Who is the real Bernie Sanders?



We know he is not a Democrat. He has never raised money for Democrats.

Outside of this election, most people have never heard of him before.

He's spent 25 years in congress and no one can point to any accomplishment beyond 25 years in congress.

He said he admires Castro.

He calls himself a "socialist".

He said we need a revolution.

He's calling for free college and free health care.

He's calling for higher taxes to pay for free college and free health care.

That is what we actually know about him.

He said he wants to bring jobs back. The question becomes what jobs and back from where.


This is the future of China

The growth of robotics in China has been incredible. In 2014 alone, the sale of robotics grew 56%, according to the International Federation of Robotics. China will likely account for more than a third of industrial robots around the world by 2018, the federation predicted in October.

Will China Replace its Manufacturing Labor Force with Robots? > ENGINEERING.com

China is the world’s largest exporter for:

  • Electronic equipment (24.4 percent of total exports),
  • Machine equipment (17.1 percent) and
  • Furniture (4 percent), according to www.worldstopexports.com.
Introducing robotics into manufacturing in these industries could help eliminate low-skill labor positions.


Bernie is lying when he says he will bring jobs back. First of all, Americans can't compete with people making $172 dollars a month. And now those people are being replaced with robots? Bernie is lying. In fact, they are all lying. And uninformed and under educated United States is eating up the bullshit. Putting their hopes in a basket with no bottom.

But Bernie is the worst. Because the press refuses to vett him. No wonder the people are getting pissed. No one will tell them what time it is. Wait until they find out who the REAL Bernie is.

In the mean time, think about where the REAL jobs are. Stay tuned for part II.
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
We know he is not a Democrat. He has never raised money for Democrats.

Outside of this election, most people have never heard of him before.

He's spent 25 years in congress and no one can point to any accomplishment beyond 25 years in congress.

He said he admires Castro.

He calls himself a "socialist".

He said we need a revolution.

He's calling for free college and free health care.

He's calling for higher taxes to pay for free college and free health care.

That is what we actually know about him.

He said he wants to bring jobs back. The question becomes what jobs and back from where.


This is the future of China

The growth of robotics in China has been incredible. In 2014 alone, the sale of robotics grew 56%, according to the International Federation of Robotics. China will likely account for more than a third of industrial robots around the world by 2018, the federation predicted in October.

Will China Replace its Manufacturing Labor Force with Robots? > ENGINEERING.com

China is the world’s largest exporter for:

  • Electronic equipment (24.4 percent of total exports),
  • Machine equipment (17.1 percent) and
  • Furniture (4 percent), according to www.worldstopexports.com.
Introducing robotics into manufacturing in these industries could help eliminate low-skill labor positions.


Bernie is lying when he says he will bring jobs back. First of all, Americans can't compete with people making $172 dollars a month. And now those people are being replaced with robots? Bernie is lying. In fact, they are all lying. And uninformed and under educated United States is eating up the bullshit. Putting their hopes in a basket with no bottom.

But Bernie is the worst. Because the press refuses to vett him. No wonder the people are getting pissed. No one will tell them what time it is. Wait until they find out who the REAL Bernie is.

In the mean time, think about where the REAL jobs are. Stay tuned for part II.
This was a pretty good vetting. . .

"His liberal credentials are cartoonish; Garry Trudeau has put him in Doonesbury as a representative of anticapitalism. As an undergraduate, not only was he arrested for protesting, but he was also a member of the following extracurricular organizations:

The Young People’s Socialist League
The Congress for Racial Equality
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
The Student Peace Union

In the 1960s, he lived on a kibbutz in Israel for a few months and moved to Vermont, where he first lived in a maple sugar shack and cooked food over a coffee can filled with a roll of toilet paper soaked in lighter fluid—a poor man’s Sterno that his friends called a “Berno.” He recorded a spoken-word album covering folk songs. He made a documentary about five-time socialist presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs and has a plaque celebrating him in his Senate office. Disgusted with the Democrats’ turn to the center after the Reagan years, in 1991 he started the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which now has 68 members in the House. His brother, Larry, who first got him interested in liberal issues, is a Green Party politician in England. In 1988, Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union. As mayor, he earned his administration the nickname “Sandernistas” when he visited Daniel Ortega, the president of Nicaragua, and declared Puerto Cabezas the sister city to Burlington. In speeches, he refers to the audience as “brothers and sisters.” When he became the ranking minority member of the Senate Budget Committee last year, he hired Stephanie Kelton as the Democratic Party’s chief economist on the committee. Kelton espouses Modern Monetary Theory, a branch of economics so far left that it rejects Keynesianism and holds that government surpluses are disastrous.

Sanders had, until 2015, five digits’ worth of credit card debt, even though it’s hard to imagine he could have ever spent that much. “I’m not much of a money person,” Sanders says. “To me, growing up in a family that never had a lot of money, the major difference between my life then and getting a Senate salary is the security of knowing that the telephone company is not going to shut off our phone, the electric company isn’t going to shut off my electricity, that I can go to a restaurant tonight, pay the bill, and the credit card will have money in it. I’m not much of a big spender. I probably have more clothes than I have ever had because I have to be a senator and a candidate.”

In his perfect Saturday Night Live impersonation of Sanders, Larry David claimed the candidate owned one pair of underwear. “I have two pairs,” corrects Sanders, going along with the joke. “I bought an extra pair of underwear. I said to hell with it. You have to have at least two pair on a campaign.” The two sound so naturally alike that when David called Sanders on his cell phone, Sanders was heard on the Acela train declaring, “I know it’s really you. Because you sound just like me.”

Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.”

Frankly, I think the only thing that makes Bernie untrustworthy, is that he knows who Hillary is, and he knows who Trump is, and that he actually thinks Hillary is preferable to Trump.

I think I'd support him if he just came out and said that Trump is less odorous than Hillary.
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.

Not really.

He's a progressive populist. Trump is an authoritarian populist.

In like manner, they have both identified the root cause of the decline of America, the corruption in the ruling class.

Hillary, like the rest of the GOP field is corrupt.

When the law is not applied fairly for decades, the state of the union will, inevitably decline.

Is the prescription to right the ship of state to radically change the rules, or just clean house? :dunno:

That is the choice between Sanders and Trump. Don't look for it though, the establishment won't give you either to vote for. Neither populist will be on the ballot come fall. . . .
Bernie is an abject failure who couldn't make it in the world so he turned to the last refuge of the loser; politics
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
Oh, do enlighten us, oh wise one.
Does this pretty much sum up what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
What is Democratic Socialism? Q & A
Or is this more accurate?
Difference Between Socialism and Democratic Socialism

Here's a crazy idea: Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:

That's incorrect.
Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:
Those who wish to learn what mistakes entrenched power make when trying to apply forced socialism.

The problem with socialism is, it is a wonderful, probably the most enlightened form of government. Just look at the Iroquois confederation, the model for our own Constitution. The natives of this land were all, ostensibly, voluntary socialists. However, they had a different culture, and a different moral and ethical political clime.

But it only works on a voluntary level..

For instance, your credit union, the energy co-operatives, food co-operatives, housing co-operatives, etc. All of these organizations that work with voluntary membership will always out compete, providing better and more quality services than profit seeking organizations, because the members work to benefit each other, and there is no corruption in the bureaucracy, they are altruistic.

However, when the STATE, seeks to use force to coerce cooperation, that's when corruption sets in.

In our schools and media, we have been conditioned to believe that voluntary cooperative organization and private organizations cannot exist and compete in the same market. Likewise, our corporate controlled government has often times made rules and regulations favoring one business model over the other. It doesn't need to be this way. Both types of organizations are legitimate and can benefit the communities that they serve.

I might support the privatization of education, but I would want it to be on a cooperative model, never on the private enterprise model that the Romney family and the Devos family have planned for us. Likewise, when they get around to privatizing law enforcement, do you want to see the nightmare scenario played out from RoboCop? :badgrin:
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
Oh, do enlighten us, oh wise one.
Does this pretty much sum up what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
What is Democratic Socialism? Q & A
Or is this more accurate?
Difference Between Socialism and Democratic Socialism

Here's a crazy idea: Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:

That's incorrect.
You failed to address my post while quoting it. Was that an oversight?
Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:
Those who wish to learn what mistakes entrenched power make when trying to apply forced socialism.

The problem with socialism is, it is a wonderful, probably the most enlightened form of government. Just look at the Iroquois confederation, the model for our own Constitution. The natives of this land were all, ostensibly, voluntary socialists. However, they had a different culture, and a different moral and ethical political clime.

But it only works on a voluntary level..

For instance, your credit union, the energy co-operatives, food co-operatives, housing co-operatives, etc. All of these organizations that work with voluntary membership will always out compete, providing better and more quality services than profit seeking organizations, because the members work to benefit each other, and there is no corruption in the bureaucracy, they are altruistic.

However, when the STATE, seeks to use force to coerce cooperation, that's when corruption sets in.

In our schools and media, we have been conditioned to believe that voluntary cooperative organization and private organizations cannot exist and compete in the same market. Likewise, our corporate controlled government has often times made rules and regulations favoring one business model over the other. It doesn't need to be this way. Both types of organizations are legitimate and can benefit the communities that they serve.

I might support the privatization of education, but I would want it to be on a cooperative model, never on the private enterprise model that the Romney family and the Devos family have planned for us. Likewise, when they get around to privatizing law enforcement, do you want to see the nightmare scenario played out from RoboCop? :badgrin:
At least he knows how to eat a slice in the City.
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
Oh, do enlighten us, oh wise one.
Does this pretty much sum up what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
What is Democratic Socialism? Q & A
Or is this more accurate?
Difference Between Socialism and Democratic Socialism

Here's a crazy idea: Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:

That's incorrect.
You failed to address my post while quoting it. Was that an oversight?

I guess you didn't see this because I was responding to two posts: Here's a crazy idea. Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.
Bernie is an abject failure who couldn't make it in the world so he turned to the last refuge of the loser; politics

So why are the other 99 senators in office? How about the 435 men and women in Congress? Is Trump running because he has a 5th bankruptcy on the horizon?
Bernie on jobs: It's unlikely we would issue H1-B visas for these jobs:

"""Our nation’s infrastructure is collapsing, and the American people know it. Every day, they drive on roads with unforgiving potholes and over bridges that are in disrepair. They wait in traffic jams and ride in railroads and subways that are overcrowded. They see airports bursting at the seams.

For too many years, we have dramatically underfunded the physical infrastructure that our economy depends on. That is why I have proposed the Rebuild America Act, to invest $1 trillion over five years to modernize our infrastructure. It would be paid for by closing loopholes that allow profitable corporations to avoid paying taxes by, among other things, shifting their profits to the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens.

Importantly, the Rebuild America Act will support more than thirteen million good-paying jobs – jobs that our economy desperately needs."""

How could we do this? Simple. Military cut backs:
"""In 2015, the US will have a declared military and defense budget of $601 billion, which is more than the next 7 highest spending countries combined."""
(Here's how the US military spends its billions)
Bernie on jobs: It's unlikely we would issue H1-B visas for these jobs:

"""Our nation’s infrastructure is collapsing, and the American people know it. Every day, they drive on roads with unforgiving potholes and over bridges that are in disrepair. They wait in traffic jams and ride in railroads and subways that are overcrowded. They see airports bursting at the seams.

For too many years, we have dramatically underfunded the physical infrastructure that our economy depends on. That is why I have proposed the Rebuild America Act, to invest $1 trillion over five years to modernize our infrastructure. It would be paid for by closing loopholes that allow profitable corporations to avoid paying taxes by, among other things, shifting their profits to the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens.

Importantly, the Rebuild America Act will support more than thirteen million good-paying jobs – jobs that our economy desperately needs."""

How could we do this? Simple. Military cut backs:
"""In 2015, the US will have a declared military and defense budget of $601 billion, which is more than the next 7 highest spending countries combined."""
(Here's how the US military spends its billions)
. . . and we all know that would have as much chance of getting passed in a budget as Obama has had success getting his budgets passed.

Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter?
Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter?

When Sanders attempted to frame Hillary as “pro-regime change” in relation to the catastrophe she created in Libya, Hillary pointed out that Sanders voted “yes” to support that regime change. As the war machine rolled into Libya Sanders wasn’t a speed bump; he was a lubricant. Clinton and Sanders both have Libyan blood on their hands.

Sanders has Afghan blood on his hands too, having voted for the invasion of the now-endless Afghan war that triggered the beginning of the flurry of Middle East wars. And while Sanders brags about voting “no” for the 2003 Iraq war, his vote soon morphed into a “yes,” by his several votes for the ongoing funding of the war/occupation.

Sanders also voted “yes” for the U.S.-led NATO destruction of Yugoslavia, and supports the brutal Israeli military regime that uses U.S. weapons to slaughter Palestinians.

When it was announced that Obama was choosing sides and funneling guns to the Syrian rebels — thus exacerbating and artificially extending the conflict — Bernie was completely silent; a silence that helped destroy Syria and lead to the biggest refugee crisis since World War II.

Sanders is consistently on the wrong side of history; he’s also been a direct accomplice to a series of massive war crimes.

Sanders often uses weak rhetoric to mitigate his imperialism. On his campaign website he says that the U.S. needs a “strong national defense infrastructure” and a “strong defense system,” but adds the caveat that he’s “concerned” about the military budget, and wants “accountability” for the enormous amounts that are spent. Obama the candidate spoke more clearly about war and peace than Sanders does.

Highlighting Sanders imperialism is especially important because the left has been repeatedly duped by imperialist wars in recent years, to the point that imperialism is becoming increasingly ignored, and consequently strengthened.
Democratic socialist.

Until you understand the difference, there's no point in trying to explain anything else.
Oh, do enlighten us, oh wise one.
Does this pretty much sum up what a "Democratic Socialist" is?
What is Democratic Socialism? Q & A
Or is this more accurate?
Difference Between Socialism and Democratic Socialism

Here's a crazy idea: Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

Bernie and his first wife honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Who the hell, besides an avowed hard core commie, would honeymoon in the bleak depressing USSR police state? ..... :cuckoo:

That's incorrect.
You failed to address my post while quoting it. Was that an oversight?

I guess you didn't see this because I was responding to two posts: Here's a crazy idea. Look at the man's legislative and administrative history.

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