Who is the real Bernie Sanders?

Here's some probing questions to give us insight into Sanders!

...asking Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders if he has a "spirit animal."

The video posted on Friday shows CBS Producer Kylie Atwood asking the candidate, “Do you have an animal spirit – a spirit animal?”

“Do I have a spirit animal? Well, that’s a hard question,” Sanders replies.

“Is there any animal that you like, feel you really connect to?"

I love animals, I really do,” Sanders said.

Eventually Sanders discusses how he loves animals and nature and the importance of “not seeing a species wiped out by climate change.”

CBS News' Senior Political Editor, Steve Chaggaris, then asks Sanders if he can do a quick word association.

“President Obama,” Chaggaris says.

“Brilliant man,” Sanders replies.

CBS News Asks Sanders: ‘Do You Have An Animal Spirit?'
Come on. When it comes to "spiritual", Republicans believe in a Jesus that feels feeding the poor is a waste of money and would support "let him die" right wing health care. They are light years away from the Traditional Middle East Jesus.
Lighten up. It's a fluff piece.
The press, so far, can only write about how wildly popular he is.

His free college thing would put college on the same level as public schools.

He knows nothing about foreign policy.

He's a socialist calling for revolution.

He would be an economic disaster.

He says he wants to stay away from social issues, like woman's and gay rights and concentrate on economic.

And remember, Castro, who Bernie publicly admires, allowed nuclear weapons on his island with the sole purpose of threatening us.

If the press wanted to vett him, there is so much to write about.
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
Oh, do enlighten us, oh wise one.
Does this pretty much sum up what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
What is Democratic Socialism? Q & A
Or is this more accurate?
Difference Between Socialism and Democratic Socialism

Here's a crazy idea: Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:

That's incorrect.
You failed to address my post while quoting it. Was that an oversight?

I guess you didn't see this because I was responding to two posts: Here's a crazy idea. Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.
Still doesn't answer the question posed in my post. Can you answer please. Which article best describes what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
Bernie is unvetted. If it were between Trump and Bernie, This would be Trump's campaign:

25 years in congress with zero successes.
Admires Castro.
A "socialist"
Wants to destroy big business leaving millions unemployed.
Free college reducing college to the level of public schools.
Ruining engineering and the sciences.
Lying about bringing jobs back from China because China is replacing workers with robots. If workers can't compete with Chinese workers making $172 a month they can't compete with robots.
Wants to start a revolution.

Bernie is a doddering old man promising free stuff and living in the past. Trump would destroy him.
Bernie is in trouble with New York Jews after Bernie said Israel targets Palestinian hospitals and have killed over 10,000 Palestinians.

Bernie Sanders, 74, has forged a far-left political brand, siding with Jew-haters and Israel foes, which is redundant. I urge Jews and their supporters voting in New York’s Democratic presidential primary on April 19 to reject Bernie. He’s not good for the Jews, or anyone else. The rotten actor is certainly not good for the City of New York, home to more Jews than Jerusalem is.



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