good thing, either.

So thanks to piling mounds of student debt on people, people are putting off having kids into their 30's and sometimes their 40's, racing against that biological clock...

And creating a whole new generation of retards because they are using the second rate genetic material.

Inevitably, White people will stop being a majority, and when you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
Um, yeah, that's not a good thing, either.

So thanks to piling mounds of student debt on people, people are putting off having kids into their 30's and sometimes their 40's, racing against that biological clock...

And creating a whole new generation of retards because they are using the second rate genetic material.

Inevitably, White people will stop being a majority, and when you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
People with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. Human evolution is taking a U turn. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs people of below average intelligence are able to learn. If current trends continue a growing percentage of the world's population will be congenitally incapable of doing anything useful for a living. Many will resort to crime unless they are subdued by a harsher criminal justice system than anyone is discussing publicly. They should be sterilized if they are to continue to receive welfare money. There is no point in trying to educate them.

In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was passed and the War on Poverty was declared, most Negroes have substantiated the arguments of segregationists and conservatives. The New Deal of President Roosevelt turned unemployed whites into a stable working class of those who obeyed the law and paid taxes. The Great Society of President Johnson turned low income blacks into an unemployable underclass of people who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activity. During the 1960's there was even a welfare rights movement that encouraged low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the intellectual and social demands of civilization.

The Holocaust damaged the human gene pool. Also, the Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race in existence led to the delusion that there are no inferior races. I am not Jewish, by the way. Jews are humble about their many contributions to civilization.

President Johnson was a well intended man who liked to say, "I will out Lincoln Lincoln, and I will out Roosevelt Roosevelt." Instead, the results of his failures have made many whites wish that the Confederacy won the Civil War.

Most Negroes are a burden to the United States. They are the reason we have the highest crime rate of any affluent democracy. They are especially a burden to the Democrat Party because they discredit the Democrat assertion that the government can make positive differences in the lives of those who are not rich.
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People with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. Human evolution is taking a U turn. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs people of below average intelligence are able to learn. If current trends continue a growing percentage of the world's population will be congenitally incapable of doing anything useful for a living. Many will resort to crime unless they are subdued by a harsher criminal justice system than anyone is discussing publicly. They should be sterilized if they are to continue to receive welfare money. There is no point in trying to educate them.

Evolution doesn't go backwards or forwards. If anything, black people will be better prepared for the world we are creating through global warming when the whole world is turned into deserts and savannahs.

In the two generations since the civil rights legislation was passed and the War on Poverty was declared, most Negroes have substantiated the arguments of segregationists and conservatives. The New Deal of President Roosevelt turned unemployed whites into a stable working class of those who obeyed the law and paid taxes. The Great Society of President Johnson turned low income blacks into an unemployable underclass of people who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activity. During the 1960's there was even a welfare rights movement that encouraged low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the intellectual and social demands of civilization.

This simply isn't true. In fact, today, black unemployment is 5.7%. Which means that the black employment rate is - wait for it - 96.3%.

The Holocaust damaged the human gene pool. Also, the Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race in existence led to the delusion that there are no inferior races. I am not Jewish, by the way. Jews are humble about their many contributions to civilization.

Right... that's why they wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Because they are so superior.

President Johnson was a well intended man who liked to say, "I will out Lincoln Lincoln, and I will out Roosevelt Roosevelt." Instead, the results of his failures have made many whites wish that the Confederacy won the Civil War.

Most Negroes are a burden to the United States. They are the reason we have the highest crime rate of any affluent democracy. They are especially a burden to the Democrat Party because they discredit the Democrat assertion that the government can make positive differences in the lives of those who are not rich.

No, guy, we have high crime rates because

1) Racism is still pervasive in hiring. One only has to read Lisa's posts and realize that until they "retired" her, she was making decisions on who got into college. Multiply a million Lisas in all the admissions and HR offices, and you will get black poverty
2) Poverty in general is too high, due to a 40 year war by the investor class (aided by the GOP) against the working class. The problem wasn't Johnson, the problem is that we didn't make any more progress AFTER Johnson.
3) Guns, guns, guns. When any lunatic can walk into a gun store and buy a guy, you are going to get exactly the results we get.
4) Addiction - most countries treat it like a medical issue, we treat it as a criminal one.
5) Mental Illness- This is one where I give Democrats and Republican equal credit. Democrats for insisting on shutting down the mental hospitals, Republicans for slashing outpatient programs.
Just for discussion purposes, let’s say reparations move forward. Who gets it, and who is exempt; and by the same token, which whites have to pay in and which are exempt?

Blacks to be excluded:

1) Since two out of three blacks were admitted to a college they would have been rejected from had they been white, they have already received reparations. Thus, blacks with a GPA and test score lower than ANY accepted white in their entering class clearly got in due to being black, and they will not get reparations.

2) Any black earning more than $75,000. This is about 50% more than the average earner, and thus they aren’t suffering because of past racism.

3) Any black whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or after 1865 if living in the North.

Whites who don’t have to pay reparations:

1) Any white student with a GPA above 3.4 who couldn’t get into medical school and had to give up their dream. Blacks got into med school with this GPA (some got in with a measly 3.2), and thus these whites have already paid the price.

2) Any white earning less than $50,000. They haven’t benefited from ”white privilege” and are most likely uneducated. They should not have to pay off blacks with a college degree.

3) Any white whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or 1865 if living in the North.
In my opinion any person who was a slave in the United States should receive reparations.

That’s it.
I am not African American -- I can not judge this subject.

I have seen with my own eyes buildings which were confiscated from Russian Nobles and given as Reparations to descendants of Russian Serfs. My parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents (all Jewish) lived in these buildings. I am proud of my great-grandparents.

Communism became Totalitarian and Repressive only under Joseph Stalin -- when Jews no longer had influence.

PS. The apartment I lived in was in a house built in 1965.

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