Who killed the "Gentle Giant" Floyd?


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He was full of dope.....BUT.......
He was clearly heard saying he couldn't breath a number of times regardless.
Floyd was a bad actor and his own life put him on the path that finally killed him.

Excessive force? More than likely
Floyd's fault also? Yes

Chauvin deserves jail time, but it should be tempered by the victims actions.
It is possible Chauvin may not survive prison unless isolated.
That you have to work many jobs to make enough to survive tells me you dont have one good job.
I have several good jobs.
Teaching electric bass.
Playing shows with various bands.
Writing and performing with my original band.
Royalties from my original band.
My 9-5 job in the auto industry.
Who do I thank for this?
I have several good jobs.
Teaching electric bass.
Playing shows with various bands.
Writing and performing with my original band.
Royalties from my original band.
My 9-5 job in the auto industry.
Who do I thank for this?
Great, being free, in the great capitalist country of the USA is doing you good. It is nice to be protected by a constitution and all those police that are there protecting our freedom. You have the work ethic of a conservative.
Do you really expect people to post how much they make, on this forum?

People who do are probably exaggerating.
I do not expect that at all, I have other motives. I am learning. I am goading. I am trying to teach. Sometimes you have to wring out a rag to get that last bit of dirty water out and then and only then you see what you got. Maybe they see it. Maybe others see it. Now I know a lot more about said person. Something a bit personal. Maybe it is useful, maybe not.
Protecting YOUR freedom, not mine. The police view me, as you do, a second class citizen.
Fuck the police.
If someone hijacks and robs you, you will be running to the cops instantly for help.
You're just like all the other cowardly hypocrites.

You are like those CHAZ schmendricks who tried to topple the US government, starting in Seattle, and then wound up trying to sue the Seattle police in court because they forced these baboons to spend excessive
money trying to battle the police.
Most absurd legal issue of all time.
It is nice to be protected by a constitution and all those police that are there protecting our freedom.
Protecting YOUR freedom, not mine. The police view me, as you do, a second class citizen.
Fuck the police.
Well gee, Billy...do you drive around with a "By Any Means Necessary!" bumper sticker on your vehicle? It's going to make people in general view you as someone who's potentially dangerous! What does that even mean? Are you really willing to use any means necessary? Do you not grasp that makes you an extremist?
If it helps you, here you go
Storing opioids, meth and other drugs up your cavernous butt-hole will cause incontinence.
And that will lead to death. This is who and what BLM goes to war for and why many Americans
don't genuflect and take a knee at the mention of their name.
If it helps you, here you go
Storing opioids, meth and other drugs up your cavernous butt-hole will cause incontinence.
And that will lead to death. This is who and what BLM goes to war for and why many Americans
don't genuflect and take a knee at the mention of their name.
I don't really think the leaders of Black Lives Matter could care less about George Floyd other than the millions that have been given to them by clueless people thinking they're about fighting "racism"! If BLM really cared about black lives...then they'd be marching in Chicago to stop the gun violence that's killing blacks by the hundreds instead of marching to get rid of the Police!

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